Please Do reply here:
Just reply In that link , theres no need you post here. (please)
PS: just posted here to lure attention of rogue community. (but realy..this is a world wide issue..will Break the entire game.
Tenebrous ? ??Little baby's Comparing to this issue.
that at-will isn't actually that good and the rest of the paragon path is pretty much garbage as well
Also, to get it you need to give up ITC , gloaming cut, AND skillful infiltrator.
I didn't get a chance to try in PvP but I am going to mess around on PTR now, and hopefully get the chance.
I've heard from guild TR's that its nowhere near that damage in PvP, and I believe them.
Well since dummies have no armor, and ArPen is only effective up to %22(?) I would say so.
(I've seen your rogue though i have no doubt that it will still do some pretty heavy damage)
What exactly is getting nerfed with it? o0
The damage of Tenebous will no longer ignore defense stats, such as armor, defense and deflect. However, it will also benefit from armor penetration. Thus, rogues with full tene would be screwed when they face GWFs or GFs (who stack tons of defense and deflect) due to the armor penetration DR.
Interesting, guess it's time to go blight for Wep enchantment. I got absolutely wrecked vs a rogue sporting blight, pretty **** impressive.