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When will LeaderShip ad farming get nerfed?

drbaalsdrbaals Member Posts: 161 Bounty Hunter
edited October 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Since it seems alot of nerfs from farming are because of the gold farmers using something in excess. IE nodes, PVP rewards. ....

Since gold farmers are buying up character sets that have lvled to leadership AD farming. When will we see a nerf on that?
Post edited by drbaals on


  • j0shi82j0shi82 Member Posts: 622 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I don't think Leadership farming is really an issue until you can get RADs off the gateway. It's one hell of a clickfest right now for a limited reward.
  • drbaalsdrbaals Member Posts: 161 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    j0shi82 wrote: »
    I don't think Leadership farming is really an issue until you can get RADs off the gateway. It's one hell of a clickfest right now for a limited reward.

    Its not limited reward if you have 500-1000 people doing this all day long with multi accounts.
  • mrrant84mrrant84 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    drbaals wrote: »
    Its not limited reward if you have 500-1000 people doing this all day long with multi accounts.

    Just so you know it takes 4 months of everyday clicking just to level leadership to 20, most people quit the game before that.
  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    drbaals wrote: »
    Since it seems alot of nerfs from farming are because of the gold farmers using something in excess. IE nodes, PVP rewards. ....

    Since gold farmers are buying up character sets that have lvled to leadership AD farming. When will we see a nerf on that?

    You realize they did this already. A while back. They nerfed the best low level AD farming mission (Protect Caravan) and turned it into one of the worst. Now you have to spend months leveling leadership to 20 to get at the good missions. Or manage a more complex cycle of doing missions for materials to use in better missions that require them.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    runebane wrote: »
    You realize they did this already. A while back. They nerfed the best low level AD farming mission (Protect Caravan) and turned it into one of the worst. Now you have to spend months leveling leadership to 20 to get at the good missions. Or manage a more complex cycle of doing missions for materials to use in better missions that require them.

    He has only been here a little less then a month. So, I seriously doubt he knew this. Not that knowing it would change anything from his normal "I hate the game" spew.

    News of the shard merge has the trolls pumped. They have latched onto it as some kind of proof of victory. And as such are simply giddy and atwitter about it. The funny thing is, the ramped up level of DOOM will probably be the catalyst that will get them silenced or removed long before they get to enjoy the merger.
  • fatbankspacefatbankspace Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    they already nerfed the lower level rewards they better not touch the higher end ones. It took me since mid may to just last week to get leadership from 1-20 so kiss my butt about nerfing the rewards OP.
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    IMO, Leadership is the only profession that actually provides something useful before you get it to level 20. The others are only desired for their top-end rewards, and you can't level them up, (outside of spending tons of ADs), at a pace that keeps up with your character.

    The biggest boon, IMO, is that you can setup the long tasks and basically just check in on them once or twice a day to collect the rewards and setup the next batch of tasks...
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    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    runebane wrote: »
    You realize they did this already. A while back. They nerfed the best low level AD farming mission (Protect Caravan) and turned it into one of the worst.

    It's actually still the best project in it's Leadership-level range. It just isn't the best one across 99% of Leadership missions (which, honestly, should have been a sign that it was too good.) Yes, it's a shame that they nerfed it, but it really was asking for it. :p
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    kiralyn wrote: »
    It's actually still the best project in it's Leadership-level range. It just isn't the best one across 99% of Leadership missions (which, honestly, should have been a sign that it was too good.) Yes, it's a shame that they nerfed it, but it really was asking for it. :p

    Indeed... only collect taxes (which requires a green region map) and destroy enemy camp (level 20) are better... There are some other tasks that have a better AD/hr rate, but those have even greater resource requirements or aren't always available (rare tasks that rotate hourly).
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    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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  • gek1956gek1956 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Nerfing Leadership would be a PR disaster. The game got many nice offsite reviews from game and MMO sites, but at every one the reviews were massively trolled by responders, three out of four screaming 'Cash grab!!' One guy pointed out that 'Zen is the only cure for every player gripe'.... yada, yada, yada.

    Is leadership/invocation farming exploitive? It's perfectly legal, plus it's attractive enough as is to get less active players to log in every day. This is a golden MMO designer benchmark, since dissatisfied players who don't participate any longer are several times more likely to quit altogether than the ones who still log in. What do you think the dev's intended? Box/pack drop rates have consistently favored leadership assets .There is a FIFTY character slot max per account. Slot prices in the cash shop are relatively cheap. Obviously they want players to expand. Don't like the 24k cap? Stop complaining, save up 150k ADs and you can DOUBLE your original AD income cap. I've got 19 toons now, 7 of them actually adventure, the others stay home for support. Leadership is ATM the largest portion of my income, but I don't log in four times a day (Most of the better AD jobs run for six hours.) just to farm professions. Two usually, 3 when I get around to it, but if I'm busy with a story line, I usually won't stop when the clock says ding just to farm Leadership.

    This game was intended to be highly monetized. That means very high zen prices. The refining cap in CO is a mere 8K questionite, here its 24K AD, which was done to put low or zero budget players on a more even footing with the big zen buyers. You can't claim FTP with out giving recourse for farming and hard work to level the playing field for players of all incomes/spending levels.

    The T2 farming was largely exploit driven. Letting it run on as long as it did was foolish. The game population, rising throughout beta began to drop at 'startup' largely due player issues with zen pricing and the dev's failure to deal with DD cheating. With leadership farming it's the exact opposite. It was intended to work this way, and for a very good reason. Not only that, but the player interface possesses many traits that discourage automation, and it's time consuming enough to make large scale farming intrusive enough on regular playtime that few players will beat it to death.

    A serious leadership nerf would turn FTP in Neverwinter into a bigger flame magnet than it already is.
  • mrspumamrspuma Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I see no reason for mid to high tier Leadership AD tasks to be nerfed. It's a nice option for those who don't feel like doing dailies all the time, every day, for their rough AD. And considering the rough AD per day limit, it's not like having 2-5 max Leadership chrs. is going to enable the average player to save up millions every few days or something and buy anything they want whenever they want, solely from Leadership tasks.

    Now yes, if you bothered creating 40-50 chrs and leveled them all up to 20 leadership (would take a long time), that would be quite the daily AD chain, but not many are going to do that. Heck even 10 chrs. is a PITA to keep up with/cycle through on a daily basis after a while. Nerfing Leadership would only put a very slight crimp in "company spammers" plans - eg, you aren't likely to notice much of a difference in that arena - while likely overly affecting legit players.

    Leave it alone, I say.
  • seneca671seneca671 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I have 3 toons with max Leadership, one I play, and an alt that I'm not playing right now, but is leveling professions, and that's about all I have time for. I'm not rich by any means - I never hit cap - but it's enough for what I need.

    It's funny - I really enjoy this game, but nerfing Leadership after all the work I put into it, well... it's about the only thing I can think of that would make me... not rage quit, exactly, but certainly quit and never return.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I've been leveling Leadership for the past month - currently level 17 (almost 18). I put all my leadership time into training the profession, 260 and 160 xp missions. I have not collected a single AD yet. This does not need to be nerfed..
  • ocampusmaximusocampusmaximus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 200 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    I've been playing since Open Beta day 1 and my Leadership is barely reaching level 19. And you want it nerfed?
  • frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Yeah I would be so annoyed if they nerfed it when it takes a massive amount of effort to reach. I've reached it on 2 of my toons, almost on my 3rd and working on another 2.
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Considering the posting history of the OP. This entire topic is simply more rabble rousing. Simply because someone posts something does not indicate any likelihood of it actually happening. As mentioned already, the devs have already made adjustments to leadership. I doubt it is high on their list to revisit it again.
  • khimera906khimera906 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    This is just plain silly. I can understand how someone might justify a request for class nerfing, but why would you want a nerf for something that it's equally accessible to everyone.
    We have put a lot of time and resources into getting where we are, we did't wave a magic wand. Don't ask for everyone to be hindered just so you can be on the same level. Instead look around the forum or do a Google search and read a few guides and put some effort into it if you wanna stay competitive.
    I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
  • vortix44vortix44 Member Posts: 680 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    I am currently at lvl 18 in Leadership, close to 19. The profession XP grows veeeeeery slowly now. I guess it will be nerfed once I get to 20.
    Because yes, it has to be lvl 20. If you are lvl 18 or 19, you're not getting any AD.
    So, four months of daily clicking. And once then, the nerf.
    English is not my first language.
  • cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    Yeah you are limited to 2 characters or 48k Refined AD per day unless you spend extra on character slots (which AD farmers won't) and you can't reach that 24k cap on leadership alone unless you have blue/purple assets which AD farmers also won't want to purchase. So say you have 20 accounts doing this, you also lose 10% every time you combine the AD on one account via AH cut. There's too much of an investment (either character slots or assets) for it to be such a big AD farm as OP proposes.

    Maybe if you have 50 character slots making 12-16k a day it would be worth it, but you'd have to buy 24 character slots at 500 zen each, would take you months just to recoup your initial investment (not to mention the time spent leveling leadership up, it becomes quite profitable at 20, but less so when below 20)
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
  • drbaalsdrbaals Member Posts: 161 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    Yeah you are limited to 2 characters or 48k Refined AD per day unless you spend extra on character slots (which AD farmers won't) and you can't reach that 24k cap on leadership alone unless you have blue/purple assets which AD farmers also won't want to purchase. So say you have 20 accounts doing this, you also lose 10% every time you combine the AD on one account via AH cut. There's too much of an investment (either character slots or assets) for it to be such a big AD farm as OP proposes.

    Maybe if you have 50 character slots making 12-16k a day it would be worth it, but you'd have to buy 24 character slots at 500 zen each, would take you months just to recoup your initial investment (not to mention the time spent leveling leadership up, it becomes quite profitable at 20, but less so when below 20)

    Yes the Ad farmers do save the AD and get more character slots then lvl them. I am also mainly asking this question because gold farmers use this method to gain AD. They have a bunch of people all day long logging in and out farming AD through leadership. They buy accounts more money for every character slot added. Hench asking when will they nerf leadership to stop or curb this. But in effect make it suck for everyone. Just like Glory items for PVP and node farmers. They cant stop the gold farmers so they make the game worse for everyone
  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    drbaals wrote: »
    Yes the Ad farmers do save the AD and get more character slots then lvl them. I am also mainly asking this question because gold farmers use this method to gain AD. They have a bunch of people all day long logging in and out farming AD through leadership. They buy accounts more money for every character slot added. Hench asking when will they nerf leadership to stop or curb this. But in effect make it suck for everyone. Just like Glory items for PVP and node farmers. They cant stop the gold farmers so they make the game worse for everyone

    Gold farmers have a lot of accounts doing a lot of things. You are not helping. If that is even your intent. Riling people up by calling for stuff to be nerfed is just silly. Besides, when has already been answered. It happened a while ago already.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    drbaals wrote: »
    Yes the Ad farmers do save the AD and get more character slots then lvl them. I am also mainly asking this question because gold farmers use this method to gain AD. They have a bunch of people all day long logging in and out farming AD through leadership. They buy accounts more money for every character slot added. Hench asking when will they nerf leadership to stop or curb this. But in effect make it suck for everyone. Just like Glory items for PVP and node farmers. They cant stop the gold farmers so they make the game worse for everyone

    I disagree. Gold farmers likely stick to the base 2 character slots per account. The reason for this is fairly simple - they know that one of their accounts may be shut down at any time, so they would not risk re-investing into it, (such as buying more character slots). They'll grind out leadership w/ whatever basic tasks they can get with a minimal investment, (which is probably why 'protect the caravan' was specifically nerfed).
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    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kiralyn wrote: »
    It's actually still the best project in it's Leadership-level range. It just isn't the best one across 99% of Leadership missions (which, honestly, should have been a sign that it was too good.) Yes, it's a shame that they nerfed it, but it really was asking for it. :p
    bioshrike wrote: »
    Indeed... only collect taxes (which requires a green region map) and destroy enemy camp (level 20) are better... There are some other tasks that have a better AD/hr rate, but those have even greater resource requirements or aren't always available (rare tasks that rotate hourly).

    The post-nerf Protect Caravan is listed as 100AD per 2 Hours. Or 50AD an hour. There are many AD missions better than that. Two missions off the top of my head that require no *consumed* resources are Battle Undead and Fight Off Spellplagued at 400AD/6Hours or 66.6AD/Hour.

    Battle Undead is level 10, while Protect Caravan was only at level 4. That is a bit of a level difference. But the early levels of Leadership take little time, compared to the months it takes to get anywhere at levels 16-20. But my point stands that they took the best mission and made it one of the worst.

    The leadership nerf the OP is looking for, already happened.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
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