I have 5 level 60, and 2 level 20'ish. After leveling 5 toons by questing, I don't feel like doing the same quests over again. I have been leveling my extra 2 toons simply by invoking and I plan to continue until they are 60. Am I missing out on stuff by simply invoking, besides bag quests? Will I still be able to go to feywild if I don't quest? Will I still be able to do the class cloak quest once I'm 60?
You will miss nothing but skirmishes. Everything else can still be done after hitting 60. So you wont have any problems going back to do the bag quests or the class/race cloaks.
xhritMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Thanks for the tip. I was getting tired of getting owned while solo questing....
If you get owned in solo quest, you are doing something wrong.
Technically you can level up without questing, only through Invocation and doing Leadership tasks, but if you are limiting yourself to that, why are you even playing? It's your choice, I know, but for me it seems there's no fun at all to level a character that way.
I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
you have the option of leveling via pvp, the normal quest line, invoking and foundry quests... or a combination of all of it. you can also level with other players (even with a level 60 if you ask nicely!) and if you can't seem to find anyone in a particular zone to group with, you can always join a guild and team up with your guildmates.
leveling through invoking seems like it would take a while and you would be missing the actual experience (and learning) of actually playing the character and all of its quirks/advantages.
ladymythosMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 637Bounty Hunter
edited September 2013
It's fully possible to level up to 60 using Invoke only, but if you do, you are forgetting something crucial: The level doesn't matter at all if you don't know how to play the class, and you won't learn it unless you, you know, play the game. Standing around Invoking yourself to 60 gets you to max level, but what's the point if you're completely useless? No offense, but if you say you are tired of getting owned in solo quests, it could indicate that you don't know how to play your class properly. Nothing wrong there, but it just means you need more practice rather than higher levels.
The only reason I would invoke to level up to 60 is if I was using an alt solely for storage/bank space/leadership grunt work. And then only with a class I've already levelled and do not want to try using different tactics/feats/powers on. Something I am doing as I need the storage space as I am not paying full price for bank slots - too overpriced as are bags. Would buy a pack but the bag is not account-wide.
My first character (pretty horribly done as I was a total **** to MMORGs) was a TR and I didn't use Blitz or Smoke Bombs. My next is doing that so I'm learning different ways to play and would not yet just invoke that class.
I have 3 alts that I have levelled up from 11 just through invoking. Currently at 37, 47, and 57. Takes about 4 months. I usually level on one every other day. They grind leadership, but the task I have them running doesn't give character exp. They're nice for the extra box once a week and I sell the footmen I gain every few days on the AH for more AD. Takes maybe a minute to swap to all 3 of them.
You would get a LOT more AD doing other tasks besides worker hiring and then selling the workers. Just queue up some "Battle Undead" and "Fight Off Spellplagued" for some minimal effort AD and requeue via gateway when you can, even at 66 AD/hr and 12.5-20 XP/hr per slot they're a heck of a lot better than hire tasks unless you're adamant about only queuing every 18 hours.
Optimally use "patrol the mines" and "fight off spellplagued"/"deliver metals", queuing protect the diamond shipment when it pops for max AD + XP / time pre-20.
Don't Panic.
Okay, Panic.
khimera906Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 898Arc User
edited September 2013
The thing with end game fights is that it's expected of you to know how to play your class, especially in dungeons, where other members of the party depend on how well you play.
I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
Can't be fussed....I have two 60s at leadership 20. I don't do it for the ad. Just so that they're doing something while I'm offline. Once they hit leader 20 I'll worry more about it.
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
Invoking should not really yield experience in my opinion nor should leadership. I agree its boring as hell doing quests though. I just wish they would add a more refined queue system. One in which we can replace members so then we can run dungeons and master our class and ignore quests and gain exp and loot.
Neverwinter is more or less turning into a few alt runs and on to the next world thing for me.
I just played Castle Never with a CW that did not have Singularity, and had no idea what it even is. Wonder how that happened...
Its possible he might of been trolling you. Some CWs actually resent being relegated to MOB pushers. Considering how the powers tree works. Sing being a level 10 skill and the 20 point limit before going rank 3 on anything. Pretty much means you have to work hard to intentionally not take one of the lower level powers. Is is possible to not take Sing, but to do so you pretty much gota take everything else.
So while it is possible he might of truly been that ignorant, and not had the power. Its more likely he just didn't want to be told how to play.
When I Levelled up my alt cleric to 60, I was mainly just doing daily skirmishes/dungeons/foundries (for foundries I stopped once the daily required more than 2) as well as Invocation and Leadership tasks. I did minimal questing. In fact, the only quest zones I did were the ones that gave you the free bags for the inventory. Even though the dungeons weren't great XP, I just found them a lot more enjoyable with random low level pugs for some reason xD
i've leveled 2 guys by simply praying and leadership from 20-40 without noticing. i play my level 60's for daily quests, so yeah if you have someone to play you could totally level other characters at the same time.
Thorin Oakenshield - 60 DC | Floki Longarm - 60 TR | Tiny Tank - 60 GWF
Stand your Ground NW-DNBHK74ML
Have you done all the foundry quests?
Feast of the Moon | Rising of the Dark | Shadow of the World | Everdark
Technically you can level up without questing, only through Invocation and doing Leadership tasks, but if you are limiting yourself to that, why are you even playing? It's your choice, I know, but for me it seems there's no fun at all to level a character that way.
leveling through invoking seems like it would take a while and you would be missing the actual experience (and learning) of actually playing the character and all of its quirks/advantages.
My first character (pretty horribly done as I was a total **** to MMORGs) was a TR and I didn't use Blitz or Smoke Bombs. My next is doing that so I'm learning different ways to play and would not yet just invoke that class.
Optimally use "patrol the mines" and "fight off spellplagued"/"deliver metals", queuing protect the diamond shipment when it pops for max AD + XP / time pre-20.
Okay, Panic.
I just played Castle Never with a CW that did not have Singularity, and had no idea what it even is. Wonder how that happened...
Invoking to 60 and buying your gear ensures you are a high gear score, completely useless addition to any party.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
Neverwinter is more or less turning into a few alt runs and on to the next world thing for me.
Its possible he might of been trolling you. Some CWs actually resent being relegated to MOB pushers. Considering how the powers tree works. Sing being a level 10 skill and the 20 point limit before going rank 3 on anything. Pretty much means you have to work hard to intentionally not take one of the lower level powers. Is is possible to not take Sing, but to do so you pretty much gota take everything else.
So while it is possible he might of truly been that ignorant, and not had the power. Its more likely he just didn't want to be told how to play.
Stand your Ground NW-DNBHK74ML