Stacks drop when you get out of combat, dummies don't keep you in combat.
i just leveled my CW to and was testing some builds on dummies. There i recognized some odd behavior with Arcane Mastery.
If i cast an arcane spell and stop casting after or switch to spells not giving Arcane Mastery stacks, my stacks dropped like 1-3 seconds after i got them. The timer is ticking down from 10 seconds but they just disappear way before that. It also does not matter how many stacks i have. Even with 5 stacks they sometimes just drop instantly.
This bug doesn't affect all people as it seems. I asked some other CWs and watched some streams and they don't seem to have the same problem. They keep the stacks for 10 seconds.
I am currently using a standard Thaumturge build.
Also a bit unrelated to that:
I also just recognized the same on the Chill stacks on targets. They last like 3 seconds. Can somebody tell me if this is intended or if it should be langer as well?
Would love some freedback on that from other CWs and devs for sure (one can hope : )
Link to Thread in Class Forum: