So... I noticed a while back that the hilts of most (if not all) greatswords are misaligned. And now I can't unsee it. And it's bugging the hell out of me. (Yup - got a bit of an OCD problem. Not that I'm exactly Howard Hughes...) Any chance this'll ever be fixed, d'you reckon? Because it's seriously impacting my ability to enjoy playing a GWF. Which is irritating, because it's otherwise my favorite class.

But the broken weapons are a genuine problem. And it doesn't even look like a difficult one to fix from where I'm sitting; it appears to be a simple boning issue. Though I could be wrong; quite why a greatsword would need to be modeled with multiple bones to begin with does somewhat baffle me...
(Okay, I can think of a couple of reasons - mostly to do with hit boxes and, ironically enough, collision. But it's still a comparatively easy fix if that's the case.)
Ironically, I did this transmute as I was tired of the normal swords clipping with the ground when on the character's back. Either way just looks bad- clumsy and amateurish.