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First Daily: Guardian of Faith

jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
edited November 2013 in The Temple
We admit that GoF is much too weak when compared with other dailies, but it is the only skill that cause Prone to 1 target. Its heal can be neglected but if we spec, it increase allies damage output and reduction. It also trigger our feats that required heals/critical heals.

Now, is GoF still in ur daily slot? Although many of us drop GoF, but some of the build still included the usage of GoF, even in mid-levels PvP it is quite common besides HG.

The question is GoF worth to be slotted? If yes, in what situation it is better than other dailies?
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  • chocobofarmerchocobofarmer Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I really don't see why it would be used over HG or DA. The prone time is laughable, about 1/3th as long as a tr's encounter Dazing Strike. If the duration of the stun was increased significantly, it may have a use in pvp, but I think to make it on the same level as HG or DA we'd have to do something like a 4-5 second prone, because GoF as it is is very weak like weapon fighters.
  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The reason I still use GoF is not the damage. GoF is weak but it got the faster casting animation when compared to FS and HG and it cannot be dodged by CW/TR. You dont have to target ur enemy in the red circle to deal full damage which is a waste of time. Prone is better than launching someone into the air as allies can attack ur target when they are prone. In addition, if spec into it, it can boost allies ability and excels in short fights. Thats why i keep GoF... Any idea??
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    I tried it and didn't like it. If I use something else than Divine Armor, I would go for Hammer, due to the instant animation that leads to CC immunity and reduced damage.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • tang56tang56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    GoF would be much nicer if it either did more damage(probably ~30% more), more healing (think similar area of effect to astral shield and an instant heal of say...10% of your HP with a 10% buff for each rank and a 10% of your HP that doesn't upgrade as a HoT for 3 secs?). I like the more healing idea myself, makes it unique.
    RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    tang56 wrote: »
    GoF would be much nicer if it either did more damage(probably ~30% more), more healing (think similar area of effect to astral shield and an instant heal of say...10% of your HP with a 10% buff for each rank and a 10% of your HP that doesn't upgrade as a HoT for 3 secs?). I like the more healing idea myself, makes it unique.

    Yup, GoF is the only daily that heals without spec. Like other dual heal/dmg skills (sunburst, FF), it has low attack and low heals. I think it needs a buff unless developers want all power we get at higher levels stronger and more useful than lower ones...
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I still use GoF - more for its interrupt ability. I'm referring to PvE - I don't PvP - far too much min-maxing drama for my tastes, but the OP didm;t specify which. So there's my too-sense of it.
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    Does GoF provide better CC than flamestrike, though? I haven't actually used it in months, so I can't remember, but I use flamestrike all the time in run-of-the-mill solo PvE (i.e. sharandar tedium yay), and the whole liiiiift and drop interrupt is super-handy, specially since you can usually catch like...three or four trolls/cyclopses with it, if you're lucky, and the splash damage usually instagibs the witherers, too.
  • craeh1craeh1 Member Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    Flamestrike does better, simply bit hitting multiple targets.
    Effect may be another one, but both are about the same duration while the enemy can't attack..
    GoF has the heal benefit, flamestrike the higher damage + AoE.

    About GoF, somehow I like it, having a single target damage + knockdown + AoE heal is nice on it's basic design, but it feels very weak compared to the other dailys.
    Flamestrike hits for about 5k*2 AoE.
    Hallowed Ground gives defense + damage buff for a longer time.
    Divine Armor gives temp HP + defense buff.
    Hammer of Faith... well Daunting Light often strikes higher numbers on shorter cooldown with AoE - so it's also kinda weak...
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  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    morsitans wrote: »
    Does GoF provide better CC than flamestrike, though? I haven't actually used it in months, so I can't remember, but I use flamestrike all the time in run-of-the-mill solo PvE (i.e. sharandar tedium yay), and the whole liiiiift and drop interrupt is super-handy, specially since you can usually catch like...three or four trolls/cyclopses with it, if you're lucky, and the splash damage usually instagibs the witherers, too.

    GoF and flame strike have equal time in knock down, but GoF knock down your target for your allies to attack directly while FS required you to target your enemy at the small center red circle, a step out of it will waste your skill as it will deal slight damage and a small push. However if succeeded will cause major damage and launch ur target into air (your aliies cannot attack it) and apply a quick prone after they fall. It is like gambling to get the maximum effect or fail but since in PvP EVERY ppl keeps on dodging so normally you will waste ur FS unless they are rooted or in a middle of fight.
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    Dunno, I've killed a few dudes with flamestrike before.

    Ok yes, they were fighting someone else, so all your points are actually entirely valid. :p
    Well, maybe I'll give it a whirl.
  • yokihiroyokihiro Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 510 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    I use it in PVP all the time and even in solo PVE. Hammer is a joke after the nerf, also its animation is slow, you can hear it basically when it is casted and ppl can dodge it. Also the knock down is much better than the knock back. I haven't even put any points in Hammer anymore after they nerfed it. The dmg output doesn't make much of a different anyway in the end so the real benefit is the CC and Guardian's CC is superior to the one of Hammer for my taste.
  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Actually in PvP if we use dailies like HG, it can be interrupted and all your action points will be consumed, I wonder is it a bug?? I used HG but when casting I was killed by TR and my action point disappear after i respawn. (HG eff not applied)

    And for FS, it deals damage in 2 hits, for example ur FS will deal 3k-4k damage, it is 1.5k in the small circle when lift ur target up then 2.5k more when it falls, which become a large aoe 2.5k damage. The casting animation is so long that u are exposed to TR's and die after casting ur dailies. GoF in the same situation deals roughly 2.5k also but it is single target skill.

    So we can compare FS and GoF
    1. deals 37.5% damage more than GoF if deals full damage.
    2. very low accuracy and easy for target to dodge unless they are not paying attention on u.
    3. prone the target when it falls but when target launched into the air, target are safe from any attack for 2 secs.
    4. longer casting animation
    5. requires other skills to root target to achieve 100% accuracy.
    (but why? my crit daunting light near 6k deals more than a full FS, still waste a encounter slot for root?)

    1. deal 37.5% less damage than FULL FS.
    2. deal approximately the same damage with FS second strike but deals PRONE instead of slight knock back.
    3. easy to cast and no nid to aim, time saving in PvP
    4. 100% guarantee to hit if cast
    5. apply a small heal that may trigger feats eff
    6. good synergy with any skills, for example can chain with divine daunting light immediately after target is prone (more damage!!)
    7. The only hybrid daily that we can spec for boosting allies damage and damage reduction.

    So now, there are no useless skills but we have to know more in order to maximize our abilities. If anyone argue about using HoF instead I would like to say, Anointed Champion is gonna released and at that time, where is your HoF??
    Any idea, suggestion or concept is accepted. Kindly post ur comments about GoF usage. Thank you.
  • whistlingdixiewhistlingdixie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    It's sad to think that it used to be universally agreed that GoF was useless. But now all the other Daily powers have either been nerfed or are bugged to the point that GoF isn't looking so bad.
  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Recently, i saw many cleric in pvp used GoF, I am quite surprise that there are someone that know the pros of GoF, hope other ppl can share their idea about cleric powers in pvp. Now, i am considering to give up my sunburst for divine glow (true glass cannon now) but divine glow's damage quite low... and idk if FS crit issue is fixed after patch will i swap it to gain maximum burst damage?? maybe not if I addicted to GoF...
  • kozahmiekalkozahmiekal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This works extremely well for me versus other clerics/tanky classes in PvP.
    Try timing it with Daunting Light, it's a lot of fun. Even if the daily is a complete "somewhat" fail, it still heals everyone.
    I haven't found any good uses for it in PvE, though.
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