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"And Justice for All." A forgotten realms lore based campaign.

boomba66boomba66 Member Posts: 221 Bounty Hunter
edited March 2014 in Foundry Quest Database
And Justice for All By: @Sloanetower

Campaign Synapsis:Tyr the realms god of Justice was killed during the great break in the ways of old magic. Defending the planes of Heaven against a horde from the underworld he took measures to stop a great second apocalypse. From his supposed duel with Helm that left the Watcher God dead, to the way he judged his fellow gods during the time of troubles, it all lead to one thing. Stopping Kozah the Chaos hound from destroying all of Faerun. Are you the chosen champion of justice , that the blind god saw re-uniting the seven god shards to stop Malar from freeing Kozah from his prison?"

Prologue: Where Has Justice Gone?:4.4 Average Rating(Featured 11/5-11/13)
A street urchin seeks help for her friend Snaph a priest of the dead god Tyr. Agents of Malar seek o destroy the temple of a God long thought dead in a temple long thought destroyed. Rescue a group of orphans and uncover a plot that will effect all of Faerun. Prologue of "And Justice for All Campaign"

Chapter 1: The Sound of Justice: 4.4 Average Rating
A legal dilemma leads into an adventure through-out the Sword Mountains. When false legal claims fail to move the village of Tyr's Haven, a shady mining corperation takes matters into there own hands hiring mercanries to eliminate a peaceful village. How does this have to do with the God Shards? What is so important about one remote village? Discover the secrets in the first full chapter of the "And Justice for All Campaign."
One Side Quest: Training Day
Chapter 2: Northern Justice 4.5 Average Rating
Snaph the priest of Tyr has heard rumors of the location of the third god shard. A powerful cult of Malar has discovered the location of the tomb as well. Your mission to infiltrate the Great Survival Hunt, discover the location of the tomb and stop the Malarians at all costs from getting their hands, claws and paws on a god shard. If they can harness just one, Kozeh the Chaos Hound will be freed. To make matters worse somehow you have to infiltrate the hunt with Beatrice along so she can once again guide you past the wards. Chapter 2 of "And Justice for All."
Five Side Quests

Chapter 3: A Higher Justice:4.8 Average Rating
Once again take Beatrice and Melody on an adventure to recover the next god shard. The problem is its floating several thousand feet in the air and guarded by a Storm Giant. To make matters worse the giant has agreed to work with priests of Talos in making sure they get revenge on Luskan for a slight by their five captains. What kind of revenge you might ask? How about dropping a floating Earth mote island down on Luskan from thousands of feet in the air. Can you recover the storm blade to safety traverse the storms of the Island? Travel to Port Llast, Luskan, and above the Sea of Swords to journey to the Castle and stop the impending destruction of Luskan, in Chapter Three of "And Justice for All."
One Side Quest

Chapter 4: The Power of Justice(4.7 Average Rating)

Beatrice has been revealed as the daughter of a God, three God shards remain to be found to imprison Kozeh the Chaos Hound for good. Travel to Candlekeep to find out the truth about the children of gods walking Faerun. Follow the footsteps of one such God Child to learn how they harnessed the power to defeat there own poweful enemies. With your team of Adventurers Melody your Geasbound Bard, the Judge a paladin of the dead god Tyr, Beatrice the young teen-age girl with strange powers, and a special new companion added to guide your journey to Baldur's Gate to find the next Shard and stop a plot to destroy the city. All in Chapter 4 of "And Justice for All."

Candle Keep is a Quest Hub with three lore stories.

Chapter Five: A Wish for Justice(Newly Released)

You have quelled problems afar from home. Now returning to Neverwinter you learn that the sixth shard is deep in the Vaults of Justice. To earn the next shard and keep it out of the hands of your rivals you must investigate what strange things are happening in Blacklake. With your party of Butt-kicking for goodness do-gooders, you must find out what new trouble is in Black Lake, gather the sixth shard and secure the future for all of Faeurn by making sure that Kozah stays locked in his prison.

This is a heavy exploration map. It requires 7 open inventory spots if you are going to explore for the perfect ending and learn the whole tangled web that BlackLake has become.

Final Justice:
Final Justice.

It all comes down to the Dalelands. The last shard is located in the tomb of the first Paladin of Tyr on Faerun, taking the Wind Sprite to the Dalelands the Justice Bringer party will need to fight its way through a battle between rival factions of Zhentarim. If they survive can they go to Limbo in time to seal the gates for good on a pure force of destruction trying to reign down on all of Faerun. Find out in the surprising conclusion of "And Justice for All."

Maps: Over 25 Hand crafted maps
Side Quests: Currently 16 Side Quests
Companions: Get the real experience of companions that grow with the story. You will acquire one new companion per chapter and learn much of their story as the main campaign moves forward.
Beatrice:A young teen-age girl with strange powers
Melody Geasbound: A bawdy dwarven bard bound to you by a Djinn's curse.
Judge Hardtower: A paladin frozen in stasis for the past 100 years.
Surprise Guest Star: You will just have to play to find out.
NPC's: Over 110 Intractable NPC's with many recurring through out the story.
Lore: Drawing on my vast forgotten realms collection of novels and game materials only pure Forgotten realms Canon is used in this foundry. From adding a little view of the Realms Mythology to telling stories from previous hit dungeon and dragons games.
Unique Monsters direct from Monsters Manuals: Brown Dragons, Were-Moles, Malarian Snake Demons, Dopplegangers, Sea Devils, Hill Giants, Cloud Giants, Storm Giants, Lich, Rashakka, Speciality Priests of Malar, Talos Cyric and Bane, Djinn, Aboleth, Dragonsworn, GNOMES! RAWRRRR, Scrags(Aka Sea Trolls), Daemon's, Slaadi, Gargoyle, Zhentarim,
Sword Coast Forgotten Realm Settings Visit Port Llast, Luskan, Baldur's Gate, CandleKeep, the land of Icewind Dale, Tyr's Haven.
Following the Sundering Story Arc: Is following the current canon arc that is taking place taking us to DnD Next called the Sundering.
Fun Typo;s Yeah I make some! Have fun pointing them out to me!
Dedicated Author: After six months of writing, editing, play-testing, gathering feedback, and learning the ropes, I have finally finished the story. It took me roughly 1000 hours to create this work. Only takes about 4 hours to play all 7 parts and find the side quests, basically a nice afternoon of gaming when stuck in the snow.
Post edited by boomba66 on


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    roguish98roguish98 Member Posts: 78
    edited October 2013
    This campaign is an exemplary effort and is much recommended for those who enjoy memorable characters and Realms lore.
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    boomba66boomba66 Member Posts: 221 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013



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    mytgroomytgroo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 165 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    Great campaign. Excellent story. Liked the lore. Maybe not as combat focused, but with a 14.5k GS combat is not as hard. There are lots of unique monsters. Finished all the entries. The side quests on The Power of Justice need to be fleshed out a bit more. Was hoping for a bit more with the chicken.
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    boomba66boomba66 Member Posts: 221 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    Just added part six!
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    theresflonttheresflont Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Couple quick points. Didn't like the reference that Tyr was blind, so did some quick research.


    looked at first edition based on earlier versions since that wiki confirmed him as being blind. According to first edition Manual of the Planes, he can see invisible and automatically sense rogues within 100", indicating different versions of Tyr. In the first edition being able to see invisible precludes him being blind.

    In original Norse Lore the "cataclysm" is known as regnarak where most if not all of the (norse) Gods will end up dying by killing all the evil gods, and refighting with some titans.

    The bottom line is that authors have a certain amount of artistic license. It looks like this is a well fleshed out series of quests I plan to run in the near future, I'll give you more feedback when I do.

    4th edition, which this game is based off of, has Tyr being blind, eventually giving away his power to Torm to help defeat a demon prince, and dying as a mortal.
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    theresflonttheresflont Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    As I mentioned above I planned to run the quests, in order, to get the entire flavor of the campaign ( and collect AD), but the first quest in the series average run time is below 15 minutes now, at 14, thus not giving AD. thought you should know to change it to add more time into the quest so it qualifies for the Daily again.
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    boomba66boomba66 Member Posts: 221 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    As I mentioned above I planned to run the quests, in order, to get the entire flavor of the campaign ( and collect AD), but the first quest in the series average run time is below 15 minutes now, at 14, thus not giving AD. thought you should know to change it to add more time into the quest so it qualifies for the Daily again.

    It was featured and one version is eligible right now the other is not. Just type Tyr in the best search column. With over 2000 plays in part 1 campaign version and 16k plays on featured changes at this point will not add much time. Each quest after is between 34 minutes and 56 minutes depending on your play-style, if you try the side quests or of you explore.

    As for your earlier comments I go with the latest version of Realm Lore and have pretty much every copy of the FR products to use as references for the series. I use Deities and Demi-Gods from second edition which is the leading source for information on all of the realms gods as it went into their organizations, knighthoods, specialty priests and much much more.

    So the lore in the game is almost all correct. AKA the blind god. It is literally one of the pseudo names he is called in 3rd and 3.5 edition.

    Play it and you will see which way it goes. As for all 6 events it;s roughly 4-5 hours long right now. It is created as if I was writing my own single player rpg. I hope you enjoy it.
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    mytgroomytgroo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 165 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    Enjoyed playing A Wish for Justice. Had some difficulty finding the hidden teleporter to the island. Kept on going to the boat, but finding I could not use it. Was a tiny bit frustrating. Combat was better than before.
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    boomba66boomba66 Member Posts: 221 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    Sorry mytgoo. With teleports and the 5 ways the story can be completed there is no way to get breadcrumbs to lead there....I will add something to help future players to make sure that it is easier to find. Thank you for your feedback.
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    boomba66boomba66 Member Posts: 221 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Final Justice is now in beta testing stage. Looking for author feedback, as it now completes the series.
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    boomba66boomba66 Member Posts: 221 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    Companion Side Quests coming soon!
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    orangefireeorangefiree Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,148 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    boomba66 wrote: »
    Companion Side Quests coming soon!

    Sounds great! Do you mean side quests within the current campaign quests or new quests based around the companions in the campaign?
    Neverwinter players are stubborn things....until you strip them down to bone. (Cursed players, my flowers, MINE!) Oh how I plotted their demise.
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