Greater Terror enchantment:
At first the 15% defense reduction was actually +15% overall damage buff.
A couple of weeks ago, the overall buff has changed to be >
which is 3% overall damage (major decrease).
If it's a bug, please fix it.
Otherwise, please let us know (I have never seen something regarding it in any patch notes).
Thank you for your time reading
You weapon DAMAGE .
Not you Total Damage.(your total dmg is 1081)
And your weapon dmg near 731.
I'm not talking about the 9.5% weapon damage (which work fine, 75 is 9.5% of 800),
but the Terror debuff that reduce defense by 15%.
Should show "1207 (1050)..." and "86 (75)..." which is +15% overall damage.
Checked the plague fire bug thread a bit down from here. Dev explained 15% defense = 3% mitigation on monsters. (may function a bit different on players)
Why they don't simply explain in the tooltip its actaully 3% mitigation, i dunno. But tis how its intended.
-Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
Try it on other mobs i think combat dummy don't have def stat or dmr.
And wepon necrotic dmg bypass all dmr and def stat. Even if -15% apply on mob or ppl you will have only 75 dmg.
If that is true, then Terror is one of the worst enchantments in the game and by far worse then Plague Fire.
Comparison -
Perfect Terror will give 12% weapon damage, for a BiS CW it's around 4-5% of total damage, and 4% mitigation debuff.
Will cost 8-9 million AD (on Dragon).
Greater Plague Fire will give 7.5%+2.5% weapon damage (minor difference from 12%) and 3% mitigation debuff x3 stacks, which is eventually 9%. Will cost 2 million AD (on Dragon).
Only to me there is something wrong in this picture regarding the Terror enchantment?
If that is how it's suppose to be > then please just write it correctly in the tooltip and everyone will know to use Plague Fire and not Terror.
Plague Fire loc box (if not the best)enchant aways better buy key for zen:).
1. It not stack(not as GPF did with itself). GPF don't stack with other players GPF(afaik dev said this) don't know if Terror of other player stack(like Mark from difference GFs).
2. It don't burn(okay this is alone a PvP-aspect and only in very few situations in PvE affected). With GPF you only need to hit a horsed player once, then he dismounted after some seconds. With Terror not. You need 2 or more Hits for the same effect.
The stack is what GPF make it best enhancement in Game. 3*3% damagebonus from skills is more than the alone 1*4%(perfect Terror) can. 9% increase is more than 4% and if you can aoe, then it's a big advantage compared to vorpal or only weapon damage enhancements.
and plague fire one- do not stuck now, so i think vorpal its better for my TR
Plague fire stack. So why post you this?