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Want someone to play your Foundry Missions and give honest Feedback?

stompstomp Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited December 2013 in The Foundry
Then I am your man! Give me your Campaigns, your adventures! I crave new interesting stories and characters! I want interesting lore! Locations! Puzzles! I will play em, review em honestly in the system, and if ya like I will even let ya know what I thought here as well via PM or Reply!

I do, however, have a few restrictions to the sort of things I am after:

1) No pure hack and slash. I want a story, a plot of some kind.
2) Semi serious. Humor is fine, and I enjoy it. But dont give me an adventure where I am fighting aliens from the planet ZEEBOYD.
3) Solo friendly. Again, I solo. I will always solo. Its how I roll.
4) Not super effect heavy. I ran one mission that had a "graphics" option which I turned on. After about 10 minutes my PC starting lagging like mad.

Beyond that I dont care about length, or if its a campaign. Hell submit the whole campaign I will play em in order!

And while I also have a single foundry mission up (its in the Review tab) I wont post it here unless you want to know. Then I will PM ya. This is not a "review for review" post. This is me seeking interesting things to do when I am bored of the main storyline :)

Also if I like your Adventure/Module/Campaign I will be posting about it on my Tumblr site, so others who hunger can find em!

Finally I am well aware that you dont control the loot. Again, I am not after loot, I am after stories!
Got a story based Foundry mission you want me to try? Go here! - "Honest Feedback for a Good Story!"

Character Name: Argothial@Stomphoof
Post edited by stomp on


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    kithliskithlis Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Sounds like mine might be a match (see link in my sig).
    #1 and 2? Check!
    #3 Some have found parts to be challenging, but it's designed for solo play.
    #4 I do have a few effects areas, but I have a hard time telling when it can be difficult for others (my machine isn't top end, but it handles the game well enough).

    It's also a convenient 4-pack of Daily Eligibles.
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    stompstomp Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    kithlis wrote: »
    Sounds like mine might be a match (see link in my sig).
    #1 and 2? Check!
    #3 Some have found parts to be challenging, but it's designed for solo play.
    #4 I do have a few effects areas, but I have a hard time telling when it can be difficult for others (my machine isn't top end, but it handles the game well enough).

    It's also a convenient 4-pack of Daily Eligibles.

    Eh I could care less about it being Daily Eligible. I spend my AD on tips anyway lol
    Got a story based Foundry mission you want me to try? Go here! - "Honest Feedback for a Good Story!"

    Character Name: Argothial@Stomphoof
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    boomba66boomba66 Member Posts: 221 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    "And Justice For All."

    1. Its long, it was meant to be a campaign like nwn2.
    2. Multiple Companions that stay with the party as the quest progresses.
    3. Four quests have special "Perfect Endings" that usually involve more then just doing the main quest.
    4. Writing in that little box and not always using WORd and copy and paste just due to the sheer amount of work I know I have some grammar issues. When i am done the final mission,(about half way done now) I will hire my wife to edit my work.

    Its very story/lore friendly, using all canon lore from the realms.
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    eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    All story driven...

    Old Magic [NW-DGBLCWRFP] *Difficulty Adjustable
    Help an old Sage uncover pre-Spellplague magic tomes - and the consequences.

    Invasion! [NW-DCGHLSKBT] *Solo
    Stop Fire Gnolls from torching a small lakeside village to take control of a healing fountain.

    Under Siege! [NW-DDT6D6ABS] *Difficulty Adjustable
    Help defend a small Dwarven Keep from a Winterforged Ice Giant siege.

    Gruumsh's Tower of Conquest [NW-DEYRROVFQ] *Solo
    Orcs created rickety looking tower for a contest - infiltrate disguised as an Orc to spy for Lord Neverember
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    khortusikhortusi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hey stomp!

    Feel free to try my quests, they are mainly dialogue focused - optional.
    Your feedback would be much appreciated!
    NW-DITZL4KCZ - Prison Neverorc
    NW-DSMP5CLR2 - City of Meneleth Part 1

    As a starting Foundry author and Neverwinter player, I appreciate your comments, feedback and reviews about my work. I am also happy to help you in return with reviews and (maybe) tips for your Quests!
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    finalcatalyst454finalcatalyst454 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Just gonna say the Bone Idol campaign was marvelous. One of the best I've played so make sure you play that one. Also I'm hoping to have mine out in a while if you're still up for this later on.
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    antonkyleantonkyle Member Posts: 776 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    No aliens from the planet ZEEBOYD here but what about Blue Meanies from the Land of Pepper? I've got them.

    Edit: but I think all mine fit in with your description, the one you will least like is probably Into the Underworld, it's hack n slash but even that has a story, so take your pick if you do so choose.

    Edit Edit: If you want story then my campaign is pretty good.
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    djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    You can all promote your foundry quest in the general discussion forum too now.
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    angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I know mine will be what you're looking for - story and puzzles. There's a lot of combat, but most of it's optional (for the Zergers).

    I can't see my signature right now, but the campaign is listed there:

    An Elusive Adversary campaign

    1 - Blacklake Luskan - this is the story set-up and is mostly about story and a couple simple puzzles. The story is deeply tied-into the Blacklake storyline and the theft of the Neverwinter Crown. It's also very light on combat and (normally)qualifies for Rhix Dailies. 15-20 minutes Note: though this one already has a lot of plays and reviews - I mention it as it's the beginning of the "mystery" - but not required for understanding the story. You can just jump into number 2 if you want.

    2 - The Black Keep - okay, this one doesn't have any plays yet and is up for "review" in-game/ It carries the story forward and presents a couple wickedly nefarious puzzles - If you can't answer them, then you are tested by combat (you get one go at each of three). The map is drop-dead simple; it's the puzzles that are the fun part I think. I am guessing 20-25 minutes

    3 - The Stone of Life - conclusion to the story with a "moving maze" - the maze changes as you move through it (don;t worry, you can't get lost). This one is also shiny new and in the "For review" tab without any plays. I've mostly given up "advertising" my quests, though all my reviews thus far (in the first one) are all 4 and 5 stars. I am guessing 20-25 minutes.

    Zergers need not apply. LOL

    Since comments before mine also believe their's meet your desired quest style - I think I'll give those a go, too - as what you're asking for are my desired quest styles, also.
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    stompstomp Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yes....more quests! MORE STORIES!

    FEED ME MORE! /ryback

    Anyway, I will be playing these in between the various story stuff I am doing in game, whenever I want a break. So don't be surprised if reviews are slow. But rest assured each posted here will be played! :)
    Got a story based Foundry mission you want me to try? Go here! - "Honest Feedback for a Good Story!"

    Character Name: Argothial@Stomphoof
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    dbcamerondbcameron Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I would love more feedback on my quest, it's my first humble attempt, and the more I get it out there the better.

    Karmacode, NW-DN6I5DVLC it's under the "For Review" tab. There is one section with some effects, but I tried not to go overboard, and I hope it makes the section of the quest have the punch I intended for it to have. There is a story there and I hope you like it, as I am planning to do more now that I am addicted to the Foundry, and hopelessly so!
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    boudicciaboudiccia Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hello Stomp,

    Please check out the foundries in my signature. They are short but packed with Story, Lore, Puzzles, Exploration, and Easter Eggs. All custom maps you never seen before and unique costumes.

    Try my Foundry: Claiming the Halfling Quarter NW-DIRT5MWZH
    Sequel: The Return to Sloping Street NW-DACVPHGHW
    Part 3: The Merchant's Tower NW-DC3LB6TZ9
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    stompstomp Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Started with the first reply, Idol Hands :) So far, pretty **** entertaining! On to part 2! When I get home tomorrow. Now, its time to sleep.
    Got a story based Foundry mission you want me to try? Go here! - "Honest Feedback for a Good Story!"

    Character Name: Argothial@Stomphoof
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    wesleyericwesleyeric Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 30
    edited December 2013
    Hey, Stomp! It's really nice of you to do this for players, especially since Foundry seems to be lost in the shuffle among most players. It can be very hard to get any plays or constructive feedback!

    I have a campaign listed in my signature and would really appreciate any feedback you have. The first two parts are a little more standard "Foundry dailies" type of quests, but it really hits its stride in Part III. If you give them a shot, take your time; they are meant to be played alongside normal quests with plenty of opportunities to take a break. They run on the longer end, for the most part.

    Thanks a ton for making this thread, and good luck with your questing!
    Echoes of Providence: A Campaign! NWS-DD6DRTTVH
    #Story #Combat #Exploration #Long #Solo
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    harkennot1harkennot1 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Thesin's Prophetic Eye may be what you are looking for in a quest - For the Complete Campaign Thesin's Demise
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    chibbiukechibbiuke Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Well Stomp, I have a revamped version of my original quest MoB For a Day (NW-DF66TLIAM) which is needing a review. And if you're okay with checking out a work in progress, my rip-off to Wailing Caverns from WoW is in the works but reviewable. It's first part is fully complete and run as a sandbox style quest: Woeful Cave (NW-DFOEHE955).

    I'm very interested to see what others think. And to see if I'm kinda on the right track for fun.
    NW-DF66TLIAM = MOB for a day
    NW-DFOEHE955 = Woeful Cave (in production but testable)
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    stompstomp Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Finished the Bone Idol series last night. DAT ENDING. It got 5 stars from me and a 500 AD Tip :D It was that awesome. The hidden quests, the extra bits in it. Just awesome.

    I will be doing another one tonight :) Most likely the next one that got submitted to me.
    Got a story based Foundry mission you want me to try? Go here! - "Honest Feedback for a Good Story!"

    Character Name: Argothial@Stomphoof
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    stompstomp Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    boomba66 wrote: »
    "and justice for all."

    1. Its long, it was meant to be a campaign like nwn2.
    2. Multiple companions that stay with the party as the quest progresses.
    3. Four quests have special "perfect endings" that usually involve more then just doing the main quest.
    4. Writing in that little box and not always using word and copy and paste just due to the sheer amount of work i know i have some grammar issues. When i am done the final mission,(about half way done now) i will hire my wife to edit my work.

    Its very story/lore friendly, using all canon lore from the realms.

    you are next to be placed under the microscope. Be prepared!
    Got a story based Foundry mission you want me to try? Go here! - "Honest Feedback for a Good Story!"

    Character Name: Argothial@Stomphoof
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    solomonloksolomonlok Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hello, if you have the time I would appreciate it if you can check out mine:

    Orc Assault Investigation - NW-DQFVBUZKY

    I just published an update with non-default dialog "continues" but it's not in the system yet. So you might want to wait a little bit. The three reviewers that played it so far liked it :P

    Since this is my first foundry I would ask you to tell me about any bugs, typos etc. :D

    Bar'thok Rising Part 1 - Orc Raid Investigation - NW-DQFVBUZKY - daily eligible, trading reviews
    Bar'thok Rising Part 2 - The Hunt - Work in Progress, not yet published
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    elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    boudiccia wrote: »
    Hello Stomp,

    Please check out the foundries in my signature. They are short but packed with Story, Lore, Puzzles, Exploration, and Easter Eggs. All custom maps you never seen before and unique costumes.

    Bump. I can verify she has made very good first adventure and even though I have said I prefer Action/Horror instead of comedy(normally) I liked the comedy part in Claiming the Halfling Quarter.

    Well it is good that there are different tastes. Unlike OP I do like hack/slash more and really do not care much of puzzles. That is what I liked about the Halfling Quarter even though there is a puzzle how to open .... you can go other way and choose challenging combat instead and it is a clever route/map design.

    I will not post honest reviews of less then 4 star adventures in my thread so good luck with that. It is good taste is different unlike me the OP really does not care much about AD or if the adventure is really long like more then 1 hour. Of course I can like good story also, but that is less important to me then to OP.
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