Hello everyone

Kaos here!
OK, so I have heard a lot of complaining about how GS is everything and how you can't win a match without good gear. Well I am here to tell you that strategy and getting a team is FAR more important than gear. It's about learning how the classes work, how they work together, and how to manage pressure on the enemy team.
Now, I am aware that many of you are ready to argue with me. So below are links to a PvP match that me and my guildees played. We took off all of our gear and wore nothing but the gear you can buy with glory, along with some basic artifacts. Enjoy!

Part 1: << URL removed for profanity >>
part 2: << URL removed for profanity >>
How could they not notice, lol?
Well done.
Also please don't derail this thread, lets try and keep it on topic thanks
Good point!
A fair guess OP: I bet you and your teammates had more fun in the match where you were close to equally geared to your opposition and skill and teamwork mattered far more, didn't you?
Except its a team game.
On person cannot be everywhere.
If your point is that great gear AND great teamwork trounce anything else, then ... duh and that was not the point of the thread!
Also, if you have great fun beating a team with equal gear, I imagine you have even more fun if you manage to beat them while effectively naked...
What he said
The point is to show people that you can win most matches with terrible gear. I know gear matters, which is why I have good gear. People make it out like there is no way you can do well without having hear. Granted, you can't beat the top guilds without it, but you can random queue and win 90%+ of your matches.
That is the point of this thread.
However many people you will find in PvP:
- never communicate
- do not have nearly the same experience in the game/class/PvP as you guys have
- do not understand English...
- want to get the daily done fast instead of prolonging a match for 30 minutes+ only so they can win
And I can go on.
Communication, tactics, experience can offset gear... by a certain amount. You will die A LOT, but since you win based on dominating points, it is less relevant.
Gear however is still extremely important and it enables certain builds/tactics/style of play. Nobody said GS is everything, but you cannot underestimate it.
I can only wonder what would have happened if you would've met a team with fewer squishies (they were obviously unable to keep points controlled).
But yeah, nicely done.
BTW, this shows even more that if you could win without the gear, wtf will a team of non-PvPers do against you when you have the gear on?!?
.. as for DC, they'll be the one in blues as it's better stats than the t1 pvp set.
That sounds fun! Is love to be in on that sir! PM me and we can set something up
Oh I agree with you. However, being as 7 out of 10 matches are just pugs, you can do fine finding good matches even with crappy gear
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