-Have a key code punch in that changes every time before you enter a match to stop the bots.
-Let other players join when players leave so it can be more balanced.
-Have a random team que for pugs.
-Keep the one we have now for premade teams.
I can't believe I have spent well over 50 hours grinding for enchants etc(50 hrs grinding only) when auction house is just getting loaded with enchants people got by using bots.It's a huge kick in the grapes.I was shocked to see all those rank 3,4 and 5 99 stacks everywhere I wasn't even aware it was from using bots.I don't pay much attention to that stuff or read forums I just play and play the correct way =/ I had really high hopes for this game but I keep getting let down over and over.Time to move on.
people can join if the points earned from holding a point is under 100
better/more queues are always a good thing, imho.