I suppose it's hard to make any mechanic that can't be botted, but as I'm getting carpal tunnel picking flowers, it's irritating that others are off watching movies or so AFK they aren't even in their house.
Today rather took the cake. One guy was multiboxing his botting, by all appearances. The names of the two characters began the same, and one protected the very naked (gear from the beach) bot which I'd watched get flowers without being alert to his own safety. So the bigger character came and said his "little brother" was watching movies. Unh-huh. I reported it, but please, if the devs can think of a way that the flowers can't be similarly botted next year, I'd be tickled scarlet.
Either allow all of us an AFK method (and no, the 15 petals from Midsummer Provisioning is not a significant source
or end the means for the bots to have their carefree lives. Please.
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Lol! They're never going to live down Nightmare Thursday, are they?
Lol so true. And more than likely the person complaining about them will be banned while they continue.