I personally think it should be Palemaster, after all there's a HUGE niche in the D&D MMO for summoning and undeath that isn't filled in Neverwinter yet. Druids can fill the summoning (but that'd sacrifice all the really neat stuff you could do with that class) but not the undeath part...Druids hate undead!
That's my opinion so post what paragon path you'd choose for the CW next and why. Emphasis on the why

Quick Edit: Also include some ideas for the Powers and Feats that will go along with your idea

Palemaster At Will
Negative Energy Ray (35 points spent)
80' range
Channel a dark ray into your target inflicting damage and reducing mitigation.
If used against an undead or infernal target, this attack will also heal all undead allies near the enemy based on damage it would have dealt. Can be used on an undead ally to increase mitigation and heal directly.
Rank 2: Damage +10%/Mitigation reduction +5%
Rank 3: Damage +10%/Mitigation reduction +5%
Palemaster Encounter
Create Undead (30 points spent)
50' range
30 second cooldown
Channel negative energy into nearby corpses turning them into a friendly undead who's stats increase based on the CW's stats (mainly power). Cannot be used on boss or miniboss corpses.
Rank 2: You can control up to 2 undead corpses
Rank 3: You can control up to 3 undead corpses
(note: these monsters will not randomly attack, they'll strike to defend you or strike whoever you target)
Palemaster Class Features
Shadow Shell (30 points spent)
You become resistant to cold damage and negative effects such as poison and debuffs
Rank 2: +5% resistance to cold damage and debuffs
Rank 3: +5% resistance to cold damage and debuffs
Arcane Summoning (40 points spent)
Your summoned creatures increase in power based on the number of arcane mastery stacks at the time of summoning
Rank 2: +25% more health/dr/damage gained from arcane mastery
Rank 3: +25% more health/dr/damage gained from arcane mastery
Undead Aspect (50 points spent)
You resist 10% of all critical hit damage
Rank 2: +10% critical hit damage reduction
Rank 3: +10% critical hit damage reduction
Palemaster Daily Power
Wail of the Banshee (50 points spent)
50' Range
Casting time 2 seconds
This spell deals damage to each enemy within range, starting with the one with the lowest health then working its way up. Each enemy will take just enough damage to kill it until the spell does not have enough damage to dish out. Remaining damage will be dealt as arcane damage. This spell cannot be boosted by critical hits.
Rank 2: Damage +10%
Rank 3: Damage +10%
Palemaster Feats
Oppressor: Negative Energy Burst
Your Negative Energy Ray inflicts 20/40/60/80/100% of its damage to enemies within 2/4/6/8/10 feet of your target
Thaumaturge: Chilled Bones
Your summoned creatures deal additional an additional 1/2/3/4/5% more damage per stack of chill on their target
Renegade: Dead Connection
When your undead kill a target they regain 1/2/3/4/5% of their health per stack of arcane mastery on you
What this fills
Right now the only form of summoning in Neverwinter is companions and I think there should be an ability to summon "something" other than companions to help you fight. The only way to fill this niche is with the druid class for animal summons or a Paragon pathway for CW that focuses on the undead. It also gives the players some access to the realms of the dead which only the enemy has had up until now.
And that's all I can think of for it :X Now make your own
I had another idea I was working on, where the CW was an ally buff machine if the players stayed close to them. I'll see if I can dig it out.
For what? In this game Conan the Barbarian beats Vader with his large sword over the head until the "powerful" Sith starts crying for his mommy.
Also they have just released this broken HAMSTER paragon of flaming farts. It will be a small eternity until they find something even more broken and lame to release.
If they are to release something unbroken, it should be a battle mage of sorts with huge survivability and bonuses and able to go in melee with pro magics. Something like the Dragon Age: Origins Arcane Warrior.
That wouldn't work for a new Paragon Path since you would have to be able to switch between Malee and Magic or sacrifice big portions of both if you only use 1 set of Attacks. Kinda like the HR.
I tought of a power tough, something like repel, but paired with EF, like you take an enemy and "throw" him somewhere. Use could be to get Ranged Enemies closer to you/your allies.
Or something like the evil eye as an encounter. You stare intensly at an enemy and that one gets dazed. Maybe add some DoT to that and a debuff...
Hermetic Saboteur:
At Will
Cloud of Daggers. Single-target. Leaves a damaging cloud for 2 seconds that other monsters might pass through.
Explosive Rune. Places a small trap on the field (similar to DC's chains). Mastery increases area. Target(s) take damage, a slight push (and maybe prone). Rank increases damage, maybe even gives an extra charge (or increases duration of prone).
Magic Circle. Enemies that enter or leave the circle take low-moderate damage. Enemies are slowed while they remain inside the field. Lasts slightly longer per rank.
Class Features
-Explosive Force: Arcane stacks now yield an extra 1% push per rank per stack to explosive effects (Explosive Rune, Shard, Oppressive Force)
I feel as though wizards have come away from the Arcane control side of things. That's a style of play that I really enjoy, and I'd like to see it get some love in the future.
Summon illusory monsters to fight. Illusory cave ins, holes...etc.
I liked the Palemaster ability list in this thread aswell, wouldnt mind that. Still feels weird to see Flame on the CW, considering thats what the Warlock probably will have aswell.
My thoughts exactly. Emphasize control over damage and include charm/daze effects. Would love this, dhuras1!
Control Wizard - Focus on control - damage reduced, AP gained at higher rates for more enemies controlled (like prior to the "fix")
Battle Mage - Focus more on damage output. AOE type and some individual as well. Stronger defenses.
Summoner - A bit of both, summoning monsters to protect and fight
Challenge Accepted! I will make it without cloud of daggers to further irritate you
quota filled
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Missile Storm will do instead of cloud of daggers, im happy
I'd love this for one more "damage" oriented Paragon Path, while i'd still love to see Illusionist as the more Controller based path.
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i want this! O.o
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