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Neverwinter 8 out of 10 to 5 out of 10

mr1fullhousemr1fullhouse Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 3 Arc User
edited January 2014 in PvE Discussion
This Game was 8/10 in rating for me but with the new update and lack of improvement on dungeons, it is now 5/10. I just have to say this and I am sure people will disagree. So say what you would like and convince me out of my opinion. I Love this game and will continue to hope it improves.

1. Take away every boss being able to heal itself, its the reason why you can only get into three dungeons.

2. You destroyed PVP with the lack of creativity to create new skills for the Guardian Fighter and Great Weapon Fighter and there being only 2 maps (it is not that hard to make one more).

3. Give dungeons a chest with a good rare item without the dungeon event.

4. The Dungeons are Broken because you cannot kill the boss and there is no reward at the end to make you want too (thats the point of the dungeon, try to argue that with me).

1. The weapons are cool, the different looks and customization is amazing. I've played many games and they do not have it down as well as Neverwinter.

2. The PVP was Intense and kept making you want to come back. People will leave, it happens.

PVP is a huge part of a game and makes every character prove themselves to their fellow player. The worst idea in a game when updating characters and creating new ideas, is swapping the moves. It lacks creativity and the meaning of having that specific character for its soul characteristics, that one advantage that no other character has. For example the Rogue has stealth that gives them the advantage in one to one fights through skillful and precise attacks breaking up enemy groups making sure that they are always looking over there shoulder with the prickle of hairs standing on end. A Control Wizard that has the ability to control others and weaken players to ravage anyone who strays away, like that bitter bite of ice touching exposed skin that wondered away from the warm fire. You have the Devoted Cleric making sure everyone is in the position adamantly placed where they need to be, healing and strengthening the team to keep the battle shiny and clean. Then there is the Great Weapon Fighter who has the ability to support a group and dominate in large fights with up in your face aggressiveness that gets stronger the more people come, forcing everyone to stay on their feet or they will fall like a cut tree. Last but not least the the Guardian Fighter who holds that line as if he is holding the battle on his shoulders; not made too push but created to show all what it feels like to be bounced back like a small twig thrown at an iron wall. I say this all to show that everyone has there strengths in a fight making a team what it is and providing that advantage that cannot be made up for when not present in battle; it can be that one needed piece that turns an entire fight.

Now while being strong they all have their weaknesses; that flaw that makes their play style so unique. The Rogue is a squishy character that relies on stealth and tactics to attack and when face to face in a fight with more then one person is easily held down, spit on, and beaten until there is nothing more than rags and a dark red mess. The Control Wizard which is good at a distance cannot stand in any close range battle, being crushed like that nerdy child thrown in a football game trying to run away, every time he can move he's thrown back down to be torn apart like meat to dogs. The Devoted Cleric while is wonderful in staying alive will only ever be that kid in a corner that if singled out has too run away afraid of the horror of being dangled uselessly over a shoulder. The Great Weapon Fighter is great in large battles but very basic and nothing special. He's that hack and slash style fighting that is threatening yet can be easily tricked and out maneuvered like that stupid brute that comes at you like a rabid animal running straight into the knife that was apparently a trap; killing it and letting you go on your way. The loneliest of all is the Guardian Fighter who can sit there laughing at most who try crossing him, but is led to being able to only sigh as he stays at the bottom of the ranking being too slow to run from character to character and not strong enough to completely kill some one before they can get away, gather team mates, and come back with vengeance.

This is all to fully explain the beauty of playing a good game with the melting pot of characteristics that make you pissed off when your taken back by a character finding your weak spot and using it to their advantage. Making you proud and boastful of your character when you overrun enemies with ease after mastering your own skill. That feeling of preventing some one stronger than yourself from killing you until an ally comes back to help you suppress and kill them, allowing you to rub in their face that they couldn't get that deserved satisfaction of your death. Through all of this every character and everyone is allowed to have this overall feeling of accomplishment and hook of a good game that keeps drawing you back.

This comes to my final point.

When building new characters and chiseling up the flaws of the old, adding in that freshness that makes you come back every time because nothing becomes stale, and putting that bold creativity that everyone loves at our fingertips. There are things that have not been done and should not be done, and the biggest example right now of that was the new class updates for the Guardian Fighter and the Great Weapon Fighter. While it seems like a good idea and is craved to see what happens when trading abilities and instead of creating new skills to poke at and test out, you allow them to use the moves of the other class. Not only does this lack the creativity we started with it takes away from the brilliance of playing the game. It hurts that expectation for those people who play those characters to have new moves that no one else has. It allows those moves that make a Guardian Fighter the hardest character to kill and the Great Weapon Fighter the best hands on combat in the game and characters with advantages they shouldn't have. This new update didn't provide the Guardian Fighter with anything to be proud of and feel like they actually got something after this long period of waiting, it provided the Great Weapon Fighter with that unfair advantage that basically ruins the game and makes you stop playing because you made an actual overpowered class. Not just one that people call overpowered because they were killed by them.

The Dungeons for this game as well are very lacking. Once you get to the end of the game it is nearly impossible to build your character without constant grinding to get the lowest item possible then sell it for next to nothing.This encourages you to throw money at the game to get better not because you like it. You want supposed to want to run dungeons and get the best gear and the only way to get that gear is killing the boss while being in the dungeon delve event so that you can get the chest. THE CHEST SHOULD BE AVAILABLE AFTER EVERY DUNGEON!!! THAT'S THE REASON TO RUN A DUNGEON!!!!! YOU RUN IT AND KILL THE BOSS AND GET THE SWEETS OF THE WAR IN THE FORM Of A CHEST OF BLOOD SWEAT AND HARD WORK!!!! IT ALREADY TAKES AN HOUR TO RUN A DUNGEON ITSELF YOU HAVE TO TAKE ANOTHER HOUR TO FIGHT THE BOSS 10 TIMES AND THEN EVERYONE LEAVES OR HAS TO GO!!! THE REASON WHY YOU CAN ONLY GET INTO 3 DUNGEONS IS BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE IS QUEUING FOR DUNGEONS THAT YOU GET NOTHING FROM BECAUSE YOU MAKE EVERY BOSS WITH TOO MUCH HEALTH!!! THEY ALSO CAN HEAL FOR MORE THAN HALF EVERY TIME!!! STOP LETTING THE BOSSES HEAL!!! THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE!! make us have to kill certain parts of a large monster before we can finish him off while providing cut scenes that we saw at the very beginning of the game, not zooming in on every boss. It's boring and wastes time, i know what the boss looks like. Unless thats your way of laughing at us because we cannot kill them.

mod note: this thread has been closed because it has been determined to be unproductive and flame bait. plus this thread has been moderated multiple times from different mods.
Post edited by mr1fullhouse on


  • berzergeraberzergera Member Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Dat wall of text.

    I think the game has improved from 5/10 to atleast 8/10 only by today. And all the props to Cryptic for this patch. It was really much needed, and it dident dissapoint.
    I really dont know what you are on about, nor did i read your entire post, but you must be blind.

    also, the new refinement system = 10/10
    good job on that one.
  • cloud990plcloud990pl Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yeaaa... Dungeons...
    Honestly I though that they would rework final bosses in "regular epic" dungeons but doing FH w/o GF prooved that kiting will still be the best tactic there (adds have counter like before and are healing when near boss or when not attacked for few seconds).
    On the positive side 2 first bosses were balanced (we had time to kill adds before more spawned) but seriously, 2 golems and 4 trolls? each ~30 seconds (might be a minute or two actually but it's hard to watch time when you're chased by that crazy mob)? Seriously? Why not make it spawn 4 golems and 10 trolls because that won't make any diffrence there /sarcasm.
    On the other hand:
    New zone looks neat and skirmish actually gives reward you would want to chase (and btw all skirmishes should have that kind of reward), not to mention arrival of Hunter and (more or less) better enchant system.
    I would go with 6/10 when running epic dungeons (except MC) and 7/10 when doing new campaign/leveling ranger (and running MC)
    PS Shouldn't point 3 in positives be in negatives?
  • ott0madduxott0maddux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    cloud990pl wrote: »
    Yeaaa... Dungeons...
    Honestly I though that they would rework final bosses in "regular epic" dungeons but doing FH w/o GF prooved that kiting will still be the best tactic there (adds have counter like before and are healing when near boss or when not attacked for few seconds).
    On the positive side 2 first bosses were balanced (we had time to kill adds before more spawned) but seriously, 2 golems and 4 trolls? each ~30 seconds (might be a minute or two actually but it's hard to watch time when you're chased by that crazy mob)? Seriously? Why not make it spawn 4 golems and 10 trolls because that won't make any diffrence there /sarcasm.
    On the other hand:
    New zone looks neat and skirmish actually gives reward you would want to chase (and btw all skirmishes should have that kind of reward), not to mention arrival of Hunter and (more or less) better enchant system.
    I would go with 6/10 when running epic dungeons (except MC) and 7/10 when doing new campaign/leveling ranger (and running MC)
    PS Shouldn't point 3 in positives be in negatives?

    I don't see how people think this new enchant system is good. It doesn't achieve any of the justifications that were given for it. So far the system is more complicated, the enchants are taking a whole lot more bag space because i don't have the AD to buy the marks of potency. yes i can take out the enchants from my gear cheap, but who really cares about a rank 5 enchant. I think the new enchant system needs to be scrapped.
  • mr1fullhousemr1fullhouse Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    It's hoped for improvement, and thankyou cloud990pl i missed that. Got it fixed
  • obsiddiaobsiddia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,025 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    berzergera wrote: »
    Dat wall of text.

    I think the game has improved from 5/10 to atleast 8/10 only by today. And all the props to Cryptic for this patch. It was really much needed, and it dident dissapoint.
    I really dont know what you are on about, nor did i read your entire post, but you must be blind.

    also, the new refinement system = 10/10
    good job on that one.

    Refinement system negative 3 out of positive 10. Unless everyone gets two free
    24 slot bags, and new players get an instruction manual. No way does this help
    do anything but wreck the new player base.
    Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
  • cdnbisoncdnbison Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Not sure why everyone is suddenly needing tons more bag space... just how many gems are you levelling up at the same time?!? And what is happening with the ones that you're already using? I reclaimed a full two GBoH tonight just refining stuff down, and I'll get more space once I start getting some blue marks to upgrade stuff. The gems on my Ioun Stone all jumped by one full rank, as did a few on my gear.

    Personally, I like the new system. Works well. Just level one enchant / rune at a time (or one of each type) and you should open up a huge amount of space.
  • ro7shadowro7shadow Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2013
    Personally I would love the type of dungeons where the party have only limited amount of LIVES

    I think this would both fix the market and dungeon bug / exploitng and also prove challenging :->
  • bladenite81bladenite81 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Meh, I think everybody just wants it all now and somewhat easily. Still seems like everything is attainable FTP its just harder than it was before. Honestly Id rather this game more like the original Neverwinter or DDO, but hey..you get what you get now I suppose
  • macabrivsmacabrivs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 417 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    I rly believe they dont want/can make more dungeons duo to something named "power creep" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxszx60ZwGw), that been in discussion in this foruns for a long time BUT i have to agree with u guys... the lack of new dungeons are simply ridiculous in my opinion :/

    They dont add more content because they dont want to make much more powerfull items than already exist (if u noticed the diference between grand and ancient is only 4 point for each stats) but as a long timer MMO player i have to say what keep me motivated to play an MMO is (in this case) gear progression, is simply as that. I need to feel rewarded for the time i spend playing a game and sry to say but in neverwinter that dont happen. 2 modules came out and guess what... as a DC im still using the same items i got the 1st month after the game beta launch.... that was 6-7 months ago and for the next 3-4 months till new module came out i dont think i will have new gear beside artifacts (NO i dont want new weapons or the new set). Since im not an hardcore player i dont care much about having perfects or rank 10, i can heal every single dungeon in this game and i dont even have "healer" feat specc, i use Righteous for PvP. And yes i can do it without any exploits, no store potions, no rez scrolls, nothing.

    So tell me, what im supose to do ?? PvP for another 3-4 months.... No thank you.... i got enough pvp already lol.

    One thing i must say, the combat of this game is probably the best i ve played in an MMO but sry thats all i can say good about neverwinter. 5/10 ?? if it wasnt the combat i dont think it could reach 5 if devs keep this mentality.

    PS: Sry for the hate but im following this game and im active forum member for 3 years now and it makes me rly mad to see the direction devs and game designers are going with such a great game mechanics and engine.
  • klangeddinklangeddin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Seriously I cannot fathom how anyone can see this game getting worse with time.
    I've only seen improvements, I really cannot think of anything that was better before.
    The changes to the queue system alone I think are worth a +1 out of 10 in the game score.
    Ok, getting gear was easier and the gap between new players and old players was narrow, but we all know why. BoE drops and glitched chest runs + exploits, everyone should see fixes to that coming, it just wasn't supposed to be.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    klangeddin wrote: »
    Ibut in reality there's no such thing as random, there's only chaotic,

    Actually Quantum Mechanics would disagree with you on that point......
  • proaction14proaction14 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I think the game overall is great, with some tweaking needed here and there, but what game doesnt. The PvP runs and works great, but the maps are just worn the F out. I mainly play to PvP and I am seriously getting burned out with the existing 2 maps. You cant expand the PvP in any way? Seriously, its time. At least with the current PvE you have a little more entertainment options than you do with the existing PvP.
  • skylher12skylher12 Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    first of all the bosses can be killed, you just have to work at it.. yes you wont be able to kill them the first time you go in there,, that wouldn't be a challenge. Secondly, you need to PROGRESS through dungeons, work at your character, work as a team, not all bosses are just smashing buttons, you actually have to vary your powers you use.

    i for one am sick of all the complaining about dungeons, are they hard, yes,, they are EPIC so they are supposed to be hard, do the non epic versions if you want to win instantly.

    also this game is not revolved around pvp and never will be.. too many imbalances in pvp (hello gwf) to make if fun or even fair.
  • ravenlock99ravenlock99 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Considering the game is free, it is a 10/10 for me. Tons of content, great combat system, lots of quests + foundry, voice acting, etc. If this was a monthly subscription game I would give it a lower rating because I would expect more content. But for free, you can't beat this game. I think it's already more then you can ask out of a free game. This game has given me a ton of entertainment, and continues to do so.

    Many other free games, such as Everquest, you have to pay if you want to equip the best equipment. Not so in Neverwinter, if you can obtain it, you can use it.
  • starcherstarcher Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Wow I didn't realize people think this game is so bad. I'm a new player and in love with it though. However, I don't play MMOs to hardcore raid or pvp. I like events, well thought-out story and voice-acting (absolutely love the thought that goes into foundry custom stories too), and only casual pvp/raid. I love the gateway feature of being able to do the board game, manage inventory, professions, and auctions; I can't think of another F2P MMO with that kind of detailed interface to be able to manage so much while not in-game.

    I haven't tried a lot of the dungeons yet but I don't think new dungeons need to constantly come out. This game would turn into WoW where everyone walks around doing skills that hit for 600k damage just so people can feel gear progression because new content is spammed so much. My main draw to this game are helpful community, well-moderated forum (no my little pony and meme spam that take up the entire general discussion section), questing, gateway, combat system, and swift maintenance.
  • rortierortie Member Posts: 178 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Disagree with the OP and resent the assumption that everyone PvPs or needs to, to prove how great their character is.

    Overall the game as improved, but I 'play much less' for other reasons. New refinement system and poor customer support.
    "Young people....." - Erik Lehnsherr
  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    starcher wrote: »
    Wow I didn't realize people think this game is so bad. I'm a new player and in love with it though. However, I don't play MMOs to hardcore raid or pvp. I like events, well thought-out story and voice-acting (absolutely love the thought that goes into foundry custom stories too), and only casual pvp/raid.

    It is a great game. And most of the time its lots of fun (for me at least). But at times it can also be very frustrating.

    Take dungeons for example: People see a boss and they want to kill it. Its a natural reaction as that is how it is in every other game I've played. But in most of the dungeons I've run here that is a bad idea. The adds tend to be the dangerous part of the fight and -will- wipe the party. I could understand if a couple of the dungeons were 'different' this way. But it seems really backwards that most of them are.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
  • elusiveonen7elusiveonen7 Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    runebane wrote: »
    It is a great game. And most of the time its lots of fun (for me at least). But at times it can also be very frustrating.

    Take dungeons for example: People see a boss and they want to kill it. Its a natural reaction as that is how it is in every other game I've played. But in most of the dungeons I've run here that is a bad idea. The adds tend to be the dangerous part of the fight and -will- wipe the party. I could understand if a couple of the dungeons were 'different' this way. But it seems really backwards that most of them are.

    I really don't understand why so many fights come down to dealing with adds. I don't think I enjoy any boss fights in this game, but the core combat is really fun. And half the time, you aren't even burning the adds down, you are kiting them until the boss dies. Not fun at all.
  • fudgecak1fudgecak1 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The reality is neverwinter has the potential to be a good game. The PVP is probably the best ever created so far in an MMO. It's tragic they either don't have the skills, talents or resources to see that they got a good foundation to build off of.

    If I were them I'd be considering making a single player spin off of this game. The combat is gimped because it has to be tied to the server back end so it ends up feeling rubber bandy.

    If they gave me the combat of Darksiders + a better more focused single player game I'd be in heaven. The way the conversation system works seems to have learned nothing from DragonAge/Mass effect 2.

    So many people just skip the text because the window pop ups are jarring. I can't say I've been too impressed with the 'story telling' from public modules made by players because the editor isn't powerful enough to present conversation and move the camera in an intelligent way.

    If the editor was better lots more could be done.
  • ordensmarschallordensmarschall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,060 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    I give the game a 7/10.

    I disagree with the OP about needing PvP to prove my character to other players. The most important thing about your character is whether or not you are happy with it. I don't care if you think my character is good, bad or indifferent. I don't need to prove my character to you or anybody else. Since I do not play PvP it does not factor very much into my score, with the exception that it has caused unnecessary issues for the playability of some classes in the campaign. The PvP should be separated out and put on a it's own server/shard so that any balance issues can be addressed specifically for that element of play. My other disagreement with the OP is about the swapping of powers. Cryptic handled the creation of the GF and GWF poorly. They should not be separate classes since they are actually two different branches of the same tree, so for them to have the same powers is actually correct.

    My biggest gripes are with customer service that is non-existent for all intents and purposes. When sending in a bug report and receiving back an automated reply 3 weeks later that tells me to resolve my how to play the game question by going to the forum is poor at best. This has occured to me multiple times now. My other big gripe is how the characters have been gimped. Thieves don't pick locks, pickpockets, set traps, etc. Clerics do not display any sort of divine inspiration what so ever, apart from some of the NPCs. Wizards have an amazing array of utility spells available to them in PHB, which if these were to be included would open up the game play possibilities for them beyond being CC and mass damage machine. The adds spam fest of dungeons is another negative, but we have all discussed enough without me needing to elaborate on that here. The early bosses were somewhat disappointing with their lack of unique defences and attacks, but they have improved somewhat with the latest bosses.

    One positive for me is the Foundry. The fact that is has been included and the creativity of some of the authors are both winning aspects. Another positive for me is some of the stories from the campaign, they are very well done, admittedly some are a bit lacking, but that's OK, at least none are really atrocious. The combat is really well done, turn based combat does not really bother me, so what they have done here quite successful IMHO. Some of the dungeon layouts really well done as well, its a shame too many players just zerg through them. The overall graphics of the game are not bad either, and the interiors of the Dread Ring mini-dungeons are really well done. Honourable mention does need to be made that it is possible for everyone to eventually get the BiS gear, not many MMOs give players that opportunity. That everything in the Zen store can be purchased by eventually accumulating enough in game currency is nice.

    Finally while I am not a huge fan of grinding, I do understand the need for it in a game like this so that actually is a neutral point for me.

    My 2 non-expert cents.
  • trapublicantrapublican Member Posts: 206 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    fudgecak1 wrote: »
    The PVP is probably the best ever created so far in an MMO.

    What other MMOs have you played?
  • s1lv3rrays1lv3rray Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    fudgecak1 wrote: »
    The reality is neverwinter has the potential to be a good game. The PVP is probably the best ever created so far in an MMO. It's tragic they either don't have the skills, talents or resources to see that they got a good foundation to build off of.

    If they gave me the combat of Darksiders + a better more focused single player game I'd be in heaven. The way the conversation system works seems to have learned nothing from DragonAge/Mass effect 2.

    So many people just skip the text because the window pop ups are jarring. I can't say I've been too impressed with the 'story telling' from public modules made by players because the editor isn't powerful enough to present conversation and move the camera in an intelligent way.

    Sorry I had to ask, did you played Dragon Nest before?
This discussion has been closed.