On an Ancient Island, evil has been uncovered.
Fight your way through the Vampire Lair. Do it for the women and children!
Ok, I Tweaked some things with the time I had. Thank you to everyone who has played this quest and especially to everyone of you who gave me feedback and advice. Anyway be safe.
Looking good so far I think. The little girl thing seemed unneeded to me. And I thought it was funny when I had to run to talk to Joe while he was still following me.
I just wish I hadn't turned off the encounters so I could've had the full effect. lol Didn't read the little message on the side; just clicked and said "HAMSTER". ;D
-Upon entering talking to "Joe Momma" needs to be a space between Hello and Playername.
-Probably should say "place your hand upon the glowing wall behind me" instead of click. That ruins any immersion in the quest and world then. Reminding the player its a game.
-I would suggest a way point right after reaching the sealed door. Heading back to the statue, where you talk to him, and he mentions that its related to the sealed door and you both should look for some way to lower its forcefield, where after the conversation he now continues to follow you. This will give some sense of direction, and actually makes the npc useful and will promote exploration, which you need to do to progress to find the power to lower the forcefield. Where when you reach the sealed door in its current state, you're unsure on what to do. As it took me a bit to realize there were two additional pathways,and you need to go in them to get the power to lower the field. I would imagine less perceptive people to get lost or frustrated with this part just a bit.
-Theres 2 Joe Momma Npc's standing at the point in the quest where it says Talk to Joe Momma, one of them is non interactable. this is after you opened the sealed door and reached the teleporter. The 2nd npc is the follower one I imagined since he keeps saying "How do you kill a vampire? " and just needs to despawn though he no longer follows. These extra non interactive Joe Momma's are at both ends of the teleporter.
-After opening the lid, the Joe Momma npc helped fight when the vampire pet attacks. He has speech as if he is supposed to be there, but before going through the teleporter, he said he was going to stay to pray a bit and for you to look around.
-When the vampire pet tells you to go through the portal, its actually difficult to see the portal. Would help if she said in the coffin she appeared in. (also to add it was difficult to tell the coffin was interactable, the purple lighting kind of hid the sparkles that signals its interactable)
-Small typo in one of the vampire slave's speeches. She says "how di you get here? "
-I would suggest adding some optional dialog to some of the slave captives to give thier input which would also give some more sustenance to the story. they are captors after are, and you are there to save them. (or thats what the cleric is there for ) Im sure they would have alot to say, and players may have some questions for some of them.
- It seems a little odd that a vampire would keep thier source of power right where he keeps his victims.
Now after finishing it. I enjoyed it quite well. My personal favorite part was the initial encounter with the vampire, where he locked you in with barriers the first time in that small confined space. It had a very good cinematic feel to it, and an actual sense of danger, especially for characters who are more comfortable fighting at a distance.