I have done much grinding and been a player since open beta. I have gathered enough AD through legit farming DDs and bought my enchants. You can see my game time played and imagine that.
I have enough recovery to stay in stealth much long and have a permastealth build.
I soloed the first boss of Dread Vault with all legit means.
Want to ask developers if its ok?
Don't tell me soloing is not right Cause this soloing a dungeon was possible in Perfect World International as well which i played too, that is another perfect world game too. And also it's fairly possible in game by all means devs have given us, no exploits.
I would appreciate a dev response instead of a community moderator post cause this is game mechanics not a forum issue.
My name ingame is Will Strongh
Post edited by willstr on
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I'm not a Dev. I do however know that single characters soloing group-designed encounters isn't something new in MMO's. If you could for example solo the entire DV dungeon in under 15 minutes... that'd be a cause for alarm perhaps.
The poster formerly known as LordOfPit, and his blog.
* Dec 2007 (CO)
* Oct 2008 (STO)
Much of the endgame content can be soloed by perma-stealth TR's. With the Feywild patch Cryptic adressed this issue implementing a fix on the preview shard "Using at-wills while stealthed drains your stealth bar". However they received much hate for it and did not bring it to Dragon...
Ego thread disguised as an issue thread in General forum rather than Bug Reports plus containing a dev callout. Guessing this will be closed/moved quickly.
Just in case you really are this naive: in every MMO game, there is always at least one class, typically an overgeared stealth class but often many other overgeared classes, that can solo some bosses. So what?
I have done much grinding and been a player since open beta. I have gathered enough AD through legit farming DDs and bought my enchants. You can see my game time played and imagine that.
I have enough recovery to stay in stealth much long and have a permastealth build.
I soloed the first boss of Dread Vault with all legit means.
Want to ask developers if its ok?
Don't tell me soloing is not right Cause this soloing a dungeon was possible in Perfect World International as well which i played too, that is another perfect world game too. And also it's fairly possible in game by all means devs have given us, no exploits.
I would appreciate a dev response instead of a community moderator post cause this is game mechanics not a forum issue.
My name ingame is Will Strongh
Doubt you will get a dev response on the forums.. That being said, before I quit a month or two back, my rogue buddy was soloing all of cn except draco.. He could get draco down a chunk but not kill him.. He also soloed the sp dungeon many times.. Made a few million ad in an hour.. Good stuff.. perma stealth rogues uberness.. lol. If I would have continued to play, my rogue was going to do the same thing
Was this normal dread vault or epic version ? actually either way it's kinda meh , no offence meant of course after all , it's not like perma stealth rogue is some kind of secret build lmfao , still nice try at boasting .
Thanks for the cookie!
it might seem like boasting but i put forward all those words just to let the devs know i have done no exploits. Basically i am afraid that i don't get banned for it since many gave me a threat while doing so. if any could confirm its ok, i shall be at relief.
Reason i mentioned my name is also for the same reason so devs know who it is.
Apologies if it seemed boast
As long as there is no exploiting, I do not see soloing an epic boss is a problem. Well, I am no dev, but since it is a core mechanic for a TR, anyone is allowed abuse it to the max (esp. since TR has been officially nerfed), as long as there is no exploiting done.
Some players will be hostile to you since they cannot do it solo but you can, as well as creating an situation where players who entered your half-finished instance will find the first boss already down AFTER you quit the dungeon.
No its not exploiting.
1st u need end game gear on tr to do it.
2nd it take a lot of time to complete dungeon as solo about 3-4 times longer than with 5 man party, assuming u are perfect player and never die on your rogue.
This means u dont have unfair advantage above other classes, you would have if u would do it as fast as 5 man party but its not possible, especially when 5 man party debuff all mobs/boss and they die 10x faster than u can kill them as solo rogue.
this means a full 5 man party(skilled and geared, as tr must be) can do 4-5 runs in time when solo TR is doing 1.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I'm not a Dev. I do however know that single characters soloing group-designed encounters isn't something new in MMO's. If you could for example solo the entire DV dungeon in under 15 minutes... that'd be a cause for alarm perhaps.
It's one thing to solo tier 1 boss in tier 4-5 gear, and it's another to solo tier 1 boss in tier 1 gear. It's surely not an exploit, just a complete developer screw up in tweaking permastealth.
I just tested this, wanted to see for myself. I was able to solo the first boss of normal dread vault without any real effort as my permastealth rogue. I was not able to kill it on epic level.
I just tested this, wanted to see for myself. I was able to solo the first boss of normal dread vault without any real effort as my permastealth rogue. I was not able to kill it on epic level.
I was in CN with a TR not that long ago, guy who invited me says:
"Stay at the camp."
Me: "Say what?"
"Stay at the camp, you'll see"
Turned out the TR soloed the 1st and the 3rd CN bosses, quite easily I might add, while we killed some spiders to pass time He skipped the 2nd boss.
Draw your own conclusions. To me, this is complete HAMSTER, any guy that farms GG for the set and gear that it's not hard to get at all (12K GS is not something exceptional) can go solo bosses in the hardest dungeon in the game.
As I said, it's OK to solo bosses a few expansions later, when they drop useless items, it's not OK to solo bosses that drop useful items that might go for 150K AD in the AH.
Pretty clear its possible, but as earlier said, its not that easy to solo. You have to have skill, gear and most importantly, it takes a while. Owing to how other mmos go, i think it should be ok. After all you are choosing a basic playstyle which will later affect your pvp, pve so why not get the reward for it.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Pretty clear its possible, but as earlier said, its not that easy to solo. You have to have skill, gear and most importantly, it takes a while. Owing to how other mmos go, i think it should be ok. After all you are choosing a basic playstyle which will later affect your pvp, pve so why not get the reward for it.
I think it's easy to understand why no class should be able to solo current 5-man content. Not TR, CW, GF, GWF or DC. It doesn't matter if it's hard or easy to you to do it, it should be plainly impossible.
It's OK to solo it after the content becomes obsolete loot-wise, so if this game would have proper gear progression, it would be OK for you to solo T1s in Feywild epic gear. But this game is idiotic when it comes to itemization, so yeah.
I have done much grinding and been a player since open beta. I have gathered enough AD through legit farming DDs and bought my enchants. You can see my game time played and imagine that.
I have enough recovery to stay in stealth much long and have a permastealth build.
I soloed the first boss of Dread Vault with all legit means.
Want to ask developers if its ok?
Don't tell me soloing is not right Cause this soloing a dungeon was possible in Perfect World International as well which i played too, that is another perfect world game too. And also it's fairly possible in game by all means devs have given us, no exploits.
I would appreciate a dev response instead of a community moderator post cause this is game mechanics not a forum issue.
My name ingame is Will Strongh
btw congratulations u just won 4k salvage epic item.
This is one of the reasons why perma stealth should be nerf.... i know a TR that can farm CN first boss and now DV first boss aswell, with time people start to be aware of this and all perma stealth TR's will start farming and farming more and more bosses which will lead to items droping in value
If one can do it now start to imagine parties of perma stealth start doing dungeons.....
This is one of the reasons why perma stealth should be nerf.... i know a TR that can farm CN first boss and now DV first boss aswell, with time people start to be aware of this and all perma stealth TR's will start farming and farming more and more bosses which will lead to items droping in value
If one can do it now start to imagine parties of perma stealth start doing dungeons.....
All i can see on all Threads is nefr, nefr, nefr and when it happens to a class ppl start whining, same as happened with CW right in the last patch, instead of calling out for nerfs u should think of ways to impreove the gaming and learn playing against it enjoy the game...I can imagine when the new Paragons come life it will be the same again from the scratch nerf this nerf that the Hunter is OP nerf half of his/her skills....and what about new TR Paragon u will want that nerfed too???
Nerf happened a lot i read Forums Every day on work since i cant play i have the whole day sitting and reading and dozen of the posts here are trolls and nerfs, there are few those are rly helpefull for new players, instead of calling out pls help new ppl getting into the game by helping then after somethin gets nerfed point them what they should change to get better and not ruin the game for everyone else...
Edit: Tnx Cryptic and PW for giving us the game where we can have some time off the RL and have fun playing, and for the improvements even tho sometimes they seem amis, anyway sry for grammar if it is there since english isnt my mother language...have fun in the new event and happy hunting for everyone
I think it's easy to understand why no class should be able to solo current 5-man content. Not TR, CW, GF, GWF or DC. It doesn't matter if it's hard or easy to you to do it, it should be plainly impossible.
It's OK to solo it after the content becomes obsolete loot-wise, so if this game would have proper gear progression, it would be OK for you to solo T1s in Feywild epic gear. But this game is idiotic when it comes to itemization, so yeah.
I don't get this at all. You say "it should be impossible" followed shortly by "it's ok".
You're basically absolutely fine with soloing as long as the rewards are trash? Seems a little..off kilter.
As far as I can see, as long as it takes significantly longer for a single person to solo a boss than it does 5 people, there's really no problem with this. Firstly not everyone is going to be doing it. Secondly, any 5 person dungeon requires a 5-person team, so you can't really solo it anyway, you either have to be leader and kick everyone, or have to get a party that are happy to LET you solo it. Thirdly, it comes at much greater personal risk, since you're tackling content aimed at a 5-man party. You're probably going to be using considerably more potions than you would in a full group. Fourthly, it takes waaay longer to do all this than it does to simply grab a group and do it properly.
There's basically zero advantage other than bragging rights. And hell, if you can be bothered to go through all the above, then you deserve some bragging rights, for patience if nothing else.
The poster formerly known as LordOfPit, and his blog.
* Dec 2007 (CO)
* Oct 2008 (STO)
Just in case you really are this naive: in every MMO game, there is always at least one class, typically an overgeared stealth class but often many other overgeared classes, that can solo some bosses. So what?
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
Doubt you will get a dev response on the forums.. That being said, before I quit a month or two back, my rogue buddy was soloing all of cn except draco.. He could get draco down a chunk but not kill him.. He also soloed the sp dungeon many times.. Made a few million ad in an hour.. Good stuff..
it might seem like boasting but i put forward all those words just to let the devs know i have done no exploits. Basically i am afraid that i don't get banned for it since many gave me a threat while doing so. if any could confirm its ok, i shall be at relief.
Reason i mentioned my name is also for the same reason so devs know who it is.
Apologies if it seemed boast
Some players will be hostile to you since they cannot do it solo but you can, as well as creating an situation where players who entered your half-finished instance will find the first boss already down AFTER you quit the dungeon.
1st u need end game gear on tr to do it.
2nd it take a lot of time to complete dungeon as solo about 3-4 times longer than with 5 man party, assuming u are perfect player and never die on your rogue.
This means u dont have unfair advantage above other classes, you would have if u would do it as fast as 5 man party but its not possible, especially when 5 man party debuff all mobs/boss and they die 10x faster than u can kill them as solo rogue.
this means a full 5 man party(skilled and geared, as tr must be) can do 4-5 runs in time when solo TR is doing 1.
It's one thing to solo tier 1 boss in tier 4-5 gear, and it's another to solo tier 1 boss in tier 1 gear. It's surely not an exploit, just a complete developer screw up in tweaking permastealth.
I was in CN with a TR not that long ago, guy who invited me says:
"Stay at the camp."
Me: "Say what?"
"Stay at the camp, you'll see"
Turned out the TR soloed the 1st and the 3rd CN bosses, quite easily I might add, while we killed some spiders to pass time
Draw your own conclusions. To me, this is complete HAMSTER, any guy that farms GG for the set and gear that it's not hard to get at all (12K GS is not something exceptional) can go solo bosses in the hardest dungeon in the game.
As I said, it's OK to solo bosses a few expansions later, when they drop useless items, it's not OK to solo bosses that drop useful items that might go for 150K AD in the AH.
I think it's easy to understand why no class should be able to solo current 5-man content. Not TR, CW, GF, GWF or DC. It doesn't matter if it's hard or easy to you to do it, it should be plainly impossible.
It's OK to solo it after the content becomes obsolete loot-wise, so if this game would have proper gear progression, it would be OK for you to solo T1s in Feywild epic gear. But this game is idiotic when it comes to itemization, so yeah.
btw congratulations u just won 4k salvage epic item.
If one can do it now start to imagine parties of perma stealth start doing dungeons.....
All i can see on all Threads is nefr, nefr, nefr and when it happens to a class ppl start whining, same as happened with CW right in the last patch, instead of calling out for nerfs u should think of ways to impreove the gaming and learn playing against it enjoy the game...I can imagine when the new Paragons come life it will be the same again from the scratch nerf this nerf that the Hunter is OP nerf half of his/her skills....and what about new TR Paragon u will want that nerfed too???
Nerf happened a lot i read Forums Every day on work since i cant play i have the whole day sitting and reading and dozen of the posts here are trolls and nerfs, there are few those are rly helpefull for new players, instead of calling out pls help new ppl getting into the game by helping then after somethin gets nerfed point them what they should change to get better and not ruin the game for everyone else...
Edit: Tnx Cryptic and PW for giving us the game where we can have some time off the RL and have fun playing, and for the improvements even tho sometimes they seem amis, anyway sry for grammar if it is there since english isnt my mother language...have fun in the new event and happy hunting for everyone
I don't get this at all. You say "it should be impossible" followed shortly by "it's ok".
You're basically absolutely fine with soloing as long as the rewards are trash? Seems a little..off kilter.
As far as I can see, as long as it takes significantly longer for a single person to solo a boss than it does 5 people, there's really no problem with this. Firstly not everyone is going to be doing it. Secondly, any 5 person dungeon requires a 5-person team, so you can't really solo it anyway, you either have to be leader and kick everyone, or have to get a party that are happy to LET you solo it. Thirdly, it comes at much greater personal risk, since you're tackling content aimed at a 5-man party. You're probably going to be using considerably more potions than you would in a full group. Fourthly, it takes waaay longer to do all this than it does to simply grab a group and do it properly.
There's basically zero advantage other than bragging rights. And hell, if you can be bothered to go through all the above, then you deserve some bragging rights, for patience if nothing else.