This is my short guide for a Hybrid Tank utility build. I have been play a GF for a while and I feel this build pretty nice for both PvP and PvE each with it's variations.
Heroic Feats:
3/3 Strength Focus
3/3 Toughness
3/3 Armor Specialization
3/3 Shielded Resurgence
5/5 Powerful Attack
3/3 Pin Down
Paragon Feats:
5/5 Take Measure
5/5 Reinforced Surge
5/5 Wrathful Warrior
5/5 Tactical Superiority
1/1 Reckless Attacker
5/5 Armor of Bahamut
5/5 Shield Defense
The build has high dps, high defense and high support all in one. The specifics lie in the power variations for PvP and PvE.
Dailies: Fighter's Recovery and Terrifying Impact
At-Will powers: Cleave and Threatening Rush
Passives: Enhanced Mark and Combat Superiority
Encounters: Frontline Surge, Enforced Threat and Into The Fray
Main rotation, ItF, FS, ET, guard and poke over shield. Use TR and ET to keep aggro on all preferred mobs. Use FS on 2 or 3 mobs if possible. If you want to optimize dps and loose the utility you can always swap Enhanced Mark for Trample the Fallen and Into the Fray with Griffon's Wrath.
Dailies: Fighter's Recovery and Terrifying Impact
At-Will powers: Cleave and Threatening Rush
Passives: Trample the Fallen and Combat Superiority
Encounters: Bull Charge, Frontline Surge, and Lunging Strike
It's pretty simple: 3 charge powers, 3 going into prone powers, loads of mobility and dps oriented. You can use ItF or any other power as third, but i think LS in one of our best dps abilities because of its' low recharge time.
Currently I'm using 2/2 Timeless hero, 2/2 Indomitable Champion gears, 2/2 Ancient Grand Knight weapon and shield. All 2/2s give me collective 900 Defense and 450 Deflect bonus.
I would like to hear some comments and feedback, so don't be shy guys
And P.S. I know I am not discovering hot water or sth but I just wanted to share my view of this marvelous way of approaching the game as a GF,
Any other comments or tips are much appreciated