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glowingemberglowingember Member Posts: 181 Arc User
edited December 2013 in The Temple
I would like you opinions on how I can improve things. This is a hybrid healer damage spec that generates a lot of divinity for utility. It's meant to power the divine spells and leave extra power left over to channel healing or smiting as needed.

This build worked really well until hr started hitting level 60. When that happened people really started to change their builds - leaning towards a more deflection based build. I think this idea is currently the only way to protect yourself from the crazy damage output from hr's. The genral performance of this build is that I would wear someone down to half their life through the use of blessing of battle while use exalatation to mitigate damage and buff myself. Depending on who I was partied with and who I was fighting I would use either word of healing or break the spirit for damage and debuff. Rounding out Daunting light for out 3rd spell used as our kill shot. Astral shield is rarely an option due to the amount of cc available to opposing teams.

daily's slotted are flame strike for damage or guardian for healing /cc/damage and 2nd daily is anointed army.

I will add the equipment graphics to show slots

Post edited by glowingember on


  • glowingemberglowingember Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    head arm and feet are slotted with cruel runes for movement glory bonus. 2 lv 6 and a lv 5.

    chest piece is slotted with normal barkshield and azure rank 7

    main hand is slotted with lesser tenebration and normal vorpal

    icon is slotted with radiant 7 (defense slot)

    neck is slotted with radiant 7 (offense)

    ring 1

    ring 2

  • glowingemberglowingember Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited December 2013



  • glowingemberglowingember Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited December 2013


  • glowingemberglowingember Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited December 2013
  • merdammerdam Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    From what I see you need more Power, so get some ancient rings and necklace. For waist I personaly like blue waists because they give you offensive slot so you can slot Radiant enchantment. Get Ancient weapon set.
    As of weapon and armor enchantments I use Soulforged and Plague Fire, but, to be honest, I am not professional so you better get more opinions on this.
  • glowingemberglowingember Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I think I need to replace both rings for greater ring of repulsion slotted with extra deflection.

    I think I should use brilliant energy weapon for increased weapon damage and armour debuff, or switch to holy weapon to increase damage and provide party buff.

    since I would likely take away the hp boost from radiants and replace them with more defelction, tenebration should probably go away and be replaced with a radiant for extra power.

    feat wise - lance of faith has been utterly useless sine it has no synergy with cycle of change. It would be nice if Blessing of battle worked with cycle of change since it forces me to use astral seal as my 2nd at will since I need the crts off of it to procc my cycle of change to increase my damage.

    Im going to feat blessing of battle to give me a power increase and I am considering to take 5 points out of the virtuous path and put it into the feat that improves annointed army - it will give a healing bonus and an action point boost to my allies, which is always helpful.
  • ironfist82ironfist82 Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2013
    If you want to PVE, then

    First you do not need ArP, cut it.
    Second your Recovery too low, make it at least 4K+
    Third you do not need Life Steal, DC sucks in DPS unless you are full DPS DC, just cut it.

    For PVP,
    You may still want to cut those ArP, LS thing, for god sake you are just simply not a DPS class, forget the idea of DPS people
    geared a lot on def and del, if you can geared del to 2K+, basicly you will find yourself super tanky in PVP.
    make sure recovery at least 4K+, and try to boost HP as many as you can, then you are good to go in PVP.

    As for the gear, maybe you can start with ancient gears

    Here is some important stat of my DC,
    3K crit
    2K+ def

    and I chose faithful path for extra bar.

    I notices you pick lantern as quest reward, I personally think the Water artifact is the best quest reward for DC/CW/GF
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Two cents:

    - Cut the ArP unless you are absolutely committed to playing DPS, because there isn't room for ArP otherwise IMO.

    - Your Recovery is workable. I have to respectfully disagree with ironfist82 about increasing it to 4k+. The diminishing returns are pretty severe, and you usually have other stats to prioritize.

    - Your Power is fine. You aren't realistically going to get much higher than 4k in PvP while being able to make as much use of Defense Slot items as possible. In PvE you should be able to stack additional Power on your augment pet.

    - Rings of Greater Repulsion are definitely good options, but also consider Ancient Priest's Ring of Burning Light. If you end up getting enough Regeneration from your artifacts (yes, you really need Waters!), you may be better off with the extra HP the Ancient rings give.

    - If you enjoy PvP, Righteous is your friend. Healing Step is a fantastic little feat, one of the best we have.

    - Healing Action is bad. Either 1 point or nothing. I suggest skipping it altogether.

    - If you're concerned with survival, Virtuous tree isn't the path to greater durability. Faithful will give you the most bonuses to your healing spells, while Righteous will give you the best tankiness. Consider the capstones of both trees carefully, though. I happen to like Sovereign Justice, but others may disagree. The 4th pip of Divinity from Greater Divine Power is generally not preferred.

    - Also, if you're going to use Exaltation, I'd recommend picking up the Prestigious Exaltation feat for the slight added duration and the healing buff. Even if you go heavy into Virtuous or Righteous, you should be able to skim enough points to pick up Deepstone Blessing and Prestigious Exaltation.

    - Brilliant Energy is...well, at least it's pretty. Holy Avenger is one of the obvious options, and comparatively easy to acquire. Vorpal is excellent all-around.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • glowingemberglowingember Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    did some research on enchantments. I found out brilliant energy was a gift to purchaser's - and has no upgrade options :)

    It looks like my best option are holy avenger - which I believe adds to at will and spell damage, or lightning - which has a chance to proc chain damage. Since my attack speed is slower than molasses, lightning is a bad choice. I think the fire damage is a bit on the low side, although the burning damage is appealing. Terror gives a nice armour reduction though. tough choices.
  • glowingemberglowingember Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    " while Righteous will give you the best tankiness"

    I might be missing something here but all I see is healing step and the 5 points into giving flamestrike a fraction of a second more cc (one of the worst deals there are imo)

    well, a hodge podge of minor helpful abilities. nothing that screams hey im equal to foresight, look at me (not that im using foresight) but I don't see a whole lot of useful here. Ethereal boon has to be my favourite of all cleric feats. I don't see a lot of cleric feats the grab my attention like this.
  • glowingemberglowingember Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    "Healing action is no good"

    well, these are my alternatives:
    Battlewise - create less threat
    Domain synergy - percentage increase to recovery
    Holy resolve - 5 minute cooldown
    Initiate of the Faith - TINY percentage of power stat into crit
    cleanse - MAYBE - limited usefulness
    Templar Domain 5 minute cooldown for FIVE seconds of benefit. Really?
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Holy resolve is surprisingly good (think: 'cheap oldschool soulforged').

    With the four points from healing action (leave one in, might as well):

    You could max greater fortune.

    You could put a point into cleanse.

    You could put two points into holy resolve.

    Healing action is just...bad: http://clericguide.com/healing-action/
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    " while Righteous will give you the best tankiness"

    I might be missing something here but all I see is healing step and the 5 points into giving flamestrike a fraction of a second more cc (one of the worst deals there are imo)

    well, a hodge podge of minor helpful abilities. nothing that screams hey im equal to foresight, look at me (not that im using foresight) but I don't see a whole lot of useful here. Ethereal boon has to be my favourite of all cleric feats. I don't see a lot of cleric feats the grab my attention like this.

    You don't take the Flamestrike feat. You're also overlooking Divine Advantage and Power of Oppression (also Power of the Sun for Divine Oracles).

    Trust me, there's a reason why PvP DCs tend to prefer this tree for playing support. Even if you don't find yourself amazed by any of the other feats, Healing Step is just that good.

    As for Heroic Feats, as morsitans said, Healing Action is still bad. Holy Resolve can be a life saver and scales with your max HP.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • tyrtallowtyrtallow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Feat selection advice pretty much covered. So that aside, your weakest points atm are your rings and your amulet. Sure they bloat your GS, but all three are basically just ~+240 to a lot of stats you don't need. You can swap these for some rings/amulet combination that can give you twice that much to stats like deflection. 4x or higher even, once you count rank 8-10 defensive enchants and miscellaneous stat boosts.

    Second weakest points are your weapon/armor enchants. In this day and age, where high-burst damage GWFs/TRs can now have hellishly good survivability to go with their stealth/determination, you all but need greater/perfect enchants to remain competitive in PvP. Sad, but true. The devs need to realize that they've really opened a can of worms with this one. Granted you rarely come across high-end geared TRs/GWFs outside of premades, and people usually just leave those, but if and when do - when you meet that player who just refuses to die unless an entire team of decently geared people goes after him (and sometimes that's not even enough) a greater/perfect weapon/armor enchantment will definitely help. I'd suggest perfect vorpal. Holy Avenger is great, but Perfect Holy Avenger doesn't scale as well. You can make do with just normal/greater Soulforged I guess, but if you want Barkskin I'd get the Perfect version.

    Finally get a third artifact asap, preferably a defensive one. Consider that even at blue levels they're already like an extra amulet slot. Consider that, when maxed out, each artifact is worth more than two ring slots (minus rank 10 enchantments).
    You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I admit to going faithful - but there is a lot of other stuff wrong with this build -

    First of all, Armor pen and lifesteal are worthless, you need to drop them.

    The rings are wrong - i am using the HP/DEF/DEf with power slotted, but i want to switch to repulsion rings with Def in slot

    The neck is also wrong - I think I'm using HP/DEF/DEF there, and slot power.

    While nightmare icon is cool, I would still use fomorians for weapons. The weapon damage and set bonus is huge.

    Upgrade your **** - this is both easy and obvious

    As for gems, Crit has tough DR, if you have good gear you have enough recovery and armor pen is useless, so slot only power.

    Actually deflect has bad DR too and since you aren't TR it won't make a big difference unless you stack it to the sky. I used to slot deflect on my DC, then i switched to defense and it was much much better.

    Still a lot to do here. Looks like you made the build on a budget. For about 2M AD you could fix it no prob.

    Best of luck to you, man
  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Missed the artifact - lantern was a terrible choice for DC. Should have taken the waters.
  • glowingemberglowingember Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'm concerned about deflection negating the damage boost from a perfect vorpal. well, a vorpal of any kind. I'm thinking of a more stable damage enhancer rather than something that adds to my burst. Stop thinking burst damage people, people are building to defeat it.
  • glowingemberglowingember Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    lantern was not picked for the stats - it was picked for the area damage and the 10% debuff.

    edit: I agree that lifesteal is useless, but armour pen is more damage increase.
  • atamasamaatamasama Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Armor Penetration still doesn't work with a lot of our abilities, I believe. It used to work with none of them but that was recently fixed. But it's still not a good stat for DCs.

    I'll second what others said about Holy Resolve. It doesn't kick in often (nor should it!) but every now and then I'll get into a fight where something goes terribly wrong, or I'm not prepared, or I underestimate what I'm fighting. Suddenly my health is next to nothing. Holy Resolve gives you enough time to save yourself; drink a potion, hit some defensive ability, etc. There are a number of fights I won just because I had that talent maxed. It's like buying insurance, if you don't have it you regret it.
    Lakini, Halfling Guardian Fighter
    Tomas, Human Devoted Cleric
    Dragon Shard
  • shadow5930shadow5930 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 502 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    You can play as DPS DC in PVP.. just saying..

    While I'm on the DO side, I'd agree with most of what is said. ArP is a heavy budget and while it is nice, you can do fine without it. LS is a suppliment to regen, so if you can, do it. Deflect + regen is king in PVP. Those who say you can't stack enough, I would have to ask if they have really tried. Since there is a known cleric who has done it. That said, it's best to have a balance between defense, deflect, regen, crit. When you hit that 40% crit range, things start to hurt.

    The other thing you can do to help get around other's deflection is dots. A forge fire DoT has 1 shot of deflect or not. They don't deflect (and they won't always) and you crit (which at 40% crit range is a high potential) it will crit for the duration of the dot. It also heals, it also slows. All in all it will put a LOT of pressure on the target. You tie that in with break the spirit as a precursor in divine mode, it's a major debuff to defense + high damage dot.

    Vi va la DPS DC!!! :)
  • tyrtallowtyrtallow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    If DC Vorpal users were only concerned about damage then a lot of them would not be using Perfect Vorpals.
    The thing about Vorpal is that it also affects healing, which means that to us Vorpal doubles as a defensive enchantment.
    You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
  • thorny911thorny911 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    If your going to be a DPS cleric i'd go ahead and get the T1 Set that debuffs mitigation. Either way you should be fine in PvE, PvP on the other hand is really tough unless you spec defensively. I think you must have Vorpal to complete the DPS action but thats just me.
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