For the past week or so, I can no longer send mail to myself (for the purpose of transferring items between characters).
When I send mail to
@tripsofthrymr and press send, it acts like the email was sent, but it does not arrive. If I attach an item from inventory, that item remains in inventory and the new mail is cleared out. I only have a handful of mails in my inbox, so it cannot be an issue of too many mails.
Anyone else seeing this? Any work-arounds? My ticket is about 1 week old, so when I get an answer in 1d20 days, I'll post it here.
Caritas Guild Founder (Greycloak Alliance)
Sci-fi author:
The Gods We Make,
The Gods We Seek, and
Not sure what the limit is, but there is one (100 items has been mentioned in the past), I find this, move some items onto a mule & can mail more.
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