Now we all know the HV set nerf is coming as it should. This is one of the reasons why Swarms of CW's dominate everything in the game. However this is now the only reason why parties of multiple CW's happen all the time. Another is class balance.
I think the CW is fine the way it is. Get rid of HV super stack and it is a balanced class. All its powers seem cool and interesting. And the CW can change his powers without having to worry about gimping itself by using subpar powers unlike msot of the other classes.
Specifically I'm talking about the GWF and his list of Subpar powers being longer than any other class. Thus it is the least played least grouped with class as it can only do one function, damage and not very well.
So I suggest that when the HV set nerf comes in and all the players a feeling the pains of not longer being able to buff there damage. You also give the GWF a group party damage buff, by making one of there subpar powers do that. I have seen threads suggesting making Battle Furor be a group party buff. And that sounds like a good strat.
The reason?
Take away a well used exploit from and over used class and give a bit of that power(not all of it but enough that players will notice a damage increase for having a GWF in the group) to the under used under appreciated class. And we will see a rise in GWF players.
The GWF probably needs alot more than this to save the dying class and put it on par with the other class/ But this is a good start and I think the most significant positive result will occur form this one change than any other change that could be made.
Lol you don't know how mmo development works. When you have 4 balanced class (from a pve standpoint) and one OP one, guess what's going to happen? Are they going to buff all 4 class, buff all content, spend dozens of hours to test the new balance, or are they going to nerf the OP class, do some testing, think it's ok and release it?
Also there is already a thread on this and PW responded in it saying they're working on a fix, so this is a moot thread...
The reason CW is wanted more than any other class has nothing to do with them being OP. The game mechanic of "send 100000000 adds at players" is what makes CW a required asset to a party, once that is replaced with more actual mechanics parties will have 1-2 CW's again. Well and when the fix the HV bug that lets CW's kill bosses in 20 seconds =P
Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
zardoz007Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 2Arc User
Lol you don't know how mmo development works. When you have 4 balanced class (from a pve standpoint) and one OP one, guess what's going to happen? Are they going to buff all 4 class, buff all content, spend dozens of hours to test the new balance, or are they going to nerf the OP class, do some testing, think it's ok and release it?
Wow I see another player asking for a direct GWF buff and you bash him claiming that he wants to buff all 4 classes.
Good job, there is a reason many former GWF players dont bother with this game anymore.
inthefade462Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
that's a CW doing a pre-emptive "CWs are fine please don't nerf us" speech.
CWs are totally overpowered right now. This will become obvious after the HV nerf when the best group make up is still 3xCW. they simply won't have the HV requirement (though HV still preferred, unless they nerf stacks to 3 max instead of 3 per character)
kaoswpBanned Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 144Bounty Hunter
edited October 2013
The amount that people cry for buffs and nerfs is hilarious to me xD PVP is totally fine. My opinion, max of 2 of the same character in a party for any dungeon or pvp. There is nothing that you can do with more than 2 of the same character that isn't some kind of exploit or taking advantage of OP set ups.
Double the following in base damage:
- Reaping Strike
- Not so Fast
- Mighty Leap
- Wicked Strike
- Roar
- Daring Shout
- Weapon Master's Strike
- Come and Get It
- Punishing Charge
Multiply base damage by 1.5 for the following dailies:
- Spinning Strike
- Avalanche of Steel
- Slam
Then increase our target threshold from 5 to 10.
Do not change change the reduction in damage to targets past the first.
This will take care of our threat generation abilities as we will be doing comparable damage per second with CW's on AOE targets, and give us a bit more usefullness in PvE, while not making us any stronger in PvP. CW currently lead AOE damage, and are proof that AOE in pvp, particularly arena, is not a game changer like it is in PvE, and thus GWF wouldn't receive that much more of a utility buff.
"Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate
Slam has to much utility and damage for damage increase. It's right way that they nerfed that one.
Spinning strike don't need more damage - if it get more especially 1,5x! than it do lot more damage as crescendo as single at SINGLE target each! So what you post with that is just ridiculous!
Slam has to much utility and damage for damage increase. It's right way that they nerfed that one.
Spinning strike don't need more damage - if it get more especially 1,5x! than it do lot more damage as crescendo as single at SINGLE target each! So what you post with that is just ridiculous!
Due to our low AP generation and the fact that we're putting out one daily for three of our neihbors, I'd say making that daily hit harder than anybody else's isn't too much of a request.
Side by side and taking in best in stat AP generation, I'd love to see the comparable damage output of GWF dailies versus ANY other class, including DC. I'd hazard a guess right now that you'd find us being, not only the fewest dailies, but the lowest damage output per daily, equaling we're being beaten wholesale.
If anybody has one of each level 60 and ACT, I'd love to see some numerical returns, there.
"Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate
cbrowne0329Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 293Arc User
edited October 2013
I honestly don't think they GWF needs a buff. I am regularly in top 2 in damage... unless I'm playing with a CW that is knocking stuff away instead of consolidating the mobs.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I honestly don't think they GWF needs a buff. I am regularly in top 2 in damage... unless I'm playing with a CW that is knocking stuff away instead of consolidating the mobs.
Haha I ran CN a few times with this very good GWF that shall remain unnamed (it's his/her choice), he was topping my CW in DPS, I wanted to post his numbers in the forums where people complained about GWF not being good in PvE, but he asked me not to so his GWF will be buffed further :P
I have nothing against that so posting no numbers
But people should know that it's possible with just r7s and Normal enchants to beat geared CWs at their own game. I only managed to catch with the GWF and beat him after we reached draco and the repelling started...
Haha I ran CN a few times with this very good GWF that shall remain unnamed (it's his/her choice), he was topping my CW in DPS, I wanted to post his numbers in the forums where people complained about GWF not being good in PvE, but he asked me not to so his GWF will be buffed further :P
I have nothing against that so posting no numbers
But people should know that it's possible with just r7s and Normal enchants to beat geared CWs at their own game. I only managed to catch with the GWF and beat him after we reached draco and the repelling started...
Lol yes i've seen such things too. A GWF getting top damage with good CWs in the party (including myself). He was using spells that no GWF is using, and probably a better build than the average gwf one. Like the stupid looking thing, spinning around like crazy and stuff like that. I don't remember seeing any of those animations before. I switched my CW to dps mode, i wasn't shy with shield punts to scatter mobs a bit but i couldn't catch the damage this guy was doing. Felt bad for a few minutes because it was a bit new to me.
IIRC this guy was spamming dailies like mad. I don't know how he did that and tbh i don't care, i only know the "gwf issue" is a non-existent issue, that's just most of the GWF crowds having trouble getting a decent build and finding the right spells to use.
inthefade462Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I honestly don't think they GWF needs a buff. I am regularly in top 2 in damage... unless I'm playing with a CW that is knocking stuff away instead of consolidating the mobs.
by knocking away you mean using oppressive force and shard of the endless avalanche, their 2 best aoe CC/dmg abilities?
yes gwf are fine if you pull small packs of mobs and your cw's only use singularity and tabbed entangling force. to put the 5 mobs together so you can aoe them. I was out damaged once by a gwf with BiS gear/all rank 10 enchants/perfects/formorians/etc by few hundred K damage, doing precisely that, gather bot for the GWF, but it was a rainbow group so whatev, GF/TR benefited a bit too so if it makes you feel better to have the dmg more evenly distributed sure. The cw gives up millions of damage so you can do a few hundred thousand more. in a real group though this is totally inefficient so yeah get used to it.
and also all these cw's who say they are good and get out damaged by a few ubersecretspec GWFs, then mention that they have shield slotted. lol. There's a reason you are being out damaged by a gwf and it has nothing to do with the gwf being balanced.
i'm 100% debuff thaum spec'd CW with all of 0 DPS buffing feats (I think i may have 2 points in arcane dmg in the heroic feats to unlock the next tier) and i'm regularly top dmg in 3 cw groups by many millions. A good CW who is DPS spec'd can easily double my damage, there's a few in my guild who simply smoke me. Yet, like everything else, most CWs are simply bad.
by knocking away you mean using oppressive force and shard of the endless avalanche, their 2 best aoe CC/dmg abilities?
yes gwf are fine if you pull small packs of mobs and your cw's only use singularity and tabbed entangling force. to put the 5 mobs together so you can aoe them. I was out damaged once by a gwf with BiS gear/all rank 10 enchants/perfects/formorians/etc by few hundred K damage, doing precisely that, gather bot for the GWF, but it was a rainbow group so whatev, GF/TR benefited a bit too so if it makes you feel better to have the dmg more evenly distributed sure. The cw gives up millions of damage so you can do a few hundred thousand more. in a real group though this is totally inefficient so yeah get used to it.
and also all these cw's who say they are good and get out damaged by a few ubersecretspec GWFs, then mention that they have shield slotted. lol. There's a reason you are being out damaged by a gwf and it has nothing to do with the gwf being balanced.
i'm 100% debuff thaum spec'd CW with all of 0 DPS buffing feats (I think i may have 2 points in arcane dmg in the heroic feats to unlock the next tier) and i'm regularly top dmg in 3 cw groups by many millions. A good CW who is DPS spec'd can easily double my damage, there's a few in my guild who simply smoke me. Yet, like everything else, most CWs are simply bad.
I've brought the issue with the 'bowling ball', as I call it, up with my CW guildies before. Their response to my complaints?
"But it does so much damage!"
Also kinda got chewed out more than once for slotting roar and blasting mobs off the edge before the CW's get to them. They griped that I was interrupting their rotation, but I think we all can figure out that I was reducing their damage totals.
There are team players, and there are players who play on a team. Even when I know I've done my part in the group and it was a good run, I can still get a bit miffed at the end when I'm mid-pack on damage dealt and enemies killed. Hard to separate our selfish wants for our class with the innate need of the game to be balanced. Sadly, I don't feel my want for my class to be more crucial in PvE and for certain specs to be able to apply more damage compared to my compatriot classes is out of the realm of game balance.
"Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate
inthefade462Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
I agree that GWF need a buff. They should be the best class at AOE DPS. all of their abilities should deal more damage for every mob they hit, instead of less. Keep them balanced in PVP when they are fighting only 1-2 enemies at once but increases their usefulness in PVE when there's 10-20 mobs all coming at you that need a good axe to the face. and 5 target caps are just dumb.
However, Shard does do so much damage. to everything. and CC/prone/knockdown them. and then before they even get up they are stun locked from oppressive. and then they have no hp because they are dead. If there's a gwf in the group I'll start off by throwing a tab entangle to bunch things together even though I don't need to because they're close enough that the range on shard will hit them all anyway. I do that for you guys, I don't need it.
on my GF I bull charge mobs off cliffs all the time, especially if the cw's are bad and can't handle adds. I feel the same way about GWFs roar. the definition of bad being, if the mob still needs to be punted by the time it takes a melee range only class to get to the mob and knock it off, then it's all yours. Hulks in SP especially come to mind.
on my CW though, Hulks are the only thing* I punt in SP, and only because they have that annoying suck in aoe attack. If they didn't I would just burn them down, because it's faster. much, much faster. There's a few situations where a well placed shield (just shield, not singularity) would kill things quicker via lava than AOE dpsing them down, but only a handful. Not enough to bother to have shield on my bar. in those handful of situations it only shaves off 2 or 3 seconds. The reality is, mobs should, and would, be dead from pure aoe damage before singularity completes it's animation. as long as the cw is killing things instead of trying to gather everything up and position themselves for the punt and then oh yeah, mobs jump back up unless they were cc'd before the knock off so lets build ap for another singularity to try again, and again, etc, etc.
*until the last boss ofc, I tab repel off any nothics still alive at phase change cus their knockback is annoying. usually everything is already dead anyway cus again, aoe dpsing everything is just the fastest and easiest way to do just about everything in this game, much faster than having someone kite adds until phase change and then trying to sing + shield.
cbrowne0329Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 293Arc User
Haha I ran CN a few times with this very good GWF that shall remain unnamed (it's his/her choice), he was topping my CW in DPS, I wanted to post his numbers in the forums where people complained about GWF not being good in PvE, but he asked me not to so his GWF will be buffed further :P
I have nothing against that so posting no numbers
But people should know that it's possible with just r7s and Normal enchants to beat geared CWs at their own game. I only managed to catch with the GWF and beat him after we reached draco and the repelling started...
There is a reason the old school crowd does not want to bring attention to an area of strength.
I learned the hard way and made the mistake myself.
Haha I ran CN a few times with this very good GWF that shall remain unnamed (it's his/her choice), he was topping my CW in DPS, I wanted to post his numbers in the forums where people complained about GWF not being good in PvE, but he asked me not to so his GWF will be buffed further :P
I have nothing against that so posting no numbers
But people should know that it's possible with just r7s and Normal enchants to beat geared CWs at their own game. I only managed to catch with the GWF and beat him after we reached draco and the repelling started...
It's not the GWF who has problem there, but you... LOL.
I'm a Sent GWF and doing 2nd place against normal geared CW and 1st on bad CW on dps. now you get it, just saying...LOL
1) Raise the damage cap up to 10 with no soft cap. This will only have effect in dungeons where you face lots and lots of adds. Does two things (A) helps DPS those adds down & (B) helps the GWF off tank by getting and holding agro on multiple mods.
2) A minor tweak to AP gain. When it takes at least twice as long, on average, for the GWF to be able to get his Dailies off, something is wrong.
Buffing those two will go a long way for balancing the average GWF in average gear against a average <insert class here> in average gear. I believe buffing anything else on the GWF would not work and might actually hurt in the long run of this 'class balancing act'.
cbrowne0329Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 293Arc User
It's not the GWF who has problem there, but you... LOL.
I'm a Sent GWF and doing 2nd place against normal geared CW and 1st on bad CW on dps. now you get it, just saying...LOL
Now that we merged, you're welcome to try your amazing DPS in PvE against mine (just don't come near me in PvP, I'll summon me melee friends on you and run )
When it takes at least twice as long, on average, for the GWF to be able to get his Dailies off, something is wrong.
Well a Daily is a daily. Once a day, works as intended. And anyway, which gwf's daily is worth using? Spinning Whirlpool?
The wrong thing is the CW being able to Sing every 10th second.
The reason CW is wanted more than any other class has nothing to do with them being OP. The game mechanic of "send 100000000 adds at players" is what makes CW a required asset to a party, once that is replaced with more actual mechanics parties will have 1-2 CW's again. Well and when the fix the HV bug that lets CW's kill bosses in 20 seconds =P
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
Wow I see another player asking for a direct GWF buff and you bash him claiming that he wants to buff all 4 classes.
Good job, there is a reason many former GWF players dont bother with this game anymore.
CWs are totally overpowered right now. This will become obvious after the HV nerf when the best group make up is still 3xCW. they simply won't have the HV requirement (though HV still preferred, unless they nerf stacks to 3 max instead of 3 per character)
Double the following in base damage:
- Reaping Strike
- Not so Fast
- Mighty Leap
- Wicked Strike
- Roar
- Daring Shout
- Weapon Master's Strike
- Come and Get It
- Punishing Charge
Multiply base damage by 1.5 for the following dailies:
- Spinning Strike
- Avalanche of Steel
- Slam
Then increase our target threshold from 5 to 10.
Do not change change the reduction in damage to targets past the first.
This will take care of our threat generation abilities as we will be doing comparable damage per second with CW's on AOE targets, and give us a bit more usefullness in PvE, while not making us any stronger in PvP. CW currently lead AOE damage, and are proof that AOE in pvp, particularly arena, is not a game changer like it is in PvE, and thus GWF wouldn't receive that much more of a utility buff.
"D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.
Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
Spinning strike don't need more damage - if it get more especially 1,5x! than it do lot more damage as crescendo as single at SINGLE target each! So what you post with that is just ridiculous!
Due to our low AP generation and the fact that we're putting out one daily for three of our neihbors, I'd say making that daily hit harder than anybody else's isn't too much of a request.
Side by side and taking in best in stat AP generation, I'd love to see the comparable damage output of GWF dailies versus ANY other class, including DC. I'd hazard a guess right now that you'd find us being, not only the fewest dailies, but the lowest damage output per daily, equaling we're being beaten wholesale.
If anybody has one of each level 60 and ACT, I'd love to see some numerical returns, there.
"D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.
Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
Haha I ran CN a few times with this very good GWF that shall remain unnamed (it's his/her choice), he was topping my CW in DPS, I wanted to post his numbers in the forums where people complained about GWF not being good in PvE, but he asked me not to so his GWF will be buffed further :P
I have nothing against that so posting no numbers
But people should know that it's possible with just r7s and Normal enchants to beat geared CWs at their own game. I only managed to catch with the GWF and beat him after we reached draco and the repelling started...
Lol yes i've seen such things too. A GWF getting top damage with good CWs in the party (including myself). He was using spells that no GWF is using, and probably a better build than the average gwf one. Like the stupid looking thing, spinning around like crazy and stuff like that. I don't remember seeing any of those animations before. I switched my CW to dps mode, i wasn't shy with shield punts to scatter mobs a bit but i couldn't catch the damage this guy was doing. Felt bad for a few minutes because it was a bit new to me.
IIRC this guy was spamming dailies like mad. I don't know how he did that and tbh i don't care, i only know the "gwf issue" is a non-existent issue, that's just most of the GWF crowds having trouble getting a decent build and finding the right spells to use.
by knocking away you mean using oppressive force and shard of the endless avalanche, their 2 best aoe CC/dmg abilities?
yes gwf are fine if you pull small packs of mobs and your cw's only use singularity and tabbed entangling force. to put the 5 mobs together so you can aoe them. I was out damaged once by a gwf with BiS gear/all rank 10 enchants/perfects/formorians/etc by few hundred K damage, doing precisely that, gather bot for the GWF, but it was a rainbow group so whatev, GF/TR benefited a bit too so if it makes you feel better to have the dmg more evenly distributed sure. The cw gives up millions of damage so you can do a few hundred thousand more. in a real group though this is totally inefficient so yeah get used to it.
and also all these cw's who say they are good and get out damaged by a few ubersecretspec GWFs, then mention that they have shield slotted. lol. There's a reason you are being out damaged by a gwf and it has nothing to do with the gwf being balanced.
i'm 100% debuff thaum spec'd CW with all of 0 DPS buffing feats (I think i may have 2 points in arcane dmg in the heroic feats to unlock the next tier) and i'm regularly top dmg in 3 cw groups by many millions. A good CW who is DPS spec'd can easily double my damage, there's a few in my guild who simply smoke me. Yet, like everything else, most CWs are simply bad.
I've brought the issue with the 'bowling ball', as I call it, up with my CW guildies before. Their response to my complaints?
"But it does so much damage!"
Also kinda got chewed out more than once for slotting roar and blasting mobs off the edge before the CW's get to them. They griped that I was interrupting their rotation, but I think we all can figure out that I was reducing their damage totals.
There are team players, and there are players who play on a team. Even when I know I've done my part in the group and it was a good run, I can still get a bit miffed at the end when I'm mid-pack on damage dealt and enemies killed. Hard to separate our selfish wants for our class with the innate need of the game to be balanced. Sadly, I don't feel my want for my class to be more crucial in PvE and for certain specs to be able to apply more damage compared to my compatriot classes is out of the realm of game balance.
"D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.
Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
However, Shard does do so much damage. to everything. and CC/prone/knockdown them. and then before they even get up they are stun locked from oppressive. and then they have no hp because they are dead. If there's a gwf in the group I'll start off by throwing a tab entangle to bunch things together even though I don't need to because they're close enough that the range on shard will hit them all anyway. I do that for you guys, I don't need it.
on my GF I bull charge mobs off cliffs all the time, especially if the cw's are bad and can't handle adds. I feel the same way about GWFs roar. the definition of bad being, if the mob still needs to be punted by the time it takes a melee range only class to get to the mob and knock it off, then it's all yours. Hulks in SP especially come to mind.
on my CW though, Hulks are the only thing* I punt in SP, and only because they have that annoying suck in aoe attack. If they didn't I would just burn them down, because it's faster. much, much faster. There's a few situations where a well placed shield (just shield, not singularity) would kill things quicker via lava than AOE dpsing them down, but only a handful. Not enough to bother to have shield on my bar. in those handful of situations it only shaves off 2 or 3 seconds. The reality is, mobs should, and would, be dead from pure aoe damage before singularity completes it's animation. as long as the cw is killing things instead of trying to gather everything up and position themselves for the punt and then oh yeah, mobs jump back up unless they were cc'd before the knock off so lets build ap for another singularity to try again, and again, etc, etc.
*until the last boss ofc, I tab repel off any nothics still alive at phase change cus their knockback is annoying. usually everything is already dead anyway cus again, aoe dpsing everything is just the fastest and easiest way to do just about everything in this game, much faster than having someone kite adds until phase change and then trying to sing + shield.
Nah when instead of using Singularity they Use the Ice attack that knocks all the mobs in different directions... I expect the use of the other 2.
There is a reason the old school crowd does not want to bring attention to an area of strength.
I learned the hard way and made the mistake myself.
Depends on role.
In PVE a CW or TR that is well built and has the gear/skill to utilize class...will rip your DPS apart.
It's not the GWF who has problem there, but you... LOL.
I'm a Sent GWF and doing 2nd place against normal geared CW and 1st on bad CW on dps. now you get it, just saying...LOL
1) Raise the damage cap up to 10 with no soft cap. This will only have effect in dungeons where you face lots and lots of adds. Does two things (A) helps DPS those adds down & (B) helps the GWF off tank by getting and holding agro on multiple mods.
2) A minor tweak to AP gain. When it takes at least twice as long, on average, for the GWF to be able to get his Dailies off, something is wrong.
Buffing those two will go a long way for balancing the average GWF in average gear against a average <insert class here> in average gear. I believe buffing anything else on the GWF would not work and might actually hurt in the long run of this 'class balancing act'.
Yeah and this can be said about just any class except DC....
Now that we merged, you're welcome to try your amazing DPS in PvE against mine
Well a Daily is a daily. Once a day, works as intended. And anyway, which gwf's daily is worth using? Spinning Whirlpool?
The wrong thing is the CW being able to Sing every 10th second.