Thanks to frozzt, a budding CW for recording this video. Thought I would share our kill/method since the only ones i have seen are rather... messy.
it wasnt perfect, we missed 1 casket at the end - hence somewhat clean :P or near perfect. But i post this to just show that there does not require any setup for this fight, only some coordination. We did not use voice chat for this fight either, just designated zones and make sure everyone listens to her voice que before grab.
DC -Atzell
HR - Punt speedcheck
HR - Eli
CW - Frosty the wiz
CW - Darque malecti (me)
Done this with GFs, trs and gwf. Setup doesnt make much difference apart from speed of kill, its most important to have people who know how to run during ghost phase
Its just important to make sure all 5 (including cleric) has a zone to take care of, keeping the hands/caskets seperate is quite important. Final phase is simple because there are not hands/grasp, people just need to move to their zone and click 3 caskets each.
100% - burn
80% - run from ghosts
80% - get hands twice, then casket positions, repeat.
50% - She starts force choking people, keep hp above 80%, hug cleric (no caskets until 40%)
40% - 8 casket spawns, ease off dps before triggering this if you think you will get hands soon (wasnt nessecary for us)
20% - run from more ghosts
20% - run to positions, get ready for immediate caskets. burn boss, move to caskets 2nd time, finish her (or do a 3rd time if you have GFs/low dps).
Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "
The Silence of Haydenwick"
Video Review
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "
A Call for Heroes".
May be someday they will create a dungeon where the rest will be needed.
ive done this prior to this video with GF,GWF,TR,CW,DC.
stop whining. its actually more troublesome with 4 squishies.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
hoping to do VT a bit more often, and a video + instructions like this is a nice and helpful insight into what to expect. I won't be laying down crit numbers that high =P, but still, very helpful stuff. Thank you.
Agreed. It just takes a group of players able to click caskets.
Don't worry, this guy is one of the standard GWF's that has no clue how to gear/spec properly...........he whines in every HR/CW thread cuz dodging red stuff is huuuuurd for him.
Make a video.
I've done it with TR, TR, GWF, CW, DC, then with GWFx2, TR, CW, DC, and with CWx2, GWFx2, DC. The more GWFs you have the better for last boss and Trs are awesome as well, while my CW had a bad time in all of the fights and rarely made it to the end.
I'll do a video the next time I do it as solo CW, since I'm sure the main issue here is that there were 2 CWs, OMG, again so very powerful and so very desired, while poor melees had no place. It might have to wait for a while since for now nobody is interested in this type of VT runs, for obvious reasons...
Just try the dungeon yourself. You will see that this is one dungeon where being a CW is actually a bit of a liability, because they are (a) slow and (b) squishy.
I don't play this. After finishing 50+ dungeons and not getting a blue mark, after trying to do legit VT run wasting hours trying to find people at the PE (and those sets and weapons suck), after gearing all characters I wanted to 13-15k GS so I either kill everything in PvP scoring 30/0 or getting melted by 5 man premade, I have no fan in this game. Just waiting till VT is fixed so there will be no more LFM DC, CW, HR VT 10k+ and I will actually try it.
no video but we'll get someone to record next time.
The fight is not that hard and does not require any setup. Its all about coordination - click caskets in the right time, kill hands or wait for hands to appear before getting to caskets phase, on the running phase players need to be in good places. Im quite sure it can be done with any combination of classes (you just need at least one DC).
I actually like the mechanics alot, since its more of a skill check, than gear check.
Where's the skill part?
Clicking on caskets in a certain zone?
Well I have to agree with situational awareness and coordinated efforts. However this is still very simplistic and lacking in mechanics for the "hardest" dungeon out there, not to mention that your punishment for not clicking is "more mobs, more red".
I just dropped by to say thanks for the method. I did today VT, my 5th legit kill. Each of the first 4 kills were with the "ignore adds at end" method; we tried it today as well, but we wiped 3 times.
Then we decided to still click caskets in our established zone, basically 3 each, and we killed it without any adds being summoned in the last phase. 2 persons were first timers in VT I believe (but good players). With casket clicking, all chaos and fight to survive at the end were gone, we were just able to do our jobs without struggling to survive 10 AoEing mobs and targeting Val through all of them. I'd say the "rush" method of ignoring caskets should only be attempted when the party is very very geared and able to survive long enough through bruteforcing the encounter.
I also wanted to fraps the kill, but we had 2 CWs/GWF/TR/DC and I felt people will still be unsatisfied cause of the CW "stacking"... maybe next time when I will be alone as a CW
I ran this recently as a HR, and i have to say.... gawd this fight is not very ideal for that class. doable ofc though.
also i suggest any GF to use knights challenge unless they are super squish, works wonders.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".