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Balanced PvP Option?

lifesimageslifesimages Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited October 2013 in PvE Discussion
I've been wanting this for a while, and my guild is actually doing an in-house tournament with something similar to what I've been thinking since I got my first 60.

I think everybody here will say that PvP is unbalanced. I just finished reading Heimdall's thread about wanting to nerf GTene, ad he uses 6 of them.

I think there should be an option to go a step further. (Note, I said OPTION).

My Cleric has a 12.7 or 13.1k Gearscore, and a nice custom build. I do exceptionally well in PvP, but still run into people with all rank 10's, Perfect armor/weapon enchants, etc. and I get smoked.

I don't get smoked by the player, I get smoked by their gear.

I'd love to see an option to queue for 'Competitive Domination'. This would queue you in and replace all your equipped gear with something similar to a T1 PvP set with minimal (or no) enchants. So everybody has the same level of gear. I, myself, as an Upper-Middle class (gear-wise), would queue for this more often than current PvP Domination.

Edit: I said T1, because 25k+ lashing blades and such are ridiculous. Let's tone PvP down a bit, damage wise.

I would much rather find out who is better, than who has better gear. Here are some of the pros I see from a system like this:

- Players get to play with skill instead of gear
- People with less time to over-gear will feel wortwhile in PvP
- There could be a true competitive ranking system
- Less rage quitting due to OP/P2W premades.

People in counter to this have said:

- Noone will queue for regular PvP Domination then
Post edited by lifesimages on


  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Not enough to balance PvP. Even if you make all gear equal, there will still be better sets for some classes than others. But more importantly, because of the lack of a dual spec option, there will always be people badly specced, PvE specced or specced especially for PvP. This alone should be enough to "smoke you" when you encounter the PvP specs played right.

    What is really needed is a ladder system, with team and personal ranks and proper matchmaking, so that good players that win will only meet good players such as themselves. This way it will all even out in a few weeks and we would have relative balance.
  • muhacmuhac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The only way to balance/limit it could be to put an GS limitation on PVP queue like u have GS requirement for the Epic Dungeons...
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    I think it's time for the Resilience stat to kick in PvP gear. It was a good idea back in WoW, which completely separated the gear sets one should have for PvE and PvP. It's an idea to tone down damage and since it's a separate stat, it can be given wholeheartedly to Clerics for instance.

    Right now, the problem is spike damage that comes from crazy critical hits. Probably Resilience or whatever it could be called, will be able to reduce the damage you receive from critical strikes. Or something like that...

    Probably it would help a lot if PvP is something that Cryptic wants to invest upon.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    You imply that any TR in T2 hits for 25k Lashing... My DC (with the correct feats for pvp and stacked defense) takes between 6-12k from a lashing blade on the off chance that I don't dodge it since it's one of the most easily dodged skills there is with practice. With feated foresight even a P. vorpal TR crits me for 18-22k, and maybe like 2% of TR's in the game have a Perfect Vorpal. You also seem to think that no one could achieve perfect enchants without dropping tons of money on the game. Also why is it bad that players are supporting the game? I think it's great that people spend hundreds on gear so that I can continue playing, and getting new content quickly, without a sub. That said I know multiple people that have achieved P. weapon enchants without spending a dime, just by farming in game.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I mentioned this before and I think it's a decent idea...

    1) 4-5 person queue (Full premade)
    2) 2-3 person queue (Partial premade)

    Solo person queues can go to either.

    Reasoning: Most using the first queue will run a full 5 player, for the fear of getting a bad pug. That means most solo queues will go to the 2-3 player. Long story short is I have found much more balanced matches when running 2-3 people instead of a full premade. We also have less quitters, and it's quite fun.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    A simple queuing system is what is needed. Ranked PvP and not-Ranked PvP. Premades will gather to the first PuGers will go the other.

    They just need to attach a reward (Grym Coins or whatever) on the Ranked PvP.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • lobo0084lobo0084 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 663 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    I'll make my points:

    - Balancing to skill, such as Microsoft's TrueSkill system they've used since Halo 2, only does a good job taking an individual players ability into question. It doesn't prove tactics, and it has a hard time showing team play. Which is why there are MLG champion winners who never hit skill cap, because according to the game, they weren't as good solo as others.

    - Balancing to gear score is a fail, due to gear score meaning different things for different classes. A 13k GF is laughable, but a 13k GWF has everything they need to succeed. And considering many weapon and armor attachments DON'T boost GS at all, it leaves a huge gap in showing what players have.

    - Balancing to gear is a better option (all T2 gear, all T1 gear, etc), but you've got to let the player decide. And there are certain classes and situations where lower-level gear is better than higher. All that said and done, though, T2 is a base achievable standard for high-level PvP.

    - Turning off or 'diminishing' the power of perfects and greater weapon and armor attachments is a solid idea, in my opinion. But as with some of the almost-broken T2 gear out there, you've still got a major problem with people stacking the best for that month. This month the rumor says it's Tene's. Last month is was perfect Vorpals everywhere. Next month it may be Lifedrinker or some such.

    After level 60, gear makes all the difference in Arena. And truth be told, between the exploits and 'lucky' days of early beta, there is a cadre of 'elite pvpers' in Arena who will always afford and have better gear, because they have a considerable amount of wealth to invest in the FotM builds.

    A more thorough separation of playstyles and gear is required, I feel, to give the game more balance to lower-geared players.
    "Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate

    "D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.

    Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    Separation based on Gear Score won't work. I agree. You can't stop a super-fully-geared individual to join a PuG. However, this is not the problem imho. The problem lies in the fact that the players that want to compete in PvP, and spend hours and sometimes money on their characters to equip them as good as possible DON'T have something to do, other than running around shooting lower geared players.

    It's because all fish are in the same pool. Ranked PvP matches should be introduced giving some good incentive to the winner, this will gather all the big fish, and the not-ranked PvP matches should remain the same providing only Glory to get you started.

    There will be no point for highly geared people to lurk on the lowbie ghetto of casuality, and of course the niche PvP community will finally have a proper Killing Field.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • lobo0084lobo0084 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 663 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    Separation based on Gear Score won't work. I agree. You can't stop a super-fully-geared individual to join a PuG. However, this is not the problem imho. The problem lies in the fact that the players that want to compete in PvP, and spend hours and sometimes money on their characters to equip them as good as possible DON'T have something to do, other than running around shooting lower geared players.

    It's because all fish are in the same pool. Ranked PvP matches should be introduced giving some good incentive to the winner, this will gather all the big fish, and the not-ranked PvP matches should remain the same providing only Glory to get you started.

    There will be no point for highly geared people to lurk on the lowbie ghetto of casuality, and of course the niche PvP community will finally have a proper Killing Field.

    On the plus side, I agree a leaderboard would really help make pvp more valuable.

    On the argument, though, I think even the devs are finding out that PvPers in this game are not a 'niche'. There is only one queue I never have to wait in, and that's PvP. While there may be more strictly PvE players, I think you'll find more PvP players running dungeons and buying/selling on the AH, keeping the market alive and pushing for more practical content.

    Like I said, even the devs in a recent interview admitted that the PvP playerbase was far larger and more active then they assumed it would be.
    "Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate

    "D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.

    Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    lobo0084 wrote: »
    On the argument, though, I think even the devs are finding out that PvPers in this game are not a 'niche'.

    Apologies, this is not what I meant. It was just a reference to the difference between the two PvP groups in my previous post.

    P.S and Edit: **** I need two edits for my posts to make sense.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • kingculexkingculex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Interesting idea until the comment about LB doing 25k of damage. That rarely happens and even a DC who is the same class as the OP admits its normally around 15k or less. Cribstaxx is correct and its the gear that makes the difference.
    Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.

    There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
  • yosannahyosannah Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    My guild-mates and I have often talked about using Gear Score to set up parties for pvp. I would welcome form of Tier PvP or Gear Score PvP.
  • cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    yosannah wrote: »
    My guild-mates and I have often talked about using Gear Score to set up parties for pvp. I would welcome form of Tier PvP or Gear Score PvP.

    Only problem with strictly GS based is a lot of BiS players can have low GS, especially with Tene's. Best TR on my server has 10.5k GS, that's with 7 tene's and 31.5k health lol.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
  • yosannahyosannah Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Point well taken.
  • slayorianslayorian Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I wouldn't mind an option for a pvp match where all of your enchants got bumped to rank 10. Only the ones with rank 1-10, though.
  • therealjaelustherealjaelus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 50
    edited October 2013
    I'd love to see an option to queue for 'Competitive Domination'. This would queue you in and replace all your equipped gear with something similar to a T1 PvP set with minimal (or no) enchants. So everybody has the same level of gear.

    You make the mistake of thinking that skill in PvP is limited to actual performance in a match.

    A significant part of a player's skill in PvP involves understanding combat and class mechanics and applying this knowledge to create a synergy between their spec and their equipment. Simply said, but the ability to understand how to gear effectively can separate a good player from a great player. Additionally, two players with the same ability scores, powers, and feats may yet have different sets of equipment that support two completely dissimilar play styles.

    Homogenizing gear doesn't equalize skill. It handicaps players, eliminating the skill involved in gearing, and destroying otherwise viable play styles.
  • slushpsychoslushpsycho Member Posts: 657 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    Setting up team by gs are quite stupid in PVP.

    Skill has nothing to do with gs, Sometimes I fight 10k people feel like they are 12k, cause they are skilled and have the right spec for PVP, and times I fight 12k people feeling they are 10k below, because they are just bad at PVP...

    Quick example: I know a TR that has a perfect vorpal, yes he can get kills due to the nature burst from TR and that P.Vorpal but he is so easy to lock down and kill since he has no knowledge on how to kite, dodge or using stealth properly.
  • cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    You make the mistake of thinking that skill in PvP is limited to actual performance in a match.

    A significant part of a player's skill in PvP involves understanding combat and class mechanics and applying this knowledge to create a synergy between their spec and their equipment. Simply said, but the ability to understand how to gear effectively can separate a good player from a great player. Additionally, two players with the same ability scores, powers, and feats may yet have different sets of equipment that support two completely dissimilar play styles.

    Homogenizing gear doesn't equalize skill. It handicaps players, eliminating the skill involved in gearing, and destroying otherwise viable play styles.

    Very well said =)
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
  • bracer2bracer2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 566 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    Open world pvp..... done. For the life of me i cant understand what is taking sooo long on this. It shouldn't be separate from the main game, but part of it. I cant attack another player??? How D&D is that?

    Right click on player send a challenge, anywhere anytime, for any reason.... done. done.
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