Anyone else having problems with teleports in outdoor zones?
Been trying to place some Teleporters on my Outdoor Forest map, the past couple days and it has just flat out been giving me fits!
I place the 2 parts, set to +3, to Terrain and they appear 10 feet or so "under" ground? I change the settings, then if I move either part, they both get thrown all out of whack again. Even when I do manage to get them both above the ground, they don't appear at all. I can switch to 3d and see the wire frame, mouse over and see the image, but at no time does it show up when I play through the quest. I can hear the sound if it's a magical portal type, but I can't see the actual teleporter. This happens to me no matter what type I use, have tried invis clicky, pit ladder, magical portals, just the ladders, none of them are showing up.
I have tried setting them to terrain, zero altitude, even geometry, no luck with getting them to work.
I have setup multiple times in indoor maps and no issues, other than the radian positions. Actually I have used them as recently as 2 weeks ago while working on another outdoor map, and had no problems. This just started in the past couple days. Really frustrating. Would appreciate any suggestions.
Starting to think it might be the map I am using. Have the Outdoor, Extra Large, Detailed Forest map.(though it has very little actual detail, never seen so many empty spots in a forest lol)
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builderxMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 81
edited November 2013
Teleporters have been bugged for ever - it's a nightmare to get them right - they are not consistent in there use map to map. Whoever coded them was out of there mind. They need to be re-coded to work consistently and as expected.
The only solution is to keep adjusting the y coord until its correct - after doing this many times you will be able to get better at guessing how much to add / subtract, sorry mate they are just a mess.
The most "luck" I've had setting teleporters in an outdoor map:
From extensive testing - it appears that they are always relative to terrain - no matter what setting
Even so, I always set BOTH sides to relative to ZERO
/loc where you want the teleporter
ADD 50' to the Y value
Enter 3D preview (or exit Edit mode)
See if you can see the teleporter above the terrain
If it's above the terrain -- edit the properties - don't 3D move it! ... and adjust Y value down by approx height above terrain
If you don't see it - and it is one that "makes noise" run around where you think it is to see if you can hear it -- it may be just below the terrain. Edit properties, add 20 and re-enter preview mode to check
Do the same for the other side of the teleporter.
Now that you've got that one -- go back and verify that the first one didn't move because you changed the second one -- if so, it should be close, if above, edit properties and adjust down, if below adjust up
Lather, rinse, repeat
Half hour to an hour later -- voila! A working teleporter.
Goto "Foundry Bugs" in my signature -- scroll down to last bug -- click link, and sign/post your support for fixing this major MAJOR annoyance.
Thanks Eldarth, your advice helped a lot. It seems the teleporter was about 90 feet below where the wire frame box was showing in the quest. Took quite a few adjustments to finally get it to where I wanted it, but it's working now.
Campaign: Ashmadai Incursion
[1] Devils in the Sewer : NW-DQ9WRV8HX : Daily Eligible : Featured
[2] The Summoning : NW-DGG95NROO : Daily Eligible
[3] Temple of the Winds NW-DM5JFJ3UL : Daily Eligible
Thanks Eldarth, your advice helped a lot. It seems the teleporter was about 90 feet below where the wire frame box was showing in the quest. Took quite a few adjustments to finally get it to where I wanted it, but it's working now.
Yeah, you can't trust the offset height AND you can't even trust the Selection Box. Royal pain in the asterisks.
Yeah, you can't trust the offset height AND you can't even trust the Selection Box. Royal pain in the asterisks.
Just in case another reader found this thread useful. (I do.) I wanted to confirm that it is still a problem, I wish I had looked for this thread before I spent a couple of hours trying to make teleporters work.
My goal was to give players of my foundry quest the option to get out of a deep pit with a teleporter. The teleporter instances ended up being off by, literally, hundreds of feet in the Y direction, and often in X, Z and rotation, too. They looked fine in edit mode... in test, they were all wrong.
The solution for my pit problem was just to put an "Exit without Success" interactive item in the bottom of the pits. Meh, that works, too, I guess.
This is how I deal with teleporters, first off I use details for whatever the teleporter is supposed to be (portal, hole in the ground etc). Then I use the invisible sphere teleporters as the actual interaction.
There are actually 3 PARTS to a teleporter, and on outdoor maps everything you place in 2d mode is set to terrain, everything you place in 3d mode is set to zero. I still place all my teleporters on 2d mode though (I like to create 2 crates ahead of time where I want the teleporters to be then use that Y co-ord for the teleporter parts. That way I can simply drag the teleporter part over top of the crate icon in 2d map, and then paste the Y in from the crate. I should also note it helps to turn the align to grid off for both turning and movement (at the very top of the 2d editor you'll see 3 little buttons one for showing story objectives toggle, and the 2 after that are the alignment toggles)
For the 3 parts you have to do this, select the 2 parts you can see normally and set them to zero. (I like to do this before I move them or do anything else to them I just drop them on the map and set all 3 parts to zero first) Then click at the top where it lists all the assets on the map ( I forget the name at the moment) in that list you'll see any teleporters you have listed, drag the asset list to the right side of the screen (because it will cover up the properties window if you don't) then click on the first part of the teleporter (that has the drop down menu for the other 2 parts) and set that to zero as well. Now you should have no problem using them. Just drag them to the crate icon in 2d map, and copy paste the Y from the crate and you're done.
I am not sure how well this works with portal teleporters or the other ones, I exclusively use invisible sphere for all my teleporters and have never had issues using this method. (even when 1 teleporter part is above ground, and the other is below ground)
Using this method I can make a teleporter in about 5min and it works every time, the only thing I might have to do is spin it so I come out the right direction. A note about that actually if you look at the 2d map icon for the teleporter part, you can see a V coming out the top of the icon. The corner on the bottom right side (not the one the V touches) is the exit for the teleporter meaning if you used part 2, when you popped out part 1 you'd come out that corner, samegoes for part 2. So just adjust the angle in 2d so that corner points where you want players to come out.
Hope that helps
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Anyone else having problems with teleports in outdoor zones?
Been trying to place some Teleporters on my Outdoor Forest map, the past couple days and it has just flat out been giving me fits!
I place the 2 parts, set to +3, to Terrain and they appear 10 feet or so "under" ground? I change the settings, then if I move either part, they both get thrown all out of whack again. Even when I do manage to get them both above the ground, they don't appear at all. I can switch to 3d and see the wire frame, mouse over and see the image, but at no time does it show up when I play through the quest. I can hear the sound if it's a magical portal type, but I can't see the actual teleporter. This happens to me no matter what type I use, have tried invis clicky, pit ladder, magical portals, just the ladders, none of them are showing up.
I have tried setting them to terrain, zero altitude, even geometry, no luck with getting them to work.
I have setup multiple times in indoor maps and no issues, other than the radian positions. Actually I have used them as recently as 2 weeks ago while working on another outdoor map, and had no problems. This just started in the past couple days. Really frustrating. Would appreciate any suggestions.
Starting to think it might be the map I am using. Have the Outdoor, Extra Large, Detailed Forest map.(though it has very little actual detail, never seen so many empty spots in a forest lol)
i kinda need this sort of thing myself, but placing them just seems to crash the fundry. Also transition to the next map seems to Fail on an epic level at the moment. I have tralled the wiki, can I find any USEFUL info there? Nope. just "this is what it is and this is what it dose" no How to's one thing I have always loved doing on ALL the DnD games with this kind feature is making my own quests. Neverwinter knighs (1) was easyer to use then this and you also had semi control on some loot drops. You couldn't get it to drop the best stuff (always a fair enough), but you could at least get it to drop a bit more Gold or class focus item drops and a few other things making you feel like a REAL DM. But this Foundry seems buggy and over complex.
The only solution is to keep adjusting the y coord until its correct - after doing this many times you will be able to get better at guessing how much to add / subtract, sorry mate they are just a mess.
Goto "Foundry Bugs" in my signature -- scroll down to last bug -- click link, and sign/post your support for fixing this major MAJOR annoyance.
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Yeah, you can't trust the offset height AND you can't even trust the Selection Box. Royal pain in the asterisks.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Just in case another reader found this thread useful. (I do.) I wanted to confirm that it is still a problem, I wish I had looked for this thread before I spent a couple of hours trying to make teleporters work.
My goal was to give players of my foundry quest the option to get out of a deep pit with a teleporter. The teleporter instances ended up being off by, literally, hundreds of feet in the Y direction, and often in X, Z and rotation, too. They looked fine in edit mode... in test, they were all wrong.
The solution for my pit problem was just to put an "Exit without Success" interactive item in the bottom of the pits. Meh, that works, too, I guess.
There are actually 3 PARTS to a teleporter, and on outdoor maps everything you place in 2d mode is set to terrain, everything you place in 3d mode is set to zero. I still place all my teleporters on 2d mode though (I like to create 2 crates ahead of time where I want the teleporters to be then use that Y co-ord for the teleporter parts. That way I can simply drag the teleporter part over top of the crate icon in 2d map, and then paste the Y in from the crate. I should also note it helps to turn the align to grid off for both turning and movement (at the very top of the 2d editor you'll see 3 little buttons one for showing story objectives toggle, and the 2 after that are the alignment toggles)
For the 3 parts you have to do this, select the 2 parts you can see normally and set them to zero. (I like to do this before I move them or do anything else to them I just drop them on the map and set all 3 parts to zero first) Then click at the top where it lists all the assets on the map ( I forget the name at the moment) in that list you'll see any teleporters you have listed, drag the asset list to the right side of the screen (because it will cover up the properties window if you don't) then click on the first part of the teleporter (that has the drop down menu for the other 2 parts) and set that to zero as well. Now you should have no problem using them. Just drag them to the crate icon in 2d map, and copy paste the Y from the crate and you're done.
I am not sure how well this works with portal teleporters or the other ones, I exclusively use invisible sphere for all my teleporters and have never had issues using this method. (even when 1 teleporter part is above ground, and the other is below ground)
Using this method I can make a teleporter in about 5min and it works every time, the only thing I might have to do is spin it so I come out the right direction. A note about that actually if you look at the 2d map icon for the teleporter part, you can see a V coming out the top of the icon. The corner on the bottom right side (not the one the V touches) is the exit for the teleporter meaning if you used part 2, when you popped out part 1 you'd come out that corner, samegoes for part 2. So just adjust the angle in 2d so that corner points where you want players to come out.
Hope that helps
Search @Longshire for 12 Foundry Quests, all are story driven adventures
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i kinda need this sort of thing myself, but placing them just seems to crash the fundry. Also transition to the next map seems to Fail on an epic level at the moment. I have tralled the wiki, can I find any USEFUL info there? Nope. just "this is what it is and this is what it dose" no How to's