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Gear Choice High Prohet > Miracle Healer?

nurmoodnurmood Member Posts: 342 Arc User
edited December 2013 in The Temple
I was running dungeons for the miracle healer set for some time now and got 3/4 parts.

Few days ago my Guild was talking about Gearchoices and everybody agreed on the High Prophet set to be most valuable because of the debuff.
I was disappointed - felt like getting the miracle healer set was not that of a good idea.

My question for the HP set is what damage resistance do endgame bosses have? When they have like 40% DR - and i am applying 3 stacks on the boss - will this result in 10% (-30%) DR or 28 (-12%) DR?
Post edited by nurmood on


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    hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Pretty sure that end bosses have 24% DR.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
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    fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    For your primary roles as damage mitigation and healing in PvE, you cannot get better than Miracle Healer, period.

    High Prophet just happens to be the strongest debuffing set, i.e. the third role of Clerics.

    So, ideally, you should have both and switch them as appropriate, but without a doubt, if you could only choose one, it would be Miracle Healer or some similar set.

    Don't let DPS, who love your party debuffs because it gives them higher personal damage, dictate the understanding of your class...
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    lutz086lutz086 Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    preech baby preech!!!!
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    lazureelazuree Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    fondlez wrote: »
    For your primary roles as damage mitigation and healing in PvE, you cannot get better than Miracle Healer, period.

    High Prophet just happens to be the strongest debuffing set, i.e. the third role of Clerics.

    So, ideally, you should have both and switch them as appropriate, but without a doubt, if you could only choose one, it would be Miracle Healer or some similar set.

    Don't let DPS, who love your party debuffs because it gives them higher personal damage, dictate the understanding of your class...

    I have both and I find myself switching them out a lot. MH 4 set bonus is just so good in parties that tend to be squishier/need more heals. Also in many fights it is difficult to keep the debuff going so HP isn't always ideal
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    djyrbdjyrb Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    A common consensus I seem to find regarding this topic is:

    1) Dungeon Clearing - Miracle Healer
    2) Boss Fights - High Prophet

    I'd say to start there, get comfortable and then experiment to see other options, especially if you intend to try out different roles like DPS, kiting/tanking, etc. The DC is a very versatile class and can bring a lot to a party if the player knows the pros and cons of the different approaches for different situations.
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    nurmoodnurmood Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Thank you :D
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    theosymphanytheosymphany Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Many good tips here. In my experiences after having full MH and then going to High Prophets I'm going to stick with High Prophet. Sure, your GS takes a small hit, but if you already have full T2 jewelry and enchants it is not so noticeable. MH is great when healing, especially if party is slightly undergeared, but I rarely use it now.

    High Prophet is the best PvE set across classes in the game. Each stack means everyone now hits the debuffed target 10% harder. This means things die 30% faster, deals 30% less damage and thus requires 30% less healing. Danger is of course some bosses (eg Pirate King) may spawn adds too fast if the party isn't prepared to deal with them.

    What I don't advocate, especially with artifacts and new boons now helping boost GS is going 2+2 to inflate gearscore. The set bonuses simply trumps whatever minor gains you get from the slightly extra stats.
    Kaelac Symphony LaggyGamerz Community
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    vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    High Prophet is the best PvE set across classes in the game. Each stack means everyone now hits the debuffed target 10% harder. This means things die 30% faster, deals 30% less damage and thus requires 30% less healing. Danger is of course some bosses (eg Pirate King) may spawn adds too fast if the party isn't prepared to deal with them.

    *EDIT: Removed incorrect assumption about High Prophet's defense reduction. According to theosympany and fondlez, it really is a mitigation reduction, not a defense stat reduction.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
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    theosymphanytheosymphany Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    @vorphied, that's because Cryptic uses the terms mitigation reduction (Assailing Force feat), defense 'shedding' (high Prophet), defense 'reducing' (Plaguefire, terror), defense 'stealing' (High Vizier) to suggest something similar but failed to adopt standard nomenclature and mechanics. Tooltips are simply not always what they mean in this game.

    You are correct that in theory, High Prophet set's defense reduction may suggest that 30% defense is re-calculated to reduce mitigation via a conversion process like plaguefire (45% defense reduction equals ~9% more damage). From my testing however High Prophet and High Vizier just makes targets take 10% extra damage per stack. It is an independent mechanic to plaguefire. This is assuming the attacker already have full armor penetration, but I think (could be wrong here) that it still applies if you don't have full ArP.

    I know fondlez has done a bit more testing on related mitigation reduction feats/effects so happy to stand corrected otherwise.
    Kaelac Symphony LaggyGamerz Community
    Guild and guide info

    Module 4 Comprehensive DC guide |Module 4 MoF CW Handbook |New! Scourge Warlock Guide| NW Numbers and Mechanics guide |Crit, Power and DPS guide | Dungeon Delving guide and more
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    fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    vorphied wrote: »
    Pretty sure it doesn't work like that.

    Not that High Prophet isn't a wonderful debuffing set, because it is, but 10% defense reduction doesn't equate to 10% increased damage. Three stacks of 10% defense reduction should be a total of about 6% increased damage to affected targets.

    Again, it's still a bonus, but not as OP as it sounds.

    Actually, theosymphany's description is exactly how it works. The tooltip is as usual ambiguous or misleading (in case you think its a Defense Reduction), but it is a flat 10% damage increase upto 3 stacks for a total of 30%.

    It is basically the DC equivalent of the CW High Vizier set except it works with fewer Powers.

    The problem with the the set is that it is a strictly inferior set (same stat types) to the Miracle Healer set in terms of stats for yourself or party. I also feel much less tanky while wearing it, despite only 1 AC and 195 Defense difference. I suspect the 4pc bonus MH bonus may play the largest part of that with around 8% healing output from Encounter spam, effectively compensating for up to a quarter of the Righteousness healing debuff. There is also a Power difference of 268 which applies to your healing output.

    So, if you are high geared in a party with other high geared players doing easy content or are the 2nd DC, it is optimal and will shave off minutes from your PK runs. But, without knowing anything about the OP, it is not a general set I would recommend to fresh 60s tackling content at the same or, more likely, higher gear level with also potentially undergeared players in a party.

    Of course, once you have enough of the core stats, a DC can wear pretty much anything and do very well since they are the least gear dependent class (primary output is mitigation).
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    vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    fondlez wrote: »
    Actually, theosymphany's description is exactly how it works. The tooltip is as usual ambiguous or misleading (in case you think its a Defense Reduction), but it is a flat 10% damage increase upto 3 stacks for a total of 30%.

    It is basically the DC equivalent of the CW High Vizier set except it works with fewer Powers.

    The problem with the the set is that it is a strictly inferior set (same stat types) to the Miracle Healer set in terms of stats for yourself or party. I also feel much less tanky while wearing it, despite only 1 AC and 195 Defense difference. I suspect the 4pc bonus MH bonus may play the largest part of that with around 8% healing output from Encounter spam, effectively compensating for up to a quarter of the Righteousness healing debuff. There is also a Power difference of 268 which applies to your healing output.

    So, if you are high geared in a party with other high geared players doing easy content or are the 2nd DC, it is optimal and will shave off minutes from your PK runs. But, without knowing anything about the OP, it is not a general set I would recommend to fresh 60s tackling content at the same or, more likely, higher gear level with also potentially undergeared players in a party.

    Of course, once you have enough of the core stats, a DC can wear pretty much anything and do very well since they are the least gear dependent class (primary output is mitigation).

    Thanks, Cryptic, for forcibly inserting my foot into my mouth with your ambiguous tooltips (and thank you both for the correction; updating original post so people aren't confused).
    Sacrilege - Warlock
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    morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Hrm...well, this is interesting. I've actually got a full set of high prophet that I've never worn (accrued essentially 'incidentally' through my constant, grinding, rage-inducing efforts to acquire even a single piece of MH armour). Maybe I'll just use that instead. Could be fun for tedious bossfights, at least.

    Remind me, does it proc per tick of DoTs, or only on the first application?
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    fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    morsitans wrote: »
    Remind me, does it proc per tick of DoTs, or only on the first application?

    Testing Divine Oracle paragon

    In general, per tick but the the debuff cannot be stacked by the DoT itself, nor refreshed by the ticks. So, the per tick damage increase only applies for the duration since the cast, which is 4 seconds. For example,

    - Forgemaster's Flame: 4/5 ticks will benefit at 10% only, then 1/5 ticks will not benefit since the debuff duration has run out.
    - Break the Spirit: 3/5 ticks will benefit at 10%, then 2/5 ticks will not benefit since the debuff duration has run out.
    - Brand of the Sun: 3/7 ticks will benefit at 10%, then 4/7 ticks will not benefit since the debuff duration has run out.

    There is only one pleasant surprise for "DoT" Powers: Hammer of Fate hits are pre-calculated with the fully stacked debuff, including the first two, i.e.

    1st tick of Hammer of Fate: 30% damage increase
    2nd tick of Hammer of Fate: 30% damage increase
    3nd tick of Hammer of Fate: 30% damage increase.

    I do not recall if this is how it used to work with the old unexpectedly nerfed Hammer of Fate, but given the spell can crit, I may have to give up my Pummel of Perplexing Pushes nickname for it while wearing this set...


    It also now appears that Daunting Light can proc and benefit from a single debuff per target.


    Further testing...

    In fact, since Shadowmantle, every single damaging Cleric Power now seems to proc and benefit from the High Prophet set, though not all in the same way!
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    jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    @ morsitans, first of every dot only.
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    morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Thanks guys. I wasn't so much thinking about my own damage output as much as "how much <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> would I have to fling at bosses to keep the debuff constantly up, since the TR in this pug doesn't seem to know how the shift key works and so the sooner we're done the better" or similar.
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    lazureelazuree Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    It's funny you got your HP that way morsitans... I got mine from multiple CN DD chests lol... no need to farm!
    Anyways, it's easier to keep stacks when you have two dc's making dps dc viable sort of...
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    jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Powers with great amount of damage will proc the 4th debuff of high prophet. Tried with dummies weeks ago, 3 stacks applied by LoF then the 4th stack appeared when use daunting light, every daunting light will add a stack at the tooltip and Flamestrike add 2 stacks more. Stacked to 16 stack before and the dummy collapsed.
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    lazureelazuree Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    jazzfong wrote: »
    Powers with great amount of damage will proc the 4th debuff of high prophet. Tried with dummies weeks ago, 3 stacks applied by LoF then the 4th stack appeared when use daunting light, every daunting light will add a stack at the tooltip and Flamestrike add 2 stacks more. Stacked to 16 stack before and the dummy collapsed.
    shh don't let them know or HP will end up like poor HV
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