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HR Nerf Already?

xcessiveforce40xcessiveforce40 Member Posts: 246 Arc User
edited December 2013 in PvE Discussion
Just Wow. So I guess the almighty CW's whined to the heavens and the HR has already received its first (of many) nerfs? Here's a thought, why not limit the number of CW's in a party? So we don't have runs of 4 and 5 CW's each DD and GG event.

DPS classes like HR's aren't allowed to DPS. GF's aren't enabled to pull threat properly. GWF have very little chance of being picked up for DD events since melee dps is low. It's like an abusive relationship where the guy keeps hitting the girl because he knows she'll come back no matter what.

I'm just at a loss for words lately PWE.
Founder: Xcessiveforce GF, Xcessiveheals DC, XcessiveRange HR, XcessiveArcana CW, XcessiveStab TR
Post edited by xcessiveforce40 on


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    gottneverwintergottneverwinter Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 112 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Just Wow. So I guess the almighty CW's whined to the heavens and the HR has already received its first (of many) nerfs? Here's a thought, why not limit the number of CW's in a party? So we don't have runs of 4 and 5 CW's each DD and GG event.

    DPS classes like HR's aren't allowed to DPS. GF's aren't enabled to pull threat properly. GWF have very little chance of being picked up for DD events since melee dps is low. It's like an abusive relationship where the guy keeps hitting the girl because he knows she'll come back no matter what.

    I'm just at a loss for words lately PWE.

    And yet you keep coming back.
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    ott0madduxott0maddux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Nerf was applied for PvP. Where I hate to say it isn't even enough. I've seen moderately geared HRs take out entire well geared teams in PvP by themselves. That is OP'd.
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    thraexisthraexis Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    not a nerf, an improvement, the 20 second cooldown on master of archery is hardly a nerf tbh
    between shooting and the buff activating it already seemed like 20 seconds anyway.
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    mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    This nerf was always going to happen - for the first time groups were considering deviating from the 3 CW TR and DC setup and Cryptic couldn't let that happen given they have done so much to ensure this is the best option since 'Open Beta'....
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    xcessiveforce40xcessiveforce40 Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'm in blues and a couple of purples at around 10k GS and I got my rear handed to me in several pvp sessions. 1 dodge feat doesn't even begin to mitigate the TR damage that wipes the floor with the HR. It wont matter. The CW's have spoken. So be it I guess.
    Founder: Xcessiveforce GF, Xcessiveheals DC, XcessiveRange HR, XcessiveArcana CW, XcessiveStab TR
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    cloud990plcloud990pl Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ott0maddux wrote: »
    Nerf was applied for PvP. Where I hate to say it isn't even enough. I've seen moderately geared HRs take out entire well geared teams in PvP by themselves. That is OP'd.

    You're missing a small problem with that uber OPness of HRs....
    they need to be left alone because otherwise their dmg output is small. If HR won't cooperate with teamates (or use them as a bait) he will become toast in seconds while any other class doesn't really need any support for at least 1v1 (and some can go 1v2 and so on) so HR alone is just squishy meatloaf.
    Its like saying that TR should have Impact Shot heavily nerfed (to only one use) because this skill is too powerful, DC to be unable to heal himself (completly during PvP), giving CW limit to control or making GWF controlable during Unstopable
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    realborealbo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    The 20 sec CD on MoA doesn't really bother me. The part that I hated that the next crit will HAVE to be an ENCOUNTER, not any kind of attack.
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    lucidproph3cylucidproph3cy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Well lets see every class that has been introduced to the game has had a nerf of some sort, DC's hammer, TR's lurker's, CW AP gain, Gwf slam, and the list goes on. So the HR is new there still are a lot of bugs and balancing issues with the class. So more nerfs will probably be in the future.
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    cloud990plcloud990pl Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I would like to see more useful dodge for HR and better buffs for the team than constant nerfs because of some guys that were hit by an arrow and can't go on rampage in PvP anymore
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    jorifice1jorifice1 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Seriously, if you don't want the Class to have a LvL 50 Power in the Archery Path, just don't give it one.
    Or at the very least, give us the option of removing the now completely useless "feat" and using the point in something that actually does something other than take up a feat point.

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
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    burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    dont u get it? now HR will be able to critically jump 2x longer distance back
    Paladin Master Race
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    walk2kwalk2k Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    doesn't matter pvp is just thrown in for lulz anyway. they don't balance for pvp, nor should they this is a pve game 99%
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    cloud990plcloud990pl Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    walk2k wrote: »
    doesn't matter pvp is just thrown in for lulz anyway. they don't balance for pvp, nor should they this is a pve game 99%

    actually irony is that most nerfs are made due to PvP
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    freedumb4evafreedumb4eva Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 342
    edited December 2013
    ott0maddux wrote: »
    Nerf was applied for PvP. Where I hate to say it isn't even enough. I've seen moderately geared HRs take out entire well geared teams in PvP by themselves. That is OP'd.

    Yet, perma-stealth + attack while stealthed and killing enemies is OK? 20 seconds is WAY too long.

    HR cannot take out whole teams by themselves let alone hold a node by themselves.

    Meanwhile, TR can stealth on a node, contribute to cap while invisible, damage while invisible, refresh their stealth meter, and take reduced damage... they are the king of holding nodes in PVP.
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    shadow5930shadow5930 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 502 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Thorn Ward + Split the sky. Let a stealth rogue sit on the node. Ward will fish em out, split the sky will hurt them for hitting you.

    People are so use to 'dodge red' that they scatter if a HR puts either of those items on the node. It's kinda funny to watch...

    ... kinda sad too.
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    pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Just Wow. So I guess the almighty CW's whined to the heavens and the HR has already received its first (of many) nerfs? Here's a thought, why not limit the number of CW's in a party? So we don't have runs of 4 and 5 CW's each DD and GG event.

    Only GWFs, GFs and TRs whined about HRs.
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    dreamhuntressxdreamhuntressx Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    HR is a class just to fill Character slots now. As a DPS, is pretty useless now.
    Leanan Sidhe (not "The Dresde Files" fairy!) - NW Legit Channel Moderator
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    pallierpallier Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    shadow5930 wrote: »
    Thorn Ward + Split the sky. Let a stealth rogue sit on the node. Ward will fish em out, split the sky will hurt them for hitting you.

    People are so use to 'dodge red' that they scatter if a HR puts either of those items on the node. It's kinda funny to watch...

    ... kinda sad too.

    lol then the TR hits their encounter, stuns you, dissables all your attacks, then owns you in 2 hits... sky does a total of 2k damage to them IF IT CRITS from the 2 hits to their 22k health pool... they go back to stealth and continue to cap the spire... they cap it, stealth to a healing pot on the ground and come back to the spire all before you even respawn.

    they should be required to be unstealthed to be able to cap a spire and if they go into stealth the spire either resets or loses progress on capping... then its balanced... every other class has to be a sitting duck on a spire to have credit they should be no different.
    Oh Atari how I miss you!
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    burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    i guess the only point now to lvl a hr is for extra leadership slots,

    at least before patch i thought about bringing one to a dungeon or going to a dungeon myself, now i will party only hrs from my guild, and because i do enough dmg for both of us as a gwf/cw
    Paladin Master Race
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    freedumb4evafreedumb4eva Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 342
    edited December 2013
    Master of Archery is totally FUBAR bugged now. Mater of Archery does not get consumed when using Split the Sky, Rain of Arrows, and Thorn Ward... Once Master of Archery procs, using those encounters, it never goes away and everything procs 100%....

    The irony is that the dps still SUCKS at 100% crit rate because HR At-Wills are where the most damage comes from.
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    dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Master of Archery is totally FUBAR bugged now. Mater of Archery does not get consumed when using Split the Sky, Rain of Arrows, and Thorn Ward... Once Master of Archery procs, using those encounters, it never goes away and everything procs 100%....

    The irony is that the dps still SUCKS at 100% crit rate because HR At-Wills are where the most damage comes from.

    Thank God I went with the master race Melee HR build. I could have been at a loss just like you guys.
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    artanisenartanisen Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Master of Archery is totally FUBAR bugged now. Mater of Archery does not get consumed when using Split the Sky, Rain of Arrows, and Thorn Ward... Once Master of Archery procs, using those encounters, it never goes away and everything procs 100%....

    The irony is that the dps still SUCKS at 100% crit rate because HR At-Wills are where the most damage comes from.

    yea master of archery is stuck in active mod with encounters now.

    rain of arrows - rain of critical's
    "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
    "Great men are almost always bad men."
    “If God is all-powerful He cannot be good, if God is good He cannot be all-powerful!”
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    shadow5930shadow5930 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 502 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    pallier wrote: »
    lol then the TR hits their encounter, stuns you, dissables all your attacks, then owns you in 2 hits... sky does a total of 2k damage to them IF IT CRITS from the 2 hits to their 22k health pool... they go back to stealth and continue to cap the spire... they cap it, stealth to a healing pot on the ground and come back to the spire all before you even respawn.

    they should be required to be unstealthed to be able to cap a spire and if they go into stealth the spire either resets or loses progress on capping... then its balanced... every other class has to be a sitting duck on a spire to have credit they should be no different.

    wait.. you mean they come into the thorn ward so that the thing hits where they're invisible? So I can use my AoE attack to hit them before they can get to me? Or know where to dodge away from? If they do cloud of steel? the storm eats them up. If they come in to try and melee, the thorn ward points right to them when it hits them. If they deft strike in, you dodge away. You're slowed, sure, but they are now not stealthed, in your cloud (which hit them) in the ward (which hit them) and open for you to pound on.

    But, everything has a counter for everything, so no real point to go on about that here. :)
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    pallierpallier Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    shadow5930 wrote: »
    wait.. you mean they come into the thorn ward so that the thing hits where they're invisible? So I can use my AoE attack to hit them before they can get to me? Or know where to dodge away from? If they do cloud of steel? the storm eats them up. If they come in to try and melee, the thorn ward points right to them when it hits them. If they deft strike in, you dodge away. You're slowed, sure, but they are now not stealthed, in your cloud (which hit them) in the ward (which hit them) and open for you to pound on.

    But, everything has a counter for everything, so no real point to go on about that here. :)

    storm is not based off damage taken... its a flat damage of 300 to 500 (if it crits) and it doesn't matter if your targeted aoe can hit them first if you don't know where they are to drop it... also all they have to do is dissable your powers and they can still 2 shot you... case closed. right now GWF can jump into non stop with an at will til they catch you, hilt you to prone since you have no CC resist anymore and then do that mega slash and kill you in 2 hits as well... no CC or CC immunity = instant death in all pvp. the only form of CC that rangers had is the vines which does not stun or incompatibility them it only roots them in place which is worthless to all but GF... a GWF can instantly jump out of it to atack you and still kill you and a rogue can teleport to you.
    HR have NOTHING to survive pvp now at all... the daily heal at rank 3 can't keep you alive at all its only to use once you get away... 2 hits dead... any class no matter what class... even a GF can 2 shot you.

    yup HR now have no place in pvp at all until they give some sort of survivablity to the class.
    Oh Atari how I miss you!
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