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Gears and Enchantment for GWF

saintgreedosaintgreedo Member Posts: 10 Arc User
edited December 2013 in The Militia Barracks
Hello fellow GWF,

First of all, for those who doesn't know ... With the new Refining system - new term for fusion (should be implemented on Dec 5 - full details here: http://nw.perfectworld.com/news/?p=1028581), I believe its going to be a lot easier to refine an enchantment to higher level comparing what we have now.

As for my question, I do not want to work on an enchantment which I might not use in future resulting huge waste of my time and resources. We have plenty of experienced player here so just want to get some tips what is the best enchantments to work on.

For me, I am trying to build my GWF with DPs Build focusing mostly on AoE.

Counting Enchantment Slot we have,
Helm, Bracers, Greaves
> 1 each Utility Slot
> Total 3 Utility
> 1 weapon Enchantment Slot --> Total 1 Weapon Enchantment
> 1 Armor Enchantment Slot ---> Total 1 Armor Enchantment
Scale, waist, pant
> 1 Defense Slot
> Total 3 Defense
Sword, Sword Knot, Neck Item, Ring, Ring, Shirt --> 1 each Offence Slot ---> Total 6 Offence Slot

So my question is what is the best enchantment I can use on these various slot to make my GWF epic for PVE

Here is my guess, feel free to correct me ..

This will be updated as I get more infos.

> 3 X Dark ( for +300 movement each)
> 4 X Cruel ( for 165 X 4 power and recovery) and 2 X Dark (for 2 X 300 Armor Penetration)
> 2 X Cruel ( for 165 X 2 Defense and Deflection) and 1 Radiant (for 1200 HP)
Armor Enchantment --> Soulforged (No damage for 5s under 25% HP)
Weapon Enchantment -> Vorpal (+50% critical severity)

Also, for the people looking for PvP Enchantments, feel free to add your suggestions. I'll update this section for PVP focused GWF.

This will be updated as I get more infos.

Armor Enchantment -->
Weapon Enchantment ->

Any suggestions is warmly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance !
Post edited by saintgreedo on


  • ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    If u have 2 GWF characters 1 for pve 1 for pvp then u can look at some really good guides here in the barracks.

    If u dont dps bosses that often in your grp, u dont need that high of ar pen so u can even drop some of that. Recovery as it is in module 1 is pretty useless once u have AoW set plus what u get from items. I still like my hrimnir set of jewels as it rounds up my stats pretty nicely.

    I like radiants as many as i can for pve, as they are going to increase the dmg(bleed also), one dark in one defense slot as belt for extra lifesteal, rest HP and 2 darks for ar pen.
    Pet gets as much lifesteal/power as it can and slot with radiants full.

    For utility in module 1 feyblessings are the best, might change in module 2 and maybe darks will be better.

    For PVP things will change alot with module 2 so is early now to say anything. Probably for a casual, movement speed will still remain the most important stat for dps increase as gwf followed by ar pen :) deflect/hp in def.

    Soulforge is useless in pve in a good grp... u;ll never die, u just cant die as gwf, pick something else. In PvP, if your not sentinel, soulforge imo is useless as well. If u want a balanced enchant for both, u can pick Thunder, but there is also briart/blood.

    For weapon Vorpal is best pick if u want a single enchant for both aspects.
  • ikeepit3hunnaikeepit3hunna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Offence should be azure/dark. Defence radiant
    U R 2 E Z- SENT IV GWF undefeated 16k GS
    FaceRoller- regen recovery TR (put on the shelf for now) 14k GS
    Supreme CHAOS - IV GF (put on the shelf for now) 16k GS
    White Khalifa- tene/hp/regen CW (retired) 11k GS (tene)
    Death From Above- TANK ranger 16kGS
    (all halfling everything)

    Proud rank 6 of: <Enemy Team>

  • saintgreedosaintgreedo Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ortzhy wrote: »
    If u have 2 GWF characters 1 for pve 1 for pvp then u can look at some really good guides here in the barracks.

    If u dont dps bosses that often in your grp, u dont need that high of ar pen so u can even drop some of that. Recovery as it is in module 1 is pretty useless once u have AoW set plus what u get from items. I still like my hrimnir set of jewels as it rounds up my stats pretty nicely.

    I like radiants as many as i can for pve, as they are going to increase the dmg(bleed also), one dark in one defense slot as belt for extra lifesteal, rest HP and 2 darks for ar pen.
    Pet gets as much lifesteal/power as it can and slot with radiants full.

    For utility in module 1 feyblessings are the best, might change in module 2 and maybe darks will be better.

    For PVP things will change alot with module 2 so is early now to say anything. Probably for a casual, movement speed will still remain the most important stat for dps increase as gwf followed by ar pen :) deflect/hp in def.

    Soulforge is useless in pve in a good grp... u;ll never die, u just cant die as gwf, pick something else. In PvP, if your not sentinel, soulforge imo is useless as well. If u want a balanced enchant for both, u can pick Thunder, but there is also briart/blood.

    For weapon Vorpal is best pick if u want a single enchant for both aspects.

    I only has 1 GWF...Working towards full DPS build ...

    Weapon Enchantment - Vorpal all the way :)

    Armor Enchantment -
    Thunderhead - On receiving a critical strike 40% chance to deal Lightning damage -- I like this but my question is how often mobs (both boss and ads) do critical strike on you ? So far I really haven't seen one fighting any of those.

    Briartwine - Reflect 4% of damage back at attacker. -- this looks good.

    Utility - 3 X Fey Blessing - higher drop rate for enchantments == more AD
    (totally make sense..and movements isn't really needed that much for PvE)

    Offence - 4 X Radiant (+300 each power) and 2 X Dark (+300 each Ar Pen -need to be flexible to fight both boss and ads )
    Somewhat make sense but what about Critical Strike and Recovery ? Does AOW gears and Castel sword and swordknot max them out ? or it is simply not working much in module 1 (especially Recovery ?)

    Defense - 1 X Dark (for +300 Life steal) and 2 X Radiant (for + 1200 each HP)
    Isn't having little more Def with little less HP better than having low Def and high HP? True Radiant gives +1200 hp at max which is lot more than what Cruel (+ 165 Defense and Deflection) or Azure (+300 Defense) gives to your total stat. But isn't having one each balance the character more than just having high HP ?
    Offence should be azure/dark. Defence radiant
    I have a same question as above regarding the defense ? Balance between Defense / deflection and HP or just HP ?

    Also, Somewhere here in forum I read for GWF gear choices
    Priority 1 : Power - More power means more benefit from Slam.
    Priority 2: Recovery - Faster cooldowns means faster action points
    Priority 3: Defense - Raises power (when you have 5/5 on Steely Defense - grants Power equal to 20% of your Defense)

    I know I have lot of questions, just trying to understand some mechanics behind the character, I know it all depends on how I play but will help me to choose the path.
  • tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013

    ArP -> Crit -> Power

    Some folks will advocate that recovery comes before power which in some cases is absolutely true.
  • saintgreedosaintgreedo Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So it comes down to the priority you are giving on stats..

    Do we have a Cap on these stats after which its meaningless ?

  • ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    ok.. so crit is rly nothing to worry about as a dps gwf.. cause gear is giving u alot by default.. u;ll end up 3.2k+ without slotting anything with crit. As defense go... actually above 2k def, HP gives a better mitigation and deflect is not rly the best scaling stat 1200 is the cap so is not rly much. For defensive i do use alot of lifesteal (1200) and if u have a good healer u;ll reach 80% dmg resistance anyway so no point in investing to much. Also use defense items on pet.
    AoW will also boost your recovery and u wont need anything above 2500 with the buff (1350). So as long as items provides u with 1150 is all good.
    SO with pet u;ll want to hit stats like : 5.5-6k power, crit 3500 , ar pen 1200 (i have 23 const ) recovery 1.150. Def: 2k def , 1.2k deflect, 1.2-1.4k lifesteal and 30k hp. (i use rank 7 both runes and enchants.. they are more than enough to complete any pve dungeon)

    For PVP i have to use the same gear as a sentinel.. u should check the Steam build for a high end pvp build. For me (running pugs) i like to use 2 pieces of titan/greaves of dominance (dark slot)/helm Valiant Duelist / Arachnomancer Rings slot with darks/ revolt belt(silveryslot) and neck blessings (dark slot). I die ofc... i;m not op.. but i dont die that fast , i still deliver some pain... and i cant be kited that easily.

    Hope it helps, cheers!

    Edit: here is something that will help with stats diminishing returns:


    Edit2: Sry forgot... yes mobs do crit alot and in pvp is just priceless cause is an aoe stun when it procs and helps you or the dc from getting bursted.
  • saintgreedosaintgreedo Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Thanks Ortzhy,

    I'll play around with my gear and enhancement to get the stats that you have suggested, may be tweak it a bit to match my playstyle :).

    I have one final question, regarding the cap stat, but i'll post it on separate post at its useful to other classes as well and when searching the title will make more sense.
  • ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    caps are soft ones.. points from where u might look at other stats to increase since the return value is diminished. U can follow the graphs in the link for each stat and u can mix them till u end up with your desired build.
    I have to say that there is no set in stone build since depending on your group u may need more defense stats or u can ignore tanking and go full dps, but i pug alot and i;ve found that this suits me the best.
  • saintgreedosaintgreedo Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Awesome, it helped me a lot understanding what to focus on. Thanks again :D
  • steamroler12steamroler12 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ok Saint, so so far all of the responses in this post are completely incorrect. you wanna do high DPS in dungeons.....you need to be stacking POWER.
    Im assuming you already have full Avatar Of War 4 set already.. If you dont that shoul be your #1 goal. Best DMG gear in the game, if 4 set bonus is used correctly.(which is rare)
    you should ABSOLUTELY have no Armor Penetration at all. it comes with your gear, it comes with your constitution, and it also comes from Student of the Sword (Feat). you should have absolutely no Armor Penetration enchantments at all.
    EVERY offense slot should have a Radiant Enchantmant for POWER.
    Defense Slot - Azure (Defense) (Defense = Power in your Heroic Feats)
    Utility - Dark Enchantment (Movement)

    NO CRIT enchantments either, you should be capped with your avatar of war and slavvemaster rings, and everything else we get crit from.

    With the correct Gear and Build... your goal should be to have a MINUMUM of 7000 Power (7k Power) Including a Stone of course. with Empowered runestones. and Power/Defense Blue ring and NEck.

    Im not gonna get too complicated with this Response, but when I have a chance I will update a Build for Destroyer PVE GWF to max out DMG when I have the chance.

    But your goal Stat wise goes as follows :

    Power : 7000
    Crit : 3500-4000 (From Gear Alone)
    Armor Penetration : 750-1000 (From Gear Alone)
    Recovery : 1500-1800 (From Gear, Rings, and Stone Items) (+ Avatar 4 set puts you at 3000 Recovery) Capped.

    Current Best Encounter Rotation for AOE :
    Encounter's : Roar , Battle Strike, (Come and Get it (DMG BONUS) orrr Restoring Strike (Fastest cast time dmg encounter)
    Class Feature: Steel Blitz , Weapon Master
    Daily : Crescendo , Slam
    At- Wills : Sure Strike , Weapon Master's Strike. Any questions i can show you my Character in game and practice with you a bit.

    Hit me up if u want : Steamroller@steamroler12
  • nonameidknonameidk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    To the op:
    Get a maximum of total 24% arp for PvE, for PvP you can go about 25%-30%
    Get a max of 3k recovery, our dailies aren't very useful in terms of dmg, and you should save them for when extra dr is needed or some extra cc (slam and avalanche)
    Crit you should have a nice amount of, approx 3,5k, that's enough
    Every other spare point should go to power
    When in doubt, just hold on. A new day will rise :)
  • ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Is all about your group or guild. I can assure u that if u pug u;ll have a different gear requirement to perform and this is a big issue of guides: they are not general, a fresh lvl 60 can perform well but it needs a different gear (enchantments) since stats on pieces are different.
    I only took offense cause of the "completely incorrect" part since that thing includes the graphs (not to mention that u said the same thing as i did) that are the base for each build (every guide should have that link included imo) and if u read the post i even pointed your pvp guide as a source of reference for pvp.

    Regarding utility slots: module 2 may render Fey blessings less useful but in module 1 for a solo player those were a gold mine: they generated me over 15 mil ad so is really hard to not recommend them as darks are only good if u are a runner.
  • tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    ok Saint, so so far all of the responses in this post are completely incorrect. you wanna do high DPS in dungeons.....you need to be stacking POWER.
    Im assuming you already have full Avatar Of War 4 set already.. If you dont that shoul be your #1 goal. Best DMG gear in the game, if 4 set bonus is used correctly.(which is rare)
    you should ABSOLUTELY have no Armor Penetration at all. it comes with your gear, it comes with your constitution, and it also comes from Student of the Sword (Feat). you should have absolutely no Armor Penetration enchantments at all.
    EVERY offense slot should have a Radiant Enchantmant for POWER.
    Defense Slot - Azure (Defense) (Defense = Power in your Heroic Feats)
    Utility - Dark Enchantment (Movement)

    NO CRIT enchantments either, you should be capped with your avatar of war and slavvemaster rings, and everything else we get crit from.

    With the correct Gear and Build... your goal should be to have a MINUMUM of 7000 Power (7k Power) Including a Stone of course. with Empowered runestones. and Power/Defense Blue ring and NEck.

    Im not gonna get too complicated with this Response, but when I have a chance I will update a Build for Destroyer PVE GWF to max out DMG when I have the chance.

    But your goal Stat wise goes as follows :

    Power : 7000
    Crit : 3500-4000 (From Gear Alone)
    Armor Penetration : 750-1000 (From Gear Alone)
    Recovery : 1500-1800 (From Gear, Rings, and Stone Items) (+ Avatar 4 set puts you at 3000 Recovery) Capped.

    Current Best Encounter Rotation for AOE :
    Encounter's : Roar , Battle Strike, (Come and Get it (DMG BONUS) orrr Restoring Strike (Fastest cast time dmg encounter)
    Class Feature: Steel Blitz , Weapon Master
    Daily : Crescendo , Slam
    At- Wills : Sure Strike , Weapon Master's Strike. Any questions i can show you my Character in game and practice with you a bit.

    Hit me up if u want : Steamroller@steamroler12

    So we are all wrong?

    I gave the order of importance which was solved months ago by math back in beta.

    ArP -> Crit -> Power

    Those are the order of importance in regards to damage.

    Once you factor in gear then you can shift the order depending on which gear set you are running and which stats are sitting at soft cap.

    Now you want to go for dps (sustained damage) then you add in recovery.

    Survival? Start factoring in defense/deflection/hp/regen/lifesteal etc etc etc.

    OP - You said AOE for PVE.

    You will be wanting to give Instigator build a try seeing as the capstone will actually be worth it when module 2 hits.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    mod note: let's keep this conversation civil. respect each other and your opinions. it's okay to agree to disagree. thanks!

    do not reply to this note. instead, send a PM to the community moderators or the community managers if you'd like to discuss it.
  • saintgreedosaintgreedo Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    @ Everyone, I asked a question and thanks for answering it but picking fights in forum, Common guys, we all have better things to do, don't we ?

    But your goal Stat wise goes as follows :

    Power : 7000
    Crit : 3500-4000 (From Gear Alone)
    Armor Penetration : 750-1000 (From Gear Alone)
    Recovery : 1500-1800 (From Gear, Rings, and Stone Items) (+ Avatar 4 set puts you at 3000 Recovery) Capped.

    Hit me up if u want : Steamroller@steamroler12

    As for this suggestion, I am completely confused by these numbers as they seems virtually impossible unless you are using Augment pet "Ioun Stone". Are these numbers after using Ioun Stone as a pet ?

    Can you explain how you come up with these stats ??

    When I did the math, here's what I found

    Crit : 3100-3250
    After using AOW set + Ancient Castle Sword and Sword Not + Ancient Slavemaster Ring + Ancient Fugitive's Necklace

    Recovery - 1350 - 1500
    If you are using above Ring, Necklace with +154 recover and belt with lots of recovery, if not the number is reduced to 1100 or so.

    Ar Pen -- 0
    ( yes Zero, as all your gear are totally based for Power, Crit and Recovery unless you have 5/5 Disciple of war for feat which gives 25% of total recovery == 375 Recovery, assuming you have 1500 recovery)

    Power -4000 -4150
    (with the gears mentioned above)

    Also all these stats doesn't include enchantment and boons that you will unlock after lvl 60.

    The only things that comes closer to the stat you mentioned is Crit.

    Since recovery and arpen is low you do need to prioritize them with enchantment...at-least 2 for recovery and 3 for ArPen...leaving 2 spot for power enchant...Assuming one day you are able to get rank 10 on all enchantment and complete all Boons your stat will look like

    P- 5K - 5.1k
    CS- 3500 - 3600
    ArPen - 24% counting CON
    Def - 1970 - 2050
    Recovery - 2150 - 2250
    Deflect - 781

    For me, these numbers looks pretty reasonable and pretty good for DPs GWF and I am thinking to build it this way.
    FYI: I am using Lillend as my companion cause It's awesome.

    I might be looking into getting "Ioun Stone" and switch between them depending upon situation / party. I don't know if its worth to get ?
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