I'm returning to Neverwinter. I played in the beta only and never really got deep into class specs or guides. I have a couple of TR questions I was hoping someone could answer.
1) Can you respec in this game? Stats, feats, skills, etc. Are there any uninformed decision I could make about my character that are permanent? I'm assuming race is permanent. I'm hoping the rest is not.
2) I see a lot of guides recommending half-orc. I don't like how they look. Am I doing a major disservice to my character by picking another race?
3) There are a lot of good guides on this forum. Which one is the "cookie cutter" PvE build? Which one is the "cookie cutter" PvP build? I try to understand this from reading them but I'm not sure if I'm reading some niche build or one that is generally accepted as being proven to work.
4) Why do you enjoy the TR? It is the only class that really has me interested but I think I just like the stabby-stabby feel to it. Playstyle seems fun to me.
1. You can respec. On December 5th, everyone is getting a free respec token and a new paragon path to choose from. Unfortunately, you cannot change your initial attribute roll with a respec, so choose your Str/Con/Dex/Etc carefully.
2. Nope Feel free to play whatever race suits your tastes. I have two humans for my TRs. Besides, halfling is better for PvP, anyway.
3. Essentially, the power choices and feat choices for the Executioner tree are cookie-cutter PvE. There are a few guides out there regarding this. Power choice during dungeons is up to your personal taste, but stick with the Executioner path. For PvP, that's a lot more subjective. Executioner is more damaging, but there are PvP builds out there that center around permastealthing. Some perma-builds use Executioner, some do not. So, you'll have to decide if you want to focus on remaining in stealth or not. If yes, read this guide. If not, basically follow a cookie-cutter PvE build and stack regen.
4. I enjoy the TR because I like to kill things The burst can be pretty good, and the TR can also be surprisingly tanky if played right.
tofflemireMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
In other words, the video is outdated. Also, he is playing low level PvP in this video (20-29) so some of the things he says are not applicable in endgame PvP. At that level, he doesn't really have a spec, just a playstyle. Differences in specs start to really appear around lvl 45 and become important practically only at lvl 60.
Some of the threads (I refer to this thread) have videos of more recent lvl 60 PvP. However, these videos do not have commentary and are purely gameplay videos, so you'll have to observe carefully to learn.
Of course, much of this endgame stuff is not applicable while leveling. So, as you level, pick whatever skills you want, use stealth to your advantage, and stack tons of regen. Regen TRs in leveling PvP don't really lose damage, but gain a ton or survivability. Oh, and be sure to grab Impossible to Catch.
tofflemireMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2013
Will do. When I search for "Neverwinter Trickster Guide" in youtube the newest ones I see are 6 months old. I don't know the game well enough to know what is happening in gameplay videos. I'll try to figure it out.
1. You can respec. On December 5th, everyone is getting a free respec token and a new paragon path to choose from. Unfortunately, you cannot change your initial attribute roll with a respec, so choose your Str/Con/Dex/Etc carefully.
2. Nope
3. Essentially, the power choices and feat choices for the Executioner tree are cookie-cutter PvE. There are a few guides out there regarding this. Power choice during dungeons is up to your personal taste, but stick with the Executioner path. For PvP, that's a lot more subjective. Executioner is more damaging, but there are PvP builds out there that center around permastealthing. Some perma-builds use Executioner, some do not. So, you'll have to decide if you want to focus on remaining in stealth or not. If yes, read this guide. If not, basically follow a cookie-cutter PvE build and stack regen.
4. I enjoy the TR because I like to kill things
Some of the threads (I refer to this thread) have videos of more recent lvl 60 PvP. However, these videos do not have commentary and are purely gameplay videos, so you'll have to observe carefully to learn.
Of course, much of this endgame stuff is not applicable while leveling. So, as you level, pick whatever skills you want, use stealth to your advantage, and stack tons of regen. Regen TRs in leveling PvP don't really lose damage, but gain a ton or survivability. Oh, and be sure to grab Impossible to Catch.