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Is Ioun Stone really that useful?

sternerrsternerr Member Posts: 88 Arc User
edited December 2013 in PvE Discussion
So with all those crazy pricecuts of the recent I got myself an Ioun Stone for an alt and basically I'm having buyer's regrets. Of course it will make getting into dungeons easier on levelcap, but I just calculated what my lvl 30 phoera on my GF 13K GS main does. For the sake of simplicity let it be attacks vs single elite mob.

Say I use Frontline Surge, Bull Charge and Enforced Threat. Frontline Surge average damage is 3500 with cooldown of 16.5s, Bull Charge average damage is 4100 with cooldown of 10s and Enforced Threat average damage is 2300 with cooldown of 12s. I'll derive that to tabletop round of 12s, and that will give 12/16.5*3500 = 2545 damage per round for FS, 12/10*4100 = 4920 for BC, and ET gives the same 2300 damage. Plus after doing those encounter powers I can still do my 12 at-will attacks per round each dealing 1050 damage on average. Also every 4 rounds I can do a daily attack for 5000 damage giving me 1250 damage per round. So each round I deal raw damage of 23600.

Now my phoera does 1 aoe attack for 650 each round, 6 single target attacks for 350, and 12 aoe attacks for 90 damage. Therefore each round it deals 3830 damage which is 16% of my damage.

Also consider 3 important things. With non-augmentive companion I am able to consistently get combat advantage which gives me another 10% boost. Total bonus from companion is 26% now. Also note that my GF is specced for power to make module grind easier. When I was specced for tanking my damage was like 2/3 of what I have now. Also phoera itself can be stacked for crit. Therefore overall bonus damage from companion can exceed 30% easily in certain situations.

Now take Ioun Stone. It gives 450 GS from stone itself, 3*300 from items, 450 from 3 rank 6 enchantments on items and 450 from runestones, for a total 2250 GS bonus. If you put those 2250 into crit chance, it will give you 15% crit chance bonus according to this:


And 15% crit chance with 75% crit severity will give you 15*0.75 = 11.75% boost to your overall damage output, which is comparable to 10% combat advantage that even white Spellsword can give you. ArP looks better on paper, but for non-bosses it caps on 12% as far as I know. I'd say only switch to Ioun Stone if you don't have any others at least green companions or when your companion is guaranteed to get killed, aka boss battles with lots of adds.
Post edited by sternerr on


  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    The stone doesn't stand in red, can't die, doesn't aggro mobs you are skipping, and can be custom tailored to fit the stats you need, regen, defense, crit, it doesn't matter, it can be made to help that area.
  • sternerrsternerr Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Ioun Stone is just GS bonus. We have 1000 GS bonus from easily obtainable boons, 1200 bonus from artifacts, 100 bonus from white companions compared to pre-sharandar and deadring era. I don't see people running CN with no effort though. GS is not replacement for knowing how to play.
  • frariifrarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Short answer: yes.

    Long answer: Hell yes.
  • angrymanagementangrymanagement Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    At 800zen or whatever the stone is on sale currently, it is a steal of a deal for a companion.
    Figure at minimum on high end gear 3 level 7 enchants (555 stats) 3 level 7 Runes (555 stats), & 3 pieces of purple gear, heck of a stat bonus for a pet. Also the slow chance isn't too bad either for the passive.
  • tickdofftickdoff Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    sternerr wrote: »
    Ioun Stone is just GS bonus. We have 1000 GS bonus from easily obtainable boons, 1200 bonus from artifacts, 100 bonus from white companions compared to pre-sharandar and deadring era. I don't see people running CN with no effort though. GS is not replacement for knowing how to play.

    The Ioun Stone does not change your GS. The stat boosts are impressive, and can make a significant contribution to your over-all power, but none of those bonuses translate into an increase gear score.

    The value of the Stone is the ability to fill in holes in your stats, buff a stat that you are lacking, or to max out a stat that you consider worth stacking as high as you can. For my HR I use my Stone to increase my Recovery, Life Steal and Deflect. On my CW I went the Armor Pen route, with a smattering of +recovery to hit my 3000 mark.

    One note: Do NOT put +HP items on the stone, HP on a Stone does not increase your HP, and the Stone does not need additional HP either.
  • inthefade462inthefade462 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Augments transfer hp now, including the 250 base hp that they have by default. This is an added bonus over the natural power/crit/recovery/deflect or whatever stats they have by default (cat/allure/might). This was changed in module 2.

    Augment pets grant 3k+ stats. Non-augment pets die/aggro addl mobs/steal heals (both aoe, proc'd and targetted if they jump in the way). In return they offer minimal dmg/buffs/debuffs. They have been made desirable in mod 2 due to their passive buff they provide for being in an "active" slot (5 active slots, not active as in summoned) and while some ai changes have been made (some for the worst) they are still best used only for their passive buff.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    tickdoff wrote: »
    One note: Do NOT put +HP items on the stone, HP on a Stone does not increase your HP, and the Stone does not need additional HP either.

    this was recently changed in a patch and you do get HP from augment companions now.

    Ioun Stones now modify player maximum hit points like they do their other stats. This includes HP-enhancing slotted items.
  • sternerrsternerr Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I don't get what is with neverwinter players' obsession with stats. Since there is no enrage mechanics in neverwinter, supposedly when you have enough survivabilty to match up with healing to getting damage from enemy ratio, you are guaranteed to win it will just take a little longer. And 3000 GS in defence and 4000 GS in HP will get you as much survivability as it gets. I have a GF which had the GS to raise from 9500 to 13000 just because of the feats respec, it didn't give him any extra usefullness in dungeons at all, actually the opposite. These guys 2 manned epic karrundax:


    Obviously the recommended GS in enough to beat the dungeons, the problem is not having straight hands.
  • chaoscourtesanchaoscourtesan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    To me, the stone isn't about getting stats super-high. It's about getting them well rounded. If I have a place to stack some extra this, then that frees me to put some extra that over there. With only 50% Deflect severity, I'm not going to choose to boost deflect by default. But with extra places to put it, I can get my HP and Defense up, which leaves me some room where I can add some deflect... because truth is it all adds up and every bit helps.

    I use the stone when I am in dungeons with a team. It stops me having to worry about whether my pet is bringing unwanted attention to the group, and also from being distracted worrying about whether I should resummon to get the HP back to full.

    When I am doing things like foundries, I use my non augment pets.. and I alternate them for variety. All of them are useful, even the white ones. Combat superiority is nice. I get that from my team in dungeons. Solo, I get it from my pets.
    Rhyon Cawdorian GWF | Opa Loka TR | Cormac Argentus III DC | Annika Thornblade GF | Aerys Skydark HR | Bartin Findlor TR | Aellia Baalthrall CW | Lucan Hawkmoon CW | Opa Brahk GWF | Korzbyrk DC | Den Kruk GWF | Jherek Skarsin CW |
    Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
  • sternerrsternerr Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Deflection is for PvP where stone doesn't help anyway. It is outright harmful in dungeons, i.e. it doesn't help against lucky chain of big hitters from boss, gives false feeling of security and makes entire dungeon delving frantic make or break matter. 70% of damage enemies do is from red area attacks and is supposed to be dodged, not absorbed.

    The real challenge in dungeons is the fact that all thrash mobs are huge meatshields, players get frustrated and leave after the single wipe at boss, so parties need to deal more damage and clear them faster. And damage gain from 2500 GS is not that big and damage that non-augmenting pets do is not that small as it seems.
  • cbrowne0329cbrowne0329 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    To me it's situational:

    Soloing, I will use a non-augment companion 99% of the time.

    In Dungeons:
    DC, CW and TR (stone)
    DC - at boss fights I like to use Panther to knock anything down that may be rushing me.
    GWF, HR, GF (optional)

    GF - Kiting (Phoera-as the heat damage does super-aggro) w/ Enhanced Mark
    GF - Sneaking not necessary areas (Panther, for 50% damage to prone) w/ Trample the Fallen - because he knocks stuff down constantly
    HR - Depends on how CWs are doing with adds because I'm an aggro magnet (time to respec Combat is only fun in PVP)... I like using the Hawk and Sprite, otherwise stone
    GWF - I will just usually cycle through.
  • immahealyounowimmahealyounow Member Posts: 57
    edited December 2013
    With the advent of artifacts, I'd say the ioun stone is LESS useful than it once was. Post Mod-2, it's so much easier to hit diminishing returns on important stats no matter which class you are, so you don't have many holes to fill unless you are a bit undergeared.

    That said, it's still my favorite companion for PVE because I don't have to worry about it getting killed, pulling mobs, getting stuck, etc.
    * Blessing - 60 DC * * Blessa - 60 GWF * * Blessed - 60 TR * * Bless - 60 GF * * Blessings - 50 CW * * BlessedArr0w - 30 HR *

  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    With the advent of artifacts, I'd say the ioun stone is LESS useful than it once was. Post Mod-2, it's so much easier to hit diminishing returns on important stats no matter which class you are, so you don't have many holes to fill unless you are a bit undergeared.

    That said, it's still my favorite companion for PVE because I don't have to worry about it getting killed, pulling mobs, getting stuck, etc.

    Sort of true.

    When you consider how expensive it is to get an artifact fully upgraded (8+ million AD) then the stone is actually a cost effective choice for less wealthy players. In fact a stone is a more cost effective and better targeted choice then getting level 61+ on a single artifact.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    sternerr wrote: »
    I don't get what is with neverwinter players' obsession with stats. Since there is no enrage mechanics in neverwinter, supposedly when you have enough survivabilty to match up with healing to getting damage from enemy ratio, you are guaranteed to win it will just take a little longer. And 3000 GS in defence and 4000 GS in HP will get you as much survivability as it gets. I have a GF which had the GS to raise from 9500 to 13000 just because of the feats respec, it didn't give him any extra usefullness in dungeons at all, actually the opposite. These guys 2 manned epic karrundax:


    Obviously the recommended GS in enough to beat the dungeons, the problem is not having straight hands.

    Good players can smash content no doubt about it.

    That said while there isn't an enrage per say some fights do have things in them that make the last phases harder to get past. For an example look at the first boss of karru. When the boss gets low a big fire giant add spawns. This is where a lot of teams wipe in my experience. Having that little bit extra lets the people on the boss kill faster to help the add guys, it lets the add guys kill faster to stay alive, or helps them mitigate hits.

    That said I think most of us would welcome a more dangerous main boss that has multiple attacks and an enrage timer.
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    sternerr wrote: »
    Deflection is for PvP where stone doesn't help anyway. It is outright harmful in dungeons, i.e. it doesn't help against lucky chain of big hitters from boss, gives false feeling of security and makes entire dungeon delving frantic make or break matter. 70% of damage enemies do is from red area attacks and is supposed to be dodged, not absorbed.

    The real challenge in dungeons is the fact that all thrash mobs are huge meatshields, players get frustrated and leave after the single wipe at boss, so parties need to deal more damage and clear them faster. And damage gain from 2500 GS is not that big and damage that non-augmenting pets do is not that small as it seems.

    Not sure where you get the notion that Deflection is for PvP only or that it's in any way a detriment. "Outright harmful in dungeons?" What? Besides, if that damage could be dodged 100% of the time, no one would bother with defense or HP, either. Even the most attentive player is going to eat a big hit every now and then.

    As for the phoera example, you have to consider how long it takes that phoera to cycle through all of its abilities. Companions attack slowly and generally have long cooldowns on their best encounters and procs. Their damage is pretty insignificant.

    Augment companions are definitely the most cost-effective way to optimize your character's stats. If you really enjoy having a summoned pet fight with you, there's nothing wrong with playing that way (as long as you remember to stash it when running dungeons :P). One reason I prefer augment pets, aside from the min/maxing aspect, is that I prefer to control mob positioning and overall combat flow myself, and it annoys me when mobs break away to target companions or when a companion pulls mobs that didn't need to be touched.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • inthefade462inthefade462 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Augments are no longer as needed with artifacts, assuming you have the right 3 artifacts at epic (minimum, close enough to legendary that you get the majority of the stats from them).

    They are much cheaper than artifacts though, and they grant nearly 3x as much stats as artifacts, and as long as you equip/slot them appropriately you're still gaining increases from those stats.

    besides, what else are you going to do? it's not like you're going to use an active companion instead of an augment in a dungeon. So the choice is augment or nothing.
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