First up there needs to be a suggestion forum,
But starting off, there are a few annoying bugs I would like to mention,
Temple of Spider Speed run at the start, youtube it or something, or ask people.
High Vizier's set - Doesn't say how much defense it can steal and give to yourself but works 3 times, using it with Maelstorm of chaos absolutely ****s on the enemys defenses, its glitched.
Chaos Magic feat, it constantly changes while attacking, is this how it was intended? I thought it was suppose to be random but last 10 seconds and not be affected by it anymore.
Ray of Enfeeblement isn't affected by Cooldown reduction (on tab when you have 2 slots on it, still takes 13-14 seconds to recharge.)
Time stop (tab) gives stupid(yet hilarious) run speed, and it doesn't last long.
Arcane Singularity is broken as hell and needs a nerf to size or enemys that can be pulled.
Entangling force on Tab needs Action Point gain nerfed, the more enemys it hits the more we get, like shield.
CW's do too much CC and Damage, some of the skills need damage tuned down and eye of storm needs to work better, make its next 2, 3, 4 (as leveled up) hits critical strike.
Shield needs a more appropriate AP gain, to get 2-4% For such a long charge up and cast spell is absolutely stupid.
Time stop doesn't hit all enemys sometimes, is there a limit? This information needs to be in the tooltext.
Singularity causes some encounters to miss, like shard of avalance and sudden storm.
Dwarf king crypt golems are extremely hard to target at some points, very frustrating.
Caverns of Karr speed run needs to be fixed, but also before the 1st boss, 4-5 Giants can spawn when only one is suppose to. Sorry I couldn't get a better image, on the top left theres a giant we pulled in to kill, and on the top right you can see the feet of 3 giants. Very frustrating because they are all lavamasters and all do that pull move.
Some locations have stuffed up campfires, I'm not sure if any are fixed but Dread vault Epic campfires weren't working, Temple of Spider last campfire doesn't work, when you die near it, it sends you to the last campfire, extremely annoying when your group wants to instakill boss and everyone has to die by door.
That reminds me, dead people shouldn't be able to enter through boss rooms,
Last campfire shouldn't be auto save for any member of the party until all 5 players reach it, and when all 5 players do, then the boss room should unlock.
Using the Help (H) -> Request GM help -> Stuck -> Unable to Progress through mission -> Abort Mission, should be removed, or cause the person to leave party (after giving them a warning) or make the player spawn at the start again, using the starting location of entering a dungeon as the placement.
Frozen heart boss 1 is absolutely stupid, the design of it is great, but it's a design that should be used on the last boss not the 1st. Change it so that people can Enter the two rooms and kill the orbs while fighting the boss, that way the rogue can sneak in and kill them fast or they do it normally as a team and do it through stages. That gives people the option to do it fast (while having a huge amount of adds to kill because of the rogue pulling them in but an experienced team can deal with that using AOE.)
Blitz on a rogue should make the caster immune while using, same with bait and switch, if a roll or movement speed like dodge roll does it, some of rogue spells should be able to as well.
Make invisibility easier to notice or reduce Concealment passive, 90% is too high, change it to 25%-50%-75%
Lurkers assault screen doesn't go black with some graphics and stealth doesn't get reduced to 0 causing the rogue to be able to use multiple stealthed encounters.
Dragons and some other red spots on monsters like frozen heart 2nd boss slam or dragon wind attack don't properly indicate whether its a safe zone, need confirmation on whether this is intended or not, red zone is normally a danger zone but for hard dungeons it can be used as a warning that an attack is coming and not exactly where it hits. Which is okay if the developers say it was intended that way.
Some of the words in this game are explained well enough, Mitigation for one and Threat isn't exactly explained either. Need ingame information on these sorts of things.
Elite mobs aren't worth killing, things like lavamonsters or rimefires and maws, give them better drops like Rank 5 enchantments or make them drop profession boxes or give them a extremely rare chance of dropping a non set epic item related to the dungeon.
Fix pushing things off cliffs, make it so monsters instantly killed are teleported but to its spawn and have to be killed again.
Change GF feat to not be included in gearscore, Gear should be only from items equipped.
Gwf need stronger AoE damage spells while CW should be nerfed, some of the feats make CW way too strong. Change the feats to stop giving so much aoe damage and give for more control methods, like feats that make when you use a control spell cause the enemy to weaken and stop moving as fast, or cause them to deal less damage, we are suppose to be control wizards not AOE control super damage wizards.
GF need some PVP spells remade or nerfed, remake the tier 1 and 2 sets too please, make the sets affects things that improve the party, that is what GF seems to be made, a support styled tank that helps party,
Change the spell that takes partys damage to not allow Guardian Fighter to die while doing so, That way very bad team mates cannot instantly kill a Guardian fighter, but he can still play as a tank as intended.
Cleric need ways to cast spells on allies using portraits, make them auto run until in range when casting a spell on the portrait, it will help new people a lot more being able to cast healing word on a portrait rather than have to run around trying to find that person. Or make it so if they aren't in range it wont work but when they are it will cast on them.
Shadow Weaver set doesn't work properly either, control spells and things immune need more explaination, give people a method to see monster information, driders can be CC'd even though they are immune to things, rimefires can't be cc'd but some CC spells still cast damage. This information needs to be given more. Set doesn't properly give stats as it says when using spells, some grant none and the crit severity using non control encounters is extremely hard to get 3 stacks off, spells don't cast it.
For example, Chill strike seems to be a control encounter, it controls the enemy by chill, but from what I've gathered Control is only CC that controls the enemy, entangling force, repel, shield, time stop. Doesn't make sense when Chill stuns yet doesn't give defense on high Vizier.
That is all I can think of now.
If anyone actually bothers to read feel free to give any thoughts on any of the things said, I assume some are unreasonable like the suggestions, but a lot of the bugs do really need fixing.
Edit: Spellplague boss 1 can be instakilled by pulling it to the right side of the ramp and making it dive into the corner.
Spellplagued boss 2 can be pulled over the gate.
Karr boss 1 and 2 can both still be safe spotted from the right spot.
Castle Never, Rogue can still run to first door and get next campfire, just change it so that dying beside door doesn't make you skip to next campfire.
I suppose its a lot of junk and badly sorted out but I think it's still worth reading or discussing.
That's not a bug, it says in the tooltiip that's what it's meant to do.
It gives unnatural amount of movement speed, and it's pretty pointless, it makes things harder not easier, it should be changed to a movement speed buff like into the fray.
Would be nice if you gave a real opinion and not a pointless reply.
I've never played WoW and I don't even pvp
This is working as intended and even says it will do this in the tooltip.
Pretty sure the range is fine as it is, I’ve never heard anyone qq about it
Sure lets nerf CW AP gain even more
I’ll agree with you on this one, there should be something that states the max number of enemies that can be hit by this spell
Yes, it does. *Learn to play around it like everyone else instead of complaining until they can manage to fix this (if it is even a "bug")
ALL of the Frozen heart boss fights are broken, endless spawning adds even after the boss has been killed is part of why people run it like they do
Rouges already have an immunity spell, both of these skills are fine how they are IMO
I think they removed the dark graphics on lurkers a while ago, and the stealth regen from lurkers is enough for you to use multiple spells stealted pretty sure this is intended
They already fixed this once, but it obviously didn't work that well. Needs to be addressed quickly because it makes dragon boss fights a pain
Its already hard enough to find a group for DD after the BOP change, lets give people even more reasons to quit this game
I'm pretty sure that they just nerfed AOE damage on GWF, CWs are supposed to be AOE monsters. The majority of a CWs AOEs are cntrol spells too
Perma Prone is irritating, enough said
Not exactly sure what you mean here, yes the spells that count as control spells on a CW are confusing and need to be properly stated, whats control and whats not. Driders need to be fixed so they can either be affected by all cc of they need to have an immune icon.
There is a forum rule about not posting details about exploits, I could have sworn it was stickyed at one point in time, but since it no longer is here is the link to it.!-Moderator-Notices-(Read-Before-Posting!)&highlight=exploits
I would suggest reading it before you decide to post anything like this agin.
Rough Translation -
I'm a butthurt non CW (probably a TR ) who wants CW's to be nerfed into uselessness , these would make you have a easier time in PvP but I can guarantee that running dungeons would be sheer hell if half of these ridiculous idea were ever implemented.
Actually I have a 11.7k CW and a 11.6K TR
I think all my suggestions are actually better for the health of the game, singularity is broken and causes no reason to use any of the other dailies in any dungeons.
GWF's are barely taken, tanks don't even tank they try to do AoE damage.
CW's are broken, they do too much, they should not be controlling enemys AND doing huge AoE damage.
But your an idiot if you think running dungeons would be hell after these nerfs, nearly every dungeon is easy as **** apart from CN.
I know it is, but its stupid, the amount of MS it gives and for the time period it gives it in, anyone who uses tab time slot is trolling or absolutely stupid, it does more harm than good unless people are trying to run as a group.
wtf I quoted your entire post and it didn't post it all.
Thanks for your feedback but I stand by what I say, singularity is broken and I think im experienced enough to know and understand this.
The thing about singularity is, it doesn't cc the adds while pulling them in so they still have a chance to hit you as they come past from the pull (this has killed me many a time). honestly if you think Singularity is broken try out opressive force. While it does have a small AOE it is way better than singularity in situations where you aren't grouping stuff for a push. Its got a daze and I've found it to do about 20-30k damage per target overall (especially if it crits). Of cours Ice knife is still a good choice for if you are dpsing a boss and not concerned about adds.
In the normal dungeon group I run, we prefer to have a GWF over a GF the only exception to this is if we are running Frozen Heart, Spellplague, Temple of the Spider, or Lair of the Mad Dragon.
IMO making a CW do no damage is just like adding another form of cleric to the game, Clerics main roll in a dungeon is to keep the party allive and as a result they typically have very low dps. Dungeons would end up taking so much longer if CW were only cc spam bots that did no damage.
As for everything but CN is easy, find me a group that can kill the final boss in temple of the spider without using a trick to kill her please. I have only managed to beat her normally once and that was before the second wave of TR nerfs when lurkers still gave you an insane dps boost
From the things you have said I can see that you have little experience in this game, but you seem to think that you do. As you have posted your gear score as an example of your experience, I will let you know that my CW is 13.2K.
Had you been more experienced you would know that singularity is being used less and less. In fact, besides the final boss, it's not uncommon for me to run castle never without using it at all.
It's actually very useful in several situations. For example, to help the DC/GF kite the adds at the end of frozen heart.
Try dungeons with 1 of each class, Me and my GWF friend play well together and his dps is as high as mine BUT hes not CCing, for a control wizard to be able to pump out that much damage, while crowd controlling and being able to repel or shield monsters away or control where they are located. It's too much, they don't need so much da mage, they can EASILY handle a nerf. They are already the most important class in the game, I never said they should do no damage but they do need damage nerfs, just look at their feats and how much give more damage. They don't need them. Oppresive force is a good spell, I'll admit but in most senarios its pointless because of how singularity works, GWF can hit more at once, GF can CC more and aoe more too, CW can AOE more, TR can smoke bomb them all, cleric can keep us in astral shield. It makes clearing everything so easy. Normal dungeon you run with has two of what? It should be 1 of each class, not 2 of one class, not 2 DC, not 2 TR, not 2 CW. Why is there never 2 GF or 2 GWF? Because those roles aren't important enough. CW DC and TR all excel too much at what they do, GWF and GF do not. Gf can do too much damage with the right build and feats, GWF doesn't do enough damage because a CW is more useful for most dungeons.
I never posted my Gearscore to = Experience, it was just an example to say that I have enough experience to comment on these things because of my gearscore, even if you have 13.2K you probably are use 2 set 2 for the +900 extra gearscore.
And Yes I know singularity is being used less, mainly because oppresive force and HZ is glitched.
Yes, you've found a great use for it, but mainly for an experienced team on headset, because they will know you are using it but also means your damaging the adds which depending on the GF will pull them onto you, but I will not say it isn't useful in some situations. In most it isn't worth using at all. It doesn't tell you the movement speed time but my problem is that the movement speed is UNNATURAL, the speed it gives is ridiculous, it should give a speed like into the fray and last longer, not a bigger burst and make people accidently fall off cliff edges if they aren't careful.
There were patch notes that once said they fixed it from disappearing but only worked against tanks.
I have the full HV set, and I didn't put points into prestidigitation either before you ask. I just have rank 9 gems and decant gear (Fabled weapon set etc.)
That's the only type of team I will play with.
Fair enough, my bad.
And I actually tried Tab Time Stop, I still think its unnatural, it should last longer and have a more appropriate movement speed, but I agree it still has it uses.
Into the fray does everything it does but better.