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Honest feedback from a seasoned player

ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
edited September 2013 in PvE Discussion
First off I want to say thanks.

Thanks to Cryptic for making a fun game that I have spent many many game days in. I have enjoyed it this far, but I REALLY hope this feedback gets to somebody because this game has SO much potential and could really shine. Its SO close and its NOT new content per se that is the issue...

I appreciate you guys are trying to give us new quests, new bosses, new dungeons etc... But the problem is two fold.

1) Noone really wants to play existing content.
2) This game FEELS like there is nothing meaningful to do. If there is, the time vs reward doesnt make it WORTH to do.

This seperates your player base into TWO catagories:

1) People who got gear when it was easy (myself included)
2) New players who cant get as geared because of all the nerfs/changes.

I KNOW population took a major hit when FF MMO came out. If you guys make tweaks and addressed BOTH issues and addressed BOTH player base types, this game has the potential to dominate this space.

For problem 1) Existing content.

Reduce the number of mobs in all dungeons. Reduce the number of mobs substantially on what bosses spawn.

This creates a better desire to run existing content because well... its easier and takes less TIME.

Lets face it, the T1/T2 dungeons are old news and there really is no need for them to be unbeatable (without using broken tactics) with even a decent GS team. Heck I would even run things if it were shorter just for fun.. because people want to group up and kill stuff for fun, but they dont wanna take 2 hours to run because a random pug sucks so you either wipe a ton or just quit halfway through and bam your run is over...

Problem 2) Meaningful things to do.

This will be longer.

Instead of giving us MORE to do, address the already in game systems... PVP is VERY lacking at this point. You have TWO maps and ONE gametype. Give is MORE maps, MORE gametypes and MORE things to spend glory on... PVP mounts is a no brainer and I dont even know why its not implemented yet.

The biggest thing that would draw players back into this game is a RANKING system for PVP.

Think about it, games like Halo survive SOLELY on ranking system pvp. People want to compete, they want to SEE a benefit to pvping.

Heck DIABLO 3 was even smart enough to realize this and added that stupid paragon system... Its like "Hey your already max level but here is another thing you need to get to max level... and guess what! Its harder than hitting 60!"

How hard would it be to add a "PVP Level" system... You get XP for winning and LOSE xp for well... losing... BAM...

60 NEW levels and TONS of ppl will play more.

" OK well what about those who DONT pvp"

Well making dungeons easier/take less time will help SOME.

Another thing I havnt seen in this game yet is "Unique/Legendary" items...

It would be fairly EASY to add a "Legendary" weapon for each class that did unique things... Like a built in "enchant" or something... You decide...

Make it incredibly hard to get, and thinking outloud... Maybe the "drop" comes from CN and it starts a quest... A quest that... wait for it...

Takes you back through ALL the current Epic dungeons to get pieces from them... Basically a VERY long chain quest that recycles your existing content...

Each boss has a chance to drop another piece of the chain until it ends back with CN or even MC and you get the last piece... From there, you gotta do more hocus pokus <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> (quests... see this person here... more lore here... and BAM legendary item!

It can be weapons/armor/rings WHATEVER! Maybe its a "chance" based system and you dont know what your gonna get! Design a few different legendary items or something...

But DONT just make it "better" stats.. actually make it DO unique things...

I mean you have SO many options... Rings that reduce the CD on encounters... Armor that adds a "repel" or an "attraction" effect. Weapons that have a chance at AoE damage or something... Belts that have "chance on hit to increase <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> stat"... Boots that increase run speed for a short duration..

Thinking back to diablo, people build entire builds around specific items.. This is exactly what you want to shoot for!

This gives even VERY geared players something to DO and strive for that also cant be "bought" off the AH for cash/zen.

Heck I could even see adding armor/items that have TWO enchant slots on them. Maybe not weapon/armor enchant but like TWO defensive slots. Two Offensive slots etc...

Do you even realize how much that will open the game up?! Or heck items that have one of each! Defensive AND offensive!

Once youve done all this lets step back and see what we have done...

1) We have effectively made it easier for newbies to get gear to be competative in pvp and do more pve content.
2) Given existing players somethin to farm towards in PVP level system.
3) Given existing players AND new players an "ultimate end goal" - Legendary weapons.

Then you sit back and rake in the cash!

All of these things are NOT going to take TONS of coding and TONS of new maps/quests/content... I mean Add 2-3 more pvp maps and 2 more game types and ALOT of people will be happy.

CTW for one... Pure deathmatch... True "KOTH" All good ideas...

I am writing this for probably no reason but am REALLY just hoping the DEVs see this and respond....

I believe I speak for the entire player base when I say,

"WE DO NOT WANT MORE USELESS PVE CONTENT" - just being upfront. MC was nice, but most people can farm that now...

We want to take the current content and add actual quality to it. Dont just give us more... MAKE more with what you already have!!!! ... New paragon paths would be HUGE!, new classes would be HUGE!, new pvp maps, pvp ranking, unique items blah blah. ALL those things will add ALOT to this game and I really think it will bring people back but also bring more people INTO the game.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • xellizxelliz Member Posts: 955 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I hope someone who can make decisions gets a chance to read this.
    Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
    - JailBreak (in development)
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    People tried since day one. They don't seem to give a ****. Things are just going downhill, fast like.

    see you in 2 weeks ;)

    Ill still be here :) Im just really hoping they see the potential and listen to players...
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    +1 to the OP. All great ideas. Hope Cryptic will listen.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • kingculexkingculex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Hope it gets through.
    Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.

    There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
  • ordensmarschallordensmarschall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,060 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Not a bad brainstorm. There could also be items that increase an ability score. Another thing that could be done is to bring some more actual D&D class skills into the game. Make the class you choose actually mean something other than a different way to kill stuff. Also slowing down the speed at which your character levels. Removing the XP for Invoking would a good small step.
  • silinthiussilinthius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    "From a guy who hasn't played in weeks and still trolls the forums for a hint or glee of something that makes me wanna return and play."
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited September 2013
    Obvious repost of an already existing gargantuan wall of text. First of all.

    1.) No. Dungeons don't need to be easier. It doesn't matter how easy the dungeons are or how few the mobs are, there will still be players who fail and come to the forums to complain. Stop dumbing dungeons down.

    2.) PvP needs more options.

    Now, stop reposting.
  • iammegaziammegaz Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I think you have some pretty reasonable ideas, it would help to format a bit better though.

    I think my biggest concern with the game atm is skipping content,

    Being able to run past mobs, to be able to throw them off edges and being able to run to the end.

    Fix the campfire save on the last slot, maybe it that to get the campfire all 5 people have to be near and it stays your permnament campfire until the dungeon is complete, that way if anyone d/cs or that glitch where relogging for DD sends you to protectors onclave doesn't annoyingly send you to the start.

    Also Elite mobs.

    I'm honestly appalled that this sort of thing hasn't been discussed, GIVE US A REASON TO WANT TO KILL TOUGH MOBS.
    Make them drop something better, profession equipment, boxes like lockboxes but that elite monsters drop keys for, better enchantments, I'm talking rank 5's, they're are not enough elite mobs for it to be abused and the drop rate can be something like 1/8, make it something where people are actually HAPPY to kill them, if you want to allow people to speed run and knock things off thats okay, but at least make it better for people who are willing to complete the content as it was intended (Although I've been hearing a lot of rumours about how the game was intended, lets just say I want to see 5 developers stream themselves play Frozen Heart or Temple of Spider with one of each class at 8300-9000 gearscore)

    You know you can even make rare items actually do **** or Epic items actually "Very Rare" For example, those crappy non set items, allow them to be dropped by Mobs, even if its just a 1/8000 chance from normal monsters, 1/4000 from tough and 1/50 from Elite mobs, most people will just salvage and thats good, if not they can sell and it will increase morale hugely, make dungeons actually something to want to do, something thats not just "Wait for DD then get a 3k-10k item which makes it worth doing for casuals."


    You don't have to make it EASY just reduce the difficulty, karrandux mini bosses are BOTH HARDER THAN THE DRAGON, how does that even make sense? Fix your game up mechanically, those fire spikers, remove their immune ability so they can properly be cc'd and countered instead of having to jump around like a maniac dodging spots.

    and make the dragon harder, fix the running to the chest to remove the adds because it makes no sense, and add some mobs that actually are scary, you have elite mobs on minibosses, the giant and the rock thrower but the dragons are a joke, change the dragons fire ability mechanically, all she does is throw fireballs but you can change that, we've seen MC's dragon how it flies in the air, do something good for karr, make her shoot more than one sometimes. Anything to make it a bit more mechanically challenging.

    Incase anyone doesn't know, elite mobs to me are Giants, Maw's, rimefires, those sorts of tough immune mobs that can hit extremely high and where you need to be nimble against them.

    AND IF ANY DEVELOPER WHO WORKED ON KARR CAN FIX THE BUG AT THE 2ND CAMPFIRE BESIDE FIRST BOSS, When you clear the golem, sometimes 4 lava giants and 1 normal giant appear, I mean **** that ****s harder than the boss, you can to lure one in slowly because having 5 people trying to kite 5 giants is ridiculously hard although fun for a CW, it makes karrundax look like a joke.

    Anything more I can't really think of right now. I just think they could really do a lot more with elite mobs, make them drop common profession **** so people can ACTUALLY DIY themselves, nothing is worse than having to spend AD on a gemmed shirt and pants even though you have 20 in the skill because of how stupid it is to get those types of quality items. If elite mobs dropped these sorts of items then people can have a chance to actually level up and use those sorts of things like turning 4 common into rare. and then the game wouldn't look <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> with people getting 200k rare drops from a quest in Neverdeath graveyard.

    /End rant,

    I would make it sound more constructive and I intended it that way but some of the things in this game make me facepalm, I really want to know whos in control of the game and what they are thinking, It would be amazing to sit down and have a coffee with him/her and discuss where he intends for this game to go and the problems they've encountered.
  • lwedarlwedar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    +1 to great ideas here.

    Also if you don't wanna make the dung easier. Reduce the trash mobs to get to the bosses. If there are there as a dps check, the boss encounters will take care of that. If they are there to make to the dung longer, well people are skipping them so help out those who chose not to. Once you get your gear the idea of spending alot of time in dung is not that appealing. This isn't meant as the adds for the boss fights just the run to get there. Try reducing them by half on the preview server and see how the player base reacts.

    Also to try and find exploits. Have a contest of sorts before you release new content. If someone finds a big enough exploit, they receive a unique item or hell even a title. Might help spot the "jump through window" tactics before it goes live.

    I'll echo my thanks for a great game. The combat is very exciting.
    "we all love this game and want it to thrive"
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    before there can be any ranking system, there needs to be a better matchmaking algorithm in place that takes gear score and enchants in consideration. there is no skill in being indestructible and having the ability to two-shot others. pairing me up with someone that at least is on a level playing field makes more sense. on the flip side of this, pvp could be a non-enchant zone where weapons and armor enchants are neutralized. then the battle is more based on where you put your points and your skill as a player. as it is right now, end-game pvpers are taking the fun out of it.

    while this is my opinion, i know there are others that totally agree with this.
  • cassielcassiel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ++++++++++ you got my vote
    Reasonable without flamming
  • gerftyloggerftylog Member Posts: 56
    edited September 2013
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Apart from the "more options" (i'd add a capture the flag mode and an assault mode where 1 team defend and 1 team Attacks), it would be nice to have a mode that actually makes a guild conquer a holy place or a castle, and try to hold it. You get bonuses (such as AD and stuff) when your guild is the ruler of this place, but you also have to defend it from the other guilds, may be in weekly events. This way every guild would have a chance to steal the throne and get the prize.

    This is very generic, but is just to say that it would be nice some "war" mode for PvP, and something to aim for as a guild. This, plus players and guilds ranking systems would be nice.

    Also, since many players join PvP domination and then ask for duels, i'd add a dueling PvP mode, where a player can challenge another player. The one challenged can accept or refuse (after he sees at least the gear score and class of the challenger) the challenge. If accepted, they both get teleported to a PvP arena where they can duel. The winner gets glory points, the loser get nothing. To avoid abuse, make it so that people can challenge the same player only twice in a day (twice so that the loser can try to have a revenge, just once). This way we can get rid of all those "i can beat you 1v1", "come 1v1 me" players during domination matches, since they can have a challenge elsewhere after the match.

    Agree also on the matchamking system for PvP, before making a ranking system.
  • glacialruinglacialruin Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I think you made a great post and agree with almost everything you said. But coming from a very high rated arena player in WOW the problem with pvp at the core is the pay to win system. if you farmed constantly say you had the time to do 4 DD a day and got a Vorp shard in Every chest pluss 1 per 5 by odds off boss. your looking at a perfect world getting 1Lesser a day and that's not including the rune to craft it. 4 days of perfect game you get 1 normal ... x4 greater .. x4 again perfect.. .. so some people will drop large amounts of real cash (what the game was designed to do) and buy these things. When a rogue can 1 shot you with lashing blade from stealth what is the point in the game? I have seen 33k crits on LB, 15k on Impact shot .. and Titan / Sent /ten for GWF or GF is just as bad.
    You want people to play award skill not a bank account. This is why I quit the game. Do wish you all the best.
  • nevarineswagyolonevarineswagyolo Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    +1 /agree
    Nice feedback btw
  • facexcontrolfacexcontrol Member Posts: 281
    edited September 2013
    Yes fully agree with you...

    Lets figure out a way to promote those ideas / specially the pvp ^^ / ...maybe a milion e-mails to Cryptic or whatever, lets complete this game !
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited September 2013
    I like the idea, it would make my sentinel GWF even more indestructible, and my TR literally 1 shooting CWs/DCs with my battle field set super armor penetration stats.

    Let's complete this game! and empower my favorite classes !
  • facexcontrolfacexcontrol Member Posts: 281
    edited September 2013
    esteena wrote: »
    I like the idea, it would make my sentinel GWF even more indestructible, and my TR literally 1 shooting CWs/DCs with my battle field set super armor penetration stats.

    Let's complete this game! and empower my favorite classes !
    GTFO please
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited September 2013
    GTFO please

    I will once you explain where i were wrong. :)

    My sentinel already has super defense/ deflection from the gear unenchanted. How are you supposed to kill 2 of them with non-enchanted classes?

    I have 45% damage resistance and 35% deflection chance. So i don't think with any way on earth, you can kill me without having enchantment.

    Now about TR, a TR can get huge amount armor penetration just from the T2 GG set without any enchantments. Which means that CWs/DCs are DEFENSELESS ( more than ever) against his armor penetrating attacks if they don't have any enchantments.

    Now since you are a GF ( a terrible one), you would just raise your shield till you die miserably with no enchantments to protect you, probably you could tickle someone with your 3 non-damaging prones before you die.

    No enchantment PvP means a perfect place for sentinel GWFs and perma TRs, and a living hell for anything else.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    1 - this game is actually fairly easy. There's no need to make dungeons shorter or easier. If the random pug sucks, well, don't use the public queue on saturday, it's full of very casual and completely clueless players. If you just want to log in and kill stuff with random and crappy skills in your bar then i suggest you do T1s. They aren't difficult at all and exist for this reason, to give people who don't want to do slightly more challenging content something to do. :)

    I'm still gearing up a new character, he has nice lvl 58 to 60 green and blue items, it's still very easy. But all i see is 9k GS clerics with chains of blazing light, bastion of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and prophecy of doom when i use the T1 public queue, or CWs using the lazer beam and icy rays on trash, and you keep saying dungeons are too difficult. :rolleyes: I feel like a hero with my lvl 58 greens using ok spells.

    You want to know *why* dungeons look difficult to some people? Control wizards not willing to do control. Clerics with dps spells. Tanks that don't even use tab. Rogues using daggers 90% of the time to clean a dungeon. GWFs aggroing everything they can and dying because they forgot they could use some defensive gear. That's why most dungeons fail. This and the cleric not knowing where to drop the circle during boss fight if and when he uses it. The cleric healing near the weakest mob in the room - aka the boss - is also a major cause of boss fight wipes. In either case, blame people not willing to play their class properly or blame people for trying again and again the same rotations, spells, the same fighting locations, and think the outcome will be different, this time.

    2 - more pvp rewards, ok. But consumables. I didn't get your huge brain <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> about pvp, this wall of text isn't clear at all, so i can't make a comment.
  • siyurifaesiyurifae Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    +1! My friends and I are in the category of new players who hit 60 just after patch and are struggling through content to get gear. We're good players, but we're overwhelmed by add spawns. When we were leveling through the content (before patch) we really enjoyed all these dungeons and looked forward to the epic mode versions of them. Now it's nothing but a drag for us. No matter how many times we test our builds in PTR, tweak our stats in different areas, change our group comp by rerolling, we're just overcome by this add mechanic at almost every epic end boss. Very depressing, 2 weeks of trying, thousands of potions and kits, and not one piece of tier 2 set gear to show for it.
    - Adds should NOT hit players harder than the BOSS.
    - Making huge groups of adds is not the solution to increasing difficulty in the game.

    -Make the boss have more HP, reducing the amount of adds and damage/hp of these adds.
    -Add new mechanics to the boss that require coordination while keeping the fight fun. Right now it feels less and less of a boss fight. It's more that the adds are the boss, the boss is some monster who's tanked by a TR while the party fights the "real boss"
    -Stop with all the small rooms with red circles everywhere, sometimes melee have NO where to go to avoid them.
    -Make the dungeons unique. Currently, each boss is the same. Add spawn. Red stuff. More adds. More red stuff.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The issue isnt that the content is already "hard enough" but that it cant be played with normal tactics. YOu need to do mob throwing BECAUSE of all the adds.

    The reason people skip so much stuff, is the TIME it takes to kill all that trash is not with the reward. If you reduce the trash, and add reward like say r6 drops in T1 and R7 drops in T2 dungeons, people will kill trash. Its not a hard system to grasp.

    From there reducing the boss spawns by 50% would enable people to actually KILL the adds instead of just throwing CCing them constantly. Make the boss hit much harder actually requiring a "tank" and youve fixed alot of the issues.

    Then creating a chain quest for a true "legendary" item would get very geared players re-running old content and in alot of ways new players would benefit there.

    This is a request to actually make this game fun again and I dont see how keeping dungeons the way they are now with fire jumping is all that fun, I also dont have alot of fun 3 capping people in pvp and sitting there for 5 min while the points tick.

    I would love other pvp gametypes, maps, objectives, some incentive to do PVE again etc...

    All the suggestions I posed are suggestions to fix current content and not require a team of DEVs to make and code new dungeons and content, but use what we already have.

    Instead of giving us more events like "Summer Festival" give us those resources towards new pvp map and gametype...

    Your community and wallets will thank you.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I wanted to bump/update this.

    I dont want this to cause flame but I DO want to point out something that if Cryptic doesnt consider, the game will ultimately collapse. Some might say its too late, I personally disagree and this isnt about that, its about looking FORWARD with the game.

    There is ALOT of competition in this game space currently. Most of the players here have played WoW some, have probably played GW2 etc...

    There are also more games coming out like Elder Scrolls MMO and the new FF game has already been released.

    All of that to say, however, that there really are NOT any GOOD pvp MMO type games out there right now.

    That WILL eventually change and I will tell you that once a good pvp game comes out that offers the same or better type of gameplay NWO has, it will be the last straw for this game.

    The current PVE content is ok, and keeps some players fueled for a while, but PVP is something that keeps players fueled for much much longer and the current system is broken.

    What I implore CRYPTIC/PWE to do, is take a deviation off your already scheduled release of content and take a few minutes to step back and look at:

    1) What are you guys doing right
    2) What are you doing wrong

    You guys are doing alot right, but also alot wrong and a MAJOR wrong is the complete neglect and lack of quality pvp.

    If you want this game to shine again, and actually GROW you NEED to have some great pvp. I know its not the D&D focus, but THIS game has potential.

    Again to my OP,

    More maps, more gametypes, arenas, ladder/ranking system etc those will go a FAR FAR way to improving the game and I will PROMISE you will see a growth in player numbers again.

    There are alot of people out there looking for a good pvp MMO and cant find it. Its because other companies are doing the EXACT same thing Cryptic is and NEGLECTING PVP to focus on PVE...

    Just think about that.
  • slushpsychoslushpsycho Member Posts: 657 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Well said OP
    But judging from Dev's performance over last month, I don't think they are listening, they are kind of just dragging alone and hope to squeeze more money out from the players before this game dies.
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