As someone with moderating experience in other forums, I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong section, but it seems to be the most fitting.
Yesterday I finished up my mainline quests as a guardian fighter and have just begun my adventure in the elven area collecting crescents, blades, and the such. I'll refer to them simply as quest items for simplicity's sake. Through getting lucky with some drops and using the AD to invest and profit (economics major, hell yeah), I managed to gear myself decently well. Currently at just over 11k gear score with only two slotted enchantments. Using "T1" gear, to my understanding.
Anyway, my question revolves around what to do now. I've searched for guides for a while, but can't find anything that isn't outdated by 6 months or more. For now, I'm working on getting my boons, but I feel overwhelming lost apart from that. I've tried PvP a couple of times and it seems decent; however, I want to make this character primarily PvE to farm gear/AD and use a second character to PvP with. Foundry seems cool, but does it provide anything rewarding?
Any information/links that can be provided would be much appreciated. Thanks!
The sad part is that you chose the GF and want to do mostly PvE. 9/10 times a GF wont be taken to a DD party mostly because other classes can do what you do better than you do it. The only dungeon I know of that needs a GF is FH (Frozen Heart)
Honestly, I suggest before wasting too much time on your GF that you roll a CW, DC, or TR, in that order.
GL on questing/leveling.
I've heard that both PvE and PvP are essentially dominated by those three classes, but I like to break the norm, so I'm not too worried. I've played three of those classes and I'm not a huge fan of their playstyle. Waiting for the ranger class to be released.
I appreciate the input; however, I'm not looking to be the best in anything. First characters are always trial and error for me.
syka08Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
The sad part is that you chose the GF and want to do mostly PvE. 9/10 times a GF wont be taken to a DD party mostly because other classes can do what you do better than you do it. The only dungeon I know of that needs a GF is FH (Frozen Heart)
Honestly, I suggest before wasting too much time on your GF that you roll a CW, DC, or TR, in that order.
GL on questing/leveling.
True, which is sad as GFs aggro control is an invaluable asset to a balanced team. FH doesn't even need a GF. However, I still find them a great addition from the PoV of a cleric and CW. I'd much rather have mobs hitting something that can take it than me.
I speak from a lack of experience with playing the GF at 60, but I'd say stick with it. Probably the best way to get geared if you can't work your way through t1 is to just jump on Gauntelgrym every chance you get and farm out coins for gear that'll easily help put you into T2s.
Also, hit up Sharandar for the boons. Shadowmantle will be adding more boons for stat boosts as well, so look forward to that and good luck ^_^
Thanks for the advice. I'm currently using the Knight Captain's set to make myself as appealing to dungeon teams as possible. Still trying to decide on which T2 set I'd like, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Prancing about through Sharandar as we speak, hah.
knight captain is THE best pve utility set for gf, the best set overall if you run with a decent/good team, work on other items
as for what to do - learn to bug FH and farm it(that dungeon deserves it) learn to be a good gf since its really nice running with one
also PK is easy and u dont need much to get in a party, but accessories and stuff. for details check the guide on fighter section of the forum. also theres new expansion soon so u can just save AD for when the dust settles
lucidproph3cyMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
If you have the knight's set your golden. For the gf the t1 sets are actually pretty decent. For t2 sets it's either grand reagent for tanking or timeless for dps. I find timeless is better because the more damage I can do the harder it is for a cw or dc to pull agro. But any set is pretty good high general if you want to increase party dps for a t2 and as stated above the gg set isn't bad either. Unfortunately holding agro is really hard to do if you have a geared cw and you aren't geared yet. Most people don't take tanks because of the glitches/exploits in dungeons since you can skip most things. Gf are however brought for kiting which I think is a horrible game mechanic due to the amount of ads that spawn on bosses.
Frozen heart is one of these where you will kite and easily find a party. Any of the other dungeons might be hard to pick up a party. I will say I do like to bring a gf for malabog's castle when I'm a cw or dc it makes my life easy. Foundry is just fun to play the stories but other than that it's just for the lord's and your character dailies. There isn't much end game it's just gearing your character through dungeons and pvp when your done. You should start weapons smithing for the formorian weapons castle never will be extremely hard for you to find a party to get your ancients luckily the gf stuff isn't to expensive ad wise so you can just buy.
I have one every character and two of some at level 60 and I enjoy my gf a ton especially when events happen because your que time is shorter than any other class. Your just going to have to work harder to gear him/her and find parties. I suggest you look up under the class forums for some builds and find what you think is best for what you want to do.
orangefireeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,148Arc User
edited November 2013
You are geared enough to enter any dungeon, but I would recommend doing them in the order they appear in game just to get used to them. Start with Cloak Tower, really easy and a very good way to get used to epic dungeons. After that, try Cragmire Crypts, still pretty easy but much hard than Cloak Tower. Lair of the Mad Dragon is too hard, at least it was last time I did it. (I have not done many dungeons recently due to lack of inventory space from the current enhancement fusing system.) I have never done anything beyond that but Gray Wolf den is probably next, followed by non castle tier two dungeons. Then you can try the castle ones (and Valindra's Tower once it is released.) I hope that helps.
Neverwinter players are stubborn things....until you strip them down to bone. (Cursed players, my flowers, MINE!) Oh how I plotted their demise.
krisst0fMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
The sad part is that you chose the GF and want to do mostly PvE. 9/10 times a GF wont be taken to a DD party mostly because other classes can do what you do better than you do it. The only dungeon I know of that needs a GF is FH (Frozen Heart)
Honestly, I suggest before wasting too much time on your GF that you roll a CW, DC, or TR, in that order.
GL on questing/leveling.
You clearly have no idea what a GF's role is... Good luck with dealing with adds in most dungeons without one. Try to get another class to ramp up a 16k+ gs with a stone boosting. BTW, just finished SP without DC (who bailed), and 2 CWs and 1 TR... goodluck doing this without a GF. I agree some dungeon don't requires it unfortunately, but aside from CWs and DC, any other class is useless in PvE by your definition.
As for PvP, unless 3 TRs gang up on me, I practically never dies. With smartly placed stats/enchant, I can crit dmg around 20-25k with a few powers...
FYI, the GF role is to debuff adds/bosses, agro, and buff the party with Encounter Powers (KV, KC, ItF)/
Before claiming ignorance... try to level one up, equip it, then play it a bit with good groups.
Now for the original poster, I recommend you go pvp/GG to get T1 gear (unless your guild can take you along in T2), then go from there getting better ancient items with at least rank 5 enchants, then up from there to rank 7. Bronzewood enchantment is a must for a GF, and once you get a stone, boost regen and ArP. Defense is a given but boosting deflect and recovery should be first priority. Good luck.
You clearly have no idea what a GF's role is... Good luck with dealing with adds in most dungeons without one. Try to get another class to ramp up a 16k+ gs with a stone boosting. BTW, just finished SP without DC (who bailed), and 2 CWs and 1 TR... goodluck doing this without a GF. I agree some dungeon don't requires it unfortunately, but aside from CWs and DC, any other class is useless in PvE by your definition.
As for PvP, unless 3 TRs gang up on me, I practically never dies. With smartly placed stats/enchant, I can crit dmg around 20-25k with a few powers...
FYI, the GF role is to debuff adds/bosses, agro, and buff the party with Encounter Powers (KV, KC, ItF)/
Before claiming ignorance... try to level one up, equip it, then play it a bit with good groups.
You must have never seen my old signature, I have all classes, lvl 60, t2 gear. Not only that but I made all these classes to better myself in PvP when combating them. I have memorized the meta builds of each class, the CDs of each meta skill each class uses not counting an abnormal amount of recovery. I have memorized all classes numbers of dodges and lastly, I have played them all in dungeons and PvP.
No comp in any current dungeon beats 3 CW, 1 TR, 1 DC, as long as your team is competent. To define what I mean by "beat" I mean running the dungeon the fastest/most effectively. With current dungeon "aids" applying.
Furthermore, it may take 3 TRs to kill you when living the PUG life, then again my TR can 1v5 if I'm fighting a bunch of pugs.
You must have never seen my old signature, I have all classes, lvl 60, t2 gear. Not only that but I made all these classes to better myself in PvP when combating them. I have memorized the meta builds of each class, the CDs of each meta skill each class uses not counting an abnormal amount of recovery. I have memorized all classes numbers of dodges and lastly, I have played them all in dungeons and PvP.
No comp in any current dungeon beats 3 CW, 1 TR, 1 DC, as long as your team is competent. To define what I mean by "beat" I mean running the dungeon the fastest/most effectively. With current dungeon "aids" applying.
Furthermore, it may take 3 TRs to kill you when living the PUG life, then again my TR can 1v5 if I'm fighting a bunch of pugs.
To sum up what I'm saying, please, refer to my signature. "there is nothing I don't know.."
This is all null and void on the grounds of me not caring about being the fastest/most efficient class. It's my first time hitting cap, I just want to see what the game has to offer. If it's enough for me to stick around for a considerable amount of time then I'll focus on optimization of my class/characters for specific roles. Currently playing for fun, not competitively.
To everyone offering helpful comments, thank you. I've read them all and they've helped considerably. Currently just running some easier dungeons to upgrade my gear a bit when I'm not working on getting all of my boons.
Since u like doing dungeons, I suggest u look for a good and active guild. If it's gd, most likely they wouldn't mind bringing u along in dungeons. Get yourself a stone companion, if u haven't yet. It's the best for dungeon. It's a pity that threat is poorly designed in this game. Hopefully, they will fix it someday, and GF will be in demand. Btw, u might want to try GWF as your second character, u might like it. Just lvl it to 11 so that u just need to do your invoking daily to lvl up.
akennMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 13Arc User
edited November 2013
as a cw aggro machine i always want a good gf in th e group as i dont like tanking my self and so far when i hit a group of enemies they all come running if there is no gf or another cw that hit harder than me no other class has been able to keep me frpm pulling all aggro except the gf so good luck with your gf and pay no atn to people who say you wont get taken my guild loves running a gf and prefer it there dps is awesome and there aggro is great when played right and gf can do all the running a tr can CN and alotta times out dps a rogue too on aoe when we run in my guild at end of dungeon its always cw on top dps then gw then tr or gwf so play your gf and have fun
As a Guardian Fighter myself and a particularly good one with 100% Protector tree I can tell you that I think the idea of not having a GF is complete lunacy. My ability to expedite the dungeon process is invaluable and I could not imagine the kiting that one would do without one along with the frequent accidental deaths along the way.
At this moment I am pulling 7 groups per initiation in Pirate King, I know that Pirate King is an easy instance but it just shows you how this can change the game.
I laugh at those that think that they can do this without a GF. There is however no doubt that this 3 CW meta with Singularity <-> Singularity <-> Singularity spam needs to be nerfed into the ground; I assume that is what you are referring to.
Singularity spam is one of the most yawn inspiring strategies ever conceived in the past 10 years of video game history clocking in at 800 million yawnojoules per second.
As far as I am concerned a talented tank is always a perfect addition to a group right after Cleric; the most valuable asset to a dungeon group. CWs being third with their insanely overpowered and ridiculous Singularity spam and I am not particularly sure what a rogue even does. Who needs single-target damage in this game? I guess we usually bring one to focus on the boss so we don't get bored but this is hardly necessary.
Enjoy sharandar for the next month or longer.
It doesn't really matter what class you play, since repeating the same daily quests over and over for weeks is equally boring for all.
If you're still feeling like you have too much free time, you can go ahead and do the seven regular dailies as well.
Don't forget the upcoming dread ring campaign in module 2, which wil have even more monotonous tasks for you to complete on a daily basis. ^^
OP, Have you finished all the story missions. hit level cap at Mount H then did GG and Sharandar. Wasnt until this month I went back and finished the last zone and I absolutely loved it. There is a unique item you get from finishing the last I really enjoy. Haveing fun is the key, GF was my first toon and I love the pvp and pve side of the character.
Ara Atheanes GWF
Traxus Atheanes GF
Bastiel Atheanes DC
Ellara Atheanes CW
Keira Atheanes TR
Sarasin Atheanes SW
Jerkface McGee HR
Honestly, I suggest before wasting too much time on your GF that you roll a CW, DC, or TR, in that order.
GL on questing/leveling.
I appreciate the input; however, I'm not looking to be the best in anything. First characters are always trial and error for me.
True, which is sad as GFs aggro control is an invaluable asset to a balanced team. FH doesn't even need a GF. However, I still find them a great addition from the PoV of a cleric and CW. I'd much rather have mobs hitting something that can take it than me.
I speak from a lack of experience with playing the GF at 60, but I'd say stick with it. Probably the best way to get geared if you can't work your way through t1 is to just jump on Gauntelgrym every chance you get and farm out coins for gear that'll easily help put you into T2s.
Also, hit up Sharandar for the boons. Shadowmantle will be adding more boons for stat boosts as well, so look forward to that and good luck ^_^
as for what to do - learn to bug FH and farm it(that dungeon deserves it)
also PK is easy and u dont need much to get in a party, but accessories and stuff. for details check the guide on fighter section of the forum. also theres new expansion soon so u can just save AD for when the dust settles
Frozen heart is one of these where you will kite and easily find a party. Any of the other dungeons might be hard to pick up a party. I will say I do like to bring a gf for malabog's castle when I'm a cw or dc it makes my life easy. Foundry is just fun to play the stories but other than that it's just for the lord's and your character dailies. There isn't much end game it's just gearing your character through dungeons and pvp when your done. You should start weapons smithing for the formorian weapons castle never will be extremely hard for you to find a party to get your ancients luckily the gf stuff isn't to expensive ad wise so you can just buy.
I have one every character and two of some at level 60 and I enjoy my gf a ton especially when events happen because your que time is shorter than any other class. Your just going to have to work harder to gear him/her and find parties. I suggest you look up under the class forums for some builds and find what you think is best for what you want to do.
You clearly have no idea what a GF's role is... Good luck with dealing with adds in most dungeons without one. Try to get another class to ramp up a 16k+ gs with a stone boosting. BTW, just finished SP without DC (who bailed), and 2 CWs and 1 TR... goodluck doing this without a GF. I agree some dungeon don't requires it unfortunately, but aside from CWs and DC, any other class is useless in PvE by your definition.
As for PvP, unless 3 TRs gang up on me, I practically never dies. With smartly placed stats/enchant, I can crit dmg around 20-25k with a few powers...
FYI, the GF role is to debuff adds/bosses, agro, and buff the party with Encounter Powers (KV, KC, ItF)/
Before claiming ignorance... try to level one up, equip it, then play it a bit with good groups.
Now for the original poster, I recommend you go pvp/GG to get T1 gear (unless your guild can take you along in T2), then go from there getting better ancient items with at least rank 5 enchants, then up from there to rank 7. Bronzewood enchantment is a must for a GF, and once you get a stone, boost regen and ArP. Defense is a given but boosting deflect and recovery should be first priority. Good luck.
You must have never seen my old signature, I have all classes, lvl 60, t2 gear. Not only that but I made all these classes to better myself in PvP when combating them. I have memorized the meta builds of each class, the CDs of each meta skill each class uses not counting an abnormal amount of recovery. I have memorized all classes numbers of dodges and lastly, I have played them all in dungeons and PvP.
No comp in any current dungeon beats 3 CW, 1 TR, 1 DC, as long as your team is competent. To define what I mean by "beat" I mean running the dungeon the fastest/most effectively. With current dungeon "aids" applying.
Furthermore, it may take 3 TRs to kill you when living the PUG life, then again my TR can 1v5 if I'm fighting a bunch of pugs.
Next time, don't assume.
This is all null and void on the grounds of me not caring about being the fastest/most efficient class. It's my first time hitting cap, I just want to see what the game has to offer. If it's enough for me to stick around for a considerable amount of time then I'll focus on optimization of my class/characters for specific roles. Currently playing for fun, not competitively.
To everyone offering helpful comments, thank you. I've read them all and they've helped considerably. Currently just running some easier dungeons to upgrade my gear a bit when I'm not working on getting all of my boons.
At this moment I am pulling 7 groups per initiation in Pirate King, I know that Pirate King is an easy instance but it just shows you how this can change the game.
I laugh at those that think that they can do this without a GF. There is however no doubt that this 3 CW meta with Singularity <-> Singularity <-> Singularity spam needs to be nerfed into the ground; I assume that is what you are referring to.
Singularity spam is one of the most yawn inspiring strategies ever conceived in the past 10 years of video game history clocking in at 800 million yawnojoules per second.
As far as I am concerned a talented tank is always a perfect addition to a group right after Cleric; the most valuable asset to a dungeon group. CWs being third with their insanely overpowered and ridiculous Singularity spam and I am not particularly sure what a rogue even does. Who needs single-target damage in this game? I guess we usually bring one to focus on the boss so we don't get bored but this is hardly necessary.
It doesn't really matter what class you play, since repeating the same daily quests over and over for weeks is equally boring for all.
If you're still feeling like you have too much free time, you can go ahead and do the seven regular dailies as well.
Don't forget the upcoming dread ring campaign in module 2, which wil have even more monotonous tasks for you to complete on a daily basis. ^^
Traxus Atheanes GF
Bastiel Atheanes DC
Ellara Atheanes CW
Keira Atheanes TR
Sarasin Atheanes SW
Jerkface McGee HR