I've really enjoyed playing combat for a while now. I follow V's guide for it and it's served me well. I don't use the forest ghost/stormstep trick in PVP, as I view it as a potential exploit and until there's a confirmation one way or the other, I won't use it.
That said, I am looking at swapping to full ranged for PVP. There's plenty of potentials that can be done with it, even in pm vs pm, imho. There is one guide that's sorta ranged but it's focus is pve/pvp, instead of a straight pvp build. So I'm curious; are people wanting a PVP guide for ranged archers? Meta aside, if I can come up with something good, would people want to see?
I'm on the verge of switching over to Archery because I feel it better suits my playstyle. Although that playstyle also hinges heavily on Grasping Roots going through cc immunity so I might also just stay Combat for the moment until the next big patch for HRs.
I have a rough build in mind but it'd be nice to see what someone else has to say about Archery PVP.
I've really enjoyed playing combat for a while now. I follow V's guide for it and it's served me well. I don't use the forest ghost/stormstep trick in PVP, as I view it as a potential exploit and until there's a confirmation one way or the other, I won't use it.
That said, I am looking at swapping to full ranged for PVP. There's plenty of potentials that can be done with it, even in pm vs pm, imho. There is one guide that's sorta ranged but it's focus is pve/pvp, instead of a straight pvp build. So I'm curious; are people wanting a PVP guide for ranged archers? Meta aside, if I can come up with something good, would people want to see?
The bad thing with Ragners right now, is that their best abilities and 'combos' are either confirmed as bugs or are thought to be bugs. So, for instance, if you are not using the Ghost/Stormstep thingy, then you shouldn't use Hindering strikes on Unstoppable warriors, which is an officially confirmed bug.
Anyway, I am also looking away from the combo, and went for Ghost/Serpent but back to the topic...I would really like to see a gathering of observations about PvP as archery. To be honest up to now I haven't seen a proper PvP guide. I've only seen gearing suggestions (which were quite obvious), and a gathering of tooltips for abilities. Let's see some real practical tips, if you get the time to gather them.
I see archery as a high mobility/high damage setup. ME is going to be critical, as well as fox to give breathing room when pressed. I also looked at hawk shot to go with the high damage setup. So I don't really plan to do anything with snares. I may pick up the feat for 5% snaring to compliment split shot into a melee mix up. What I see though as my standard routine is melee stance, hawk eye, ranged stance, aimed shot, hawk shot, aimed. Dodge into a fox shift as needed, melee stance, fox, aim strike, try to MR to a distant enemy, ranged stance, ME further away, routine should be ready to repeat then.
There is a route to go with the binding to not use grasping and avoid that bug. It's the 3 second stun that if you have enough recovery you can get an aimed off on them without them being able to hit you. I've noticed that combat is solid for taking down TRs. I've also noticed ranged can take down GWFs, even in unstoppable, as high output eats through them with enough ArP. Which all HR gear has in spades.
I really wish they would fix the Stormstep bug. I can't really fully use Forest Ghost without inadvertently getting the effects of the bug, and I'm not going to remove either from my bar since I want to use them. The most I can do is try not to use the extra cooldowns to do multiple rotations, but I end up not using Forest Ghost as much as I'd like to because of it.
I run an Archery build (all the way to the capstone feat), but it's more of a hybrid in play style. Not sure it's what you're looking for, but you can see it in action via the Watch PVP Videos link in my signature.
The HR is all about hybrid and I'm fairly sure that I'll still have some things to do in melee. People are going to charge the archer and knowing how to handle yourself in melee is very useful. That said, I plan to watch the videos once I'm not at work.
As for the bug, I do agree. That's part of why I removed stormstep. Once it IS fixed, I'd put it back. I do use disrupting shot a lot and that's a nice pump when stormstep is active, without using the bug. Until it is fixed, I plan to use the extra distance feat + lone wolf. If people are going to try to range me, they'll be dealing with the full DR buff. If I get mobbed, well.. mobbed is mobbed, range or melee.
Are we assuming Spinner's Aim is linear? +20% damage at max range seems like a lot but I'm looking to drop feats to hybridize and this is one of the places I'm looking. How is this affected by Aspect of the Falcon? Does it give it a bonus 9' wiggle room for +20% damage or does it just stretch out the bonus damage spectrum to the increased range so that you're still only doing +20% at 89'?
I don't feel guilty snaring through unstoppable. GWFs have bugged bleeds right now that do ridiculous damage along with the other damage buffs that they got in mod 2. Full tanks doing as much as dps spec HRs... I have no sympathy for them.
I have a rough build in mind but it'd be nice to see what someone else has to say about Archery PVP.
The bad thing with Ragners right now, is that their best abilities and 'combos' are either confirmed as bugs or are thought to be bugs. So, for instance, if you are not using the Ghost/Stormstep thingy, then you shouldn't use Hindering strikes on Unstoppable warriors, which is an officially confirmed bug.
Anyway, I am also looking away from the combo, and went for Ghost/Serpent but back to the topic...I would really like to see a gathering of observations about PvP as archery. To be honest up to now I haven't seen a proper PvP guide. I've only seen gearing suggestions (which were quite obvious), and a gathering of tooltips for abilities. Let's see some real practical tips, if you get the time to gather them.
There is a route to go with the binding to not use grasping and avoid that bug. It's the 3 second stun that if you have enough recovery you can get an aimed off on them without them being able to hit you. I've noticed that combat is solid for taking down TRs. I've also noticed ranged can take down GWFs, even in unstoppable, as high output eats through them with enough ArP. Which all HR gear has in spades.
I run an Archery build (all the way to the capstone feat), but it's more of a hybrid in play style. Not sure it's what you're looking for, but you can see it in action via the Watch PVP Videos link in my signature.
As for the bug, I do agree. That's part of why I removed stormstep. Once it IS fixed, I'd put it back. I do use disrupting shot a lot and that's a nice pump when stormstep is active, without using the bug. Until it is fixed, I plan to use the extra distance feat + lone wolf. If people are going to try to range me, they'll be dealing with the full DR buff. If I get mobbed, well.. mobbed is mobbed, range or melee.