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Listen to Foundry Authors interviews on the NWN Podcast

sominatorsominator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2013 in The Foundry
Hey all,

You may have already seen these, but The NWN Podcast has a bunch of interviews with Foundry authors Ephiroll, Celantra, TiLT42, and MRTHEBOZER: http://www.nwnpodcast.com/

Proud member of Team Fencebane, official guild of the unofficial Neverwinter Adventure Hour!
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  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    Foundry Devs...it's happened...

    Happy Accidents in The Foundry!

    Thank you MRTHEBOZER for giving me a good hard laugh after a hard day's work at ~23 minutes.
  • meldan3nmeldan3n Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Before I start, let me say that I respect every single author out there. This criticism is aimed at Cryptic.

    Who are those people? I've seen their foundries now and they are pretty good (and, based on the effort, deserve 4 - 5 stars), but not like "Oh my GOD! How amazing!"

    The biggest problem with the foundry system is: there is no way for a new author to reach 25+ reviews, because there is no way for a normal player to search for "new" foundries. Once the foundry has hit 5 reviews, it's out of the "For Review" section. And that's it... it's lost! The "New" tab shows the exact same 6 months old foundries as the "Best" tab.

    I've been playing some foundries from authors from the "Scribesenclave" now, and I gotta tell you: at least 2 out of 3 are better than any featured foundry on the server. There is much more effort put into them, the stories are much more deep, while, of course, the playtime is always kept between 15 - 20 min.
    The foundries that are spotlighted are obviously NOT spotlighted based on the fun one has playing it. It's based on the reviews it already got.

    In my opinion...

    - there should be more (working) tabs: "New" (5 - 20 reviews), "New Dailies" (21 - 100 reviews), "Dailies" (101 - 500 reviews), "Best" (same as now), "All".
    - only foundries with less than 40 reviews should be spotlighted.
    - featured foundries should be ONLY in the "Featured" tab.

    It is just very demotivating to see amazing and fun foundries sit on 25 five-star reviews for two months while basic, 6 months old foundries are played over and over again on a daily basis. The only way to get noticed at the moment is to create a farming/exploit foundry that fits a certain event (like the Liar's Festival) for farming purposes... and hope the people will pick yours up and play it, as dozens of authors will be trying the same.

    I am definitely NOT one of the good authors! I am new to the foundry system... just advocating the really amazing authors I've met so far with no chance for them to get noticed (except advertising in forums).
  • mrgiggles651mrgiggles651 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    meldan3n wrote: »
    Before I start, let me say that I respect every single author out there. This criticism is aimed at Cryptic.

    Who are those people?
    I think there is a misunderstanding here. Cryptic has nothing to do with who gets interviewed. The NWN Podcast put up a thread asking that authors that wished to be interviewed for the podcast to contact them. Sominator simply linked to it. The NWN podcast has been around for a loooong time.
    I wasted five million AD promoting the Foundry.
  • celantracelantra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 465
    edited November 2013
    As a participant, I can say that I did the interview to promote my quests as yet another method of getting folks to play them. It was just another effort to get it out there.

    I totally agree that the tabs and search features are totally broken. Those authors that have been able to gain recognition have done so with great effort. It has not come easily for anyone. The adjusted points make getting a quest on the best tab very difficult, but obviously not impossible.

    The point being that in order to get there you have to do everything you possibly can to get that recognition. There was a freely made offer in the forums to interview authors. The authors that were interviewed were those that chose to promote their work by being interviewed. Instead of asking who are these people, you should be asking why didn't I do that to promote my work.

    I would hesitate to mark any quest on the best tab as inferior to what is being produced today, as any author of any intelligence has played many foundries, and many stand upon the shoulders of those authors who have come before. We all learn together and as a community have often been there to help others. Sites like Scribes Enclave and Authors Anvil, not to mention these very forums are proof of that.

    I have a problem with the attitude that the only way to build yourself up is to tear someone else down. The people on the best tab worked hard to get there. There are very good new quests coming out, that does not mean that their goodness is based upon how bad someone else's work happens to be. This is what your argument states that I disagree with. The fact that the foundry search is still broken and not working as intended even I agree with, but you don't have to make your point by tearing down authors that you supposedly respect.
  • grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    meldan3n wrote: »
    Before I start, let me say that I respect every single author out there. This criticism is aimed at Cryptic.

    Who are those people? I've seen their foundries now and they are pretty good (and, based on the effort, deserve 4 - 5 stars), but not like "Oh my GOD! How amazing!"

    The biggest problem with the foundry system is: there is no way for a new author to reach 25+ reviews, because there is no way for a normal player to search for "new" foundries. Once the foundry has hit 5 reviews, it's out of the "For Review" section. And that's it... it's lost! The "New" tab shows the exact same 6 months old foundries as the "Best" tab.

    I've been playing some foundries from authors from the "Scribesenclave" now, and I gotta tell you: at least 2 out of 3 are better than any featured foundry on the server. There is much more effort put into them, the stories are much more deep, while, of course, the playtime is always kept between 15 - 20 min.
    The foundries that are spotlighted are obviously NOT spotlighted based on the fun one has playing it. It's based on the reviews it already got.

    In my opinion...

    - there should be more (working) tabs: "New" (5 - 20 reviews), "New Dailies" (21 - 100 reviews), "Dailies" (101 - 500 reviews), "Best" (same as now), "All".
    - only foundries with less than 40 reviews should be spotlighted.
    - featured foundries should be ONLY in the "Featured" tab.

    It is just very demotivating to see amazing and fun foundries sit on 25 five-star reviews for two months while basic, 6 months old foundries are played over and over again on a daily basis. The only way to get noticed at the moment is to create a farming/exploit foundry that fits a certain event (like the Liar's Festival) for farming purposes... and hope the people will pick yours up and play it, as dozens of authors will be trying the same.

    I am definitely NOT one of the good authors! I am new to the foundry system... just advocating the really amazing authors I've met so far with no chance for them to get noticed (except advertising in forums).

    I think you are mostly throwing about wild speculations, about how things are spotlighted. Some of this quests have very few reviews, yet they are featured. We do not know how they choose them. Just because you find some foundries more enjoyable than others, theres no reason to discredit the ones who get featured or more plays than another.

    However, what melden3n said about the foundries disappearing, this is something that is hurting the foundry most over any other issue, not the bugs, or the foundry limitations or additional tools we need.

    The New tab and database searching needs to be fixed before all else, as it is making finding new great content the toughest thing and very demotivating for authors.

    celantra wrote: »
    I have a problem with the attitude that the only way to build yourself up is to tear someone else down. The people on the best tab worked hard to get there. There are very good new quests coming out, that does not mean that their goodness is based upon how bad someone else's work happens to be. This is what your argument states that I disagree with. The fact that the foundry search is still broken and not working as intended even I agree with, but you don't have to make your point by tearing down authors that you supposedly respect.

    This! The current system/searching/database is what is promoting this distastful thinking. No doubt there are some disgruntled authors going around downvoting quests out of spite or retribution for their own foundries (ofcourse there are plenty of other reasons). Its not healthy and certainly does not improve on community.

    There are some 5 star quests that have just been lost forever because if they do not make it onto the best/new tab, no one will come across it. (Majority of foundry players do not come onto this forums, but are casual players and rely on the ingame system)
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
    and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
  • celantracelantra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 465
    edited November 2013
    Something to remember is that position on the best tab is based upon adjusted rating not stars. You can have a five star quest with an adjusted rating of 4.8 simply because it has not received sufficient plays. I am still waiting for cryptic to spell out this magical formula as to what the adjusted rating is.
  • xhritxhrit Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    celantra wrote: »
    As a participant, I can say that I did the interview to promote my quests as yet another method of getting folks to play them. It was just another effort to get it out there.

    The point being that in order to get there you have to do everything you possibly can to get that recognition. There was a freely made offer in the forums to interview authors. The authors that were interviewed were those that chose to promote their work by being interviewed. Instead of asking who are these people, you should be asking why didn't I do that to promote my work.

    I agree. There are 3 things you need to be successful : a good idea, great marketing, and excellent execution, and in that order.
  • zbkoldezbkolde Member Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I, for one, have thoroughly enjoyed the podcast interviews and am looking forward to more. :)

    As mentioned already, while the in-game quest search is... well... basically just isn't, that has nothing to do with the NWN Podcast guys. :) They do a great job.

    Since you guys have already mentioned SE, i'd like to speak on it's behalf. We have some great authors, and most of them work hard at making their quests as polished and fantastic as possible. We have had some quests from our group become featured, and some of them have been chosen for the screenshot of the week. Also, just a reminder, of the first 4 authors interviewed for these podcasts, 3 of them were from SE, and i believe we have another member doing an interview soon. Part of what we do at SE is build networks to get foundry quests out there in front of people. And it's not that i (just so happens i'm the creator/owner/manager of SE) do all the promoting myself, as much as it's the fact that the people from this foundry community who want to build networks and promote themselves and other authors, have joined SE for just that purpose. Basically, it's not so much SE is building great authors, as it is great authors are building SE. It's grown enough already that we are in the process of doing a bit of restructuring to improve our flow and be better able to provide the same close-knit circles of feedback and friendship that got us started, only on a bigger scale. :)
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