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Paragon paths in PVP and game balance

kazgar99kazgar99 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
Devs think clerics arent survivable enough at the moment according to the new paragon paths blog post? So the tankiest class in the game (especially in tandem) - clerics becomes tankier? Rogues arent infiltration enough? My perma rogue goes 27-0 in a game and is barely ever seen to even be struck, I think rogues have got stealth and infiltration down just fine without needing more! Do the devs even play pvp to have a clue?

If you want to add survivability then give CWs some because thats a class completely lacking in it (why do you think everyone focuses cw first), but atm paragon paths wont help anything in pvp, can the devs please focus on adding new pvp content, more maps, more tactical based maps, 1 vs 1 , 2 vs 2 and 5 vs 5 tournament and league options, guild vs guild pvp options. This is what people need, not more skills that will make game balance even harder. Also adding more pvp orientated rewards would be good, adding something you can grind towards would be nice, something useful like enchants.

The potential with pvp here is good but the devs are consistently not realising that potential and its getting very frustrating each new update im hopeful and that hope is dashed. Please please please focus on pvp, most of your Pay to win players thus the people who pay your wages are pvpers so surely catering to that makes sense business wise and game wise.
Post edited by kazgar99 on


  • berzergeraberzergera Member Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    +1 for CWs needing some survivability.
    As of today, we can use repel, shield and other survivability effects and slide arround 3 times without damage, and eventually die.
    Or we can do damage and die. There is no balance.
  • revovlerjesus1revovlerjesus1 Member Posts: 481 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Errhmm, people targeting cws because they do very much dmg AND cc. I think this is just a more l2p issue rly. A cw with HV gear, high deflect, regen and know its char is very very hard to kill.
  • valetudo78valetudo78 Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yeah people target CWs first because they will tear you a new one if you ignore them. When I play my GF and have a CW behind me I tend to defend a base and let the CW attack while I try to take his damage instead. Then use the GF combo to keep enemies off the base. Me and my sister used this combo all the time when we play pvp.
  • kazgar99kazgar99 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Errhmm, people targeting cws because they do very much dmg AND cc. I think this is just a more l2p issue rly. A cw with HV gear, high deflect, regen and know its char is very very hard to kill.

    l2p issue? This is nothing to do with learning to play its about how classes are at the moment. People target CW first because they have no way to get out of cc once it begins, every other class does. I'm guessing you dont play top end premades or against good people over and over, CW die with ease, I target them first on my rogue because they have no defence against me unless they are really skilled and excellent timing and eventually they will die anyway. If you think CW are hard to kill compared to any other class the l2p issue is with you. Im just stating simple facts and at the moment its a simple fact that CW are the easiest class to kill, they are also the best 1 vs 1 class played well but that means little in the current pvp setup as its not about 1 vs 1s.

    Please tell me the class you think is easier to kill than a CW?
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    kazgar99 wrote: »
    Please tell me the class you think is easier to kill than a CW?
    Please tell me a class that is easier to kill with than a CW...

    Thats the tradeoff, high damage but squishy.

    Also, with exault, CWs will be god-mode how about that for a change... 10 seconds of being immune to damage...
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    Please tell me a class that is easier to kill with than a CW...

    Thats the tradeoff, high damage but squishy.

    Also, with exault, CWs will be god-mode how about that for a change... 10 seconds of being immune to damage...

    The immunity part lasts 2 seconds. The defense and damage buffs, however, last 10.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    What is "exault"?
  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    pointsman wrote: »
    What is "exault"?

    New DC skill.
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yes CW's are squishy, *unless they are specced purely for PVP*.
  • shadow5930shadow5930 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 502 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    A rogue (scissors) is saying a wizard (paper) is too weak.

    Now I've seen it all.

    Top end games, a CW can be beast. Depends entirely on the player. Thus the learn to play comment. I've seen killer rogues, I've seen killer CW. Personally, I think the one thrown under the bus most often is DC. They heal, which keeps everyone else up, so primary target is DC and CW. Both for their own reason.

    The problem is perception plays a lot into this.. any class is 'squishy' when you have 4 players targetting it.
  • ipwnu1ipwnu1 Member Posts: 89
    edited November 2013
    shadow5930 wrote: »
    any class is 'squishy' when you have 4 players targetting it.

    Tell that to my GWF with the new artifacts and soulforged on preview... I fight 2-3 while defending a point... and win, perma stealths in whisperknife tickle, they are slower and i got the lantern and unlimited gap closer now
  • kazgar99kazgar99 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This is going way off topic anyway, I was commenting on the fact Clerics DONT need additional survivability and rogues dont need more infiltration abilities and that we need focus on more pvp options not more class skills that will unbalance things when things are settled.
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Very good OP, I support it. More PvP content, more rewards for PvP, ladders etc. Seems we need to repeat these things a billion times until we will be noticed.

    Also thanks for the sincerity about CWs. It's interesting to see how other TRs insist the CWs are doing so well survivability wise, well of course the lion never wants the gazelle to grow pointy teeth and to be able to fight back :) It is true that skilled, PvP geared and specced CWs do much better in PvP, but they still die. The most - if the other team know what they're doing, i.e. "kill the CW!". Just watch best guilds on the server doing premades, even the best CWs still get neutralized so very fast. kazgar is right, we lack any meaningful escapes or immunities. It's worth mentioning that the new CW paragon is completely useless in PvP, no application whatsoever.

    Also I agree that introduction of more variables (artifacts, new class, new paragon/skills/feats/powers etc.) in an already extremely imbalanced environment can only deepen the issues.
  • jacksoonjacksoon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Cw can dodge 3 time in a row, so they an dodge 3 enc easy. Stop blame for buff -.- I saw a lot of CW rock on pvp, like Tr, GWF, GF and DC. All class do the best when used well. You can't pretend to be a god of pvp the first day you go in the map. First time i was joining pvp i was allways the first to die in all the match; now all the time whit my Dc there need at last 2-3 people for kill me and i don't even use a pvp build.
  • ipwnu1ipwnu1 Member Posts: 89
    edited November 2013
    My experience playing playing GWF and TR in premades(against premades) is that a crappy CW will die quick and a lot and a good will die a lot... class is a joke to kill and 3 dodges isn't enough to counter ranged attacks of whisperknife and ranger or unlimited charge of a GWF/GF and with the removal of soulforged immunity running down a CW is very easy, unless he's a deflection bot in which case his crit chance is probably 5% and he has to pray for EotS proc so I can just face tank/outlast him without losing 15% of my HP
  • kazgar99kazgar99 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Jacksoon its pretty obvious you've never played a topend game vs the best guys in the game (ie rank8-10s, perfect vorpals etc), play one then get back to me on what survivability a CW has. The fact your DC takes 2-3 people to kill it just proves that and my original point more.
  • astronaxastronax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    Thats the tradeoff, high damage but squishy.
    Also, with exault, CWs will be god-mode how about that for a change... 10 seconds of being immune to damage...

    It's not fair, balanced, neither proportional tradeoff. We are unreasonably squishy, compared to other classes. For example, and you well aware of it, bro, rogues do way more burst damage with standart LS+IS, while still remaining significantly more durable with stealth, ITC and deflect chance/severity for free (not taking gear into account atm). Same goes for GFs - i believe, almost the same damage output in spikes (less consistent, though), comparable CC potential, sick survability in comparision.
    I'm excited to see what's going to change with this "exaltation" thingy, or whatever it's called.

    talking about this kind of posts:
    Errhmm, people targeting cws because they do very much dmg AND cc. I think this is just a more l2p issue rly. A cw with HV gear, high deflect, regen and know its char is very very hard to kill.
    I love how ppl with little to no understanding of wizard mechanics or high-end pvp trying to make l2p comments. Yes it's hard to kill certain wizards 1v1 - I won't argue with that.
    (though, LS/ET-level skilled heavy-stealth rogues with Gtenes/rank 9-10s dont have much troubles with such wizards. At least i'm winning like 3-4 of 10 average. If you know any wizard able to do at least 8 of 10 - record him and show me, i'll send him a beer via mail.)

    But pvp in current meta very rarely about 1v1 for wizard. None of 5 classes able to survive well coordinated 1v2 atm - sooner or later they gonna die. And the f**ing point of 1st post was: in 1v2 (obviously, 2v2, 2v3, 3v3, 4v3, etc can be approximated by 1v2 situation) we die 1st by HUGE time margin. Basically, well-played team can drop a wizard in a matter of 2-3 seconds. Every other class able to survive at least x5 longer. And, returning to Ayroux's post - our damage aint x5 higher than yours.
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