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Are Arcane singularity and Opresisve Force Capped?

dalang3ddalang3d Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 29 Arc User
Hy Guys... i want to know why Shield, arcane singularity and Opresive force capped up to x target [idk how many] ?
where i can see the thread about it?
Post edited by dalang3d on


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    fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Shield: 5.
    AS: 15.
    OF: unlimited.

    There has been no reason given for WHY any nerf to target caps (as opposed to AP) have been made. Only speculation.
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    dalang3ddalang3d Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Owh... Combat Designer, You'r ****... Without Reason Making Decision.
    You Just Killing CW Because of thiz.:mad:
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    dalang3ddalang3d Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    owh thank's anyway fondlez
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    banaancbanaanc Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    loooool.... killing cw.... a class that still is broken OP..... cant.... breathe.... rofl :D

    even if they reduced cw aoe dps by 50% the class would still be good and needed in dungeons

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    ladysylvialadysylvia Member Posts: 946 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    Noone interest that other classes have Target caps too. But only the CW need control over the whole map + infinite target hit...
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