This are the bugs that we have encountered during our run in Malabog's Castle!
1st) You can avoid the red strips completely at the door... which makes the whole fight really easy!
2nd) CW's can't apply "Chill Stacks" on the boss... this reduce cold damage in some builds by a 28% +
3rd) Fulminorax Breath has a bigger area then what the red telegraph shows.
4th) Campfires and spawning points do not work at all.
5th) There is a huge drop in FPS due to sound bug with some creatures there... mainly the small mobs that steal your Action Points. The FPS drop down stops entirely when you turn off your in-game sound!
6th) Every creature in the first area of the zone + the 1st boss re-spawn after some time!
7th) Fulminorax telegraph for take off and landing does not show entirely!
8th) You can bug Valindra entirely if you are far away from her.
9th) You can make Fulminorax stuck in a wall... and then you can solo him!
Here is a video clip of the final fight in Malabog's Castle... keep in mind that this video does not show how you can do the last two bug exploits!
Fulminorax & Valindra <---
Video Link
Bug's that are not related to Malabog's Castle Dungeon but can be seen on the video.
CW's ability "Icy Rays" still cannot go on cool down after triggering the second hit! It's not only action bar visual bug... the cool down does not trigger until you hit it one more time!
The set bonus of Shadow Weaver (CW's) still do not work with encounter spells every time...
Using healing potions sometimes gives no HP but goes on cool down...
Both CW cosmetic items from Wondrous Bazaar have broken GFX with enchants... It shows annoying cube a like thingy around the book!

The FX is even worst on the rare one in the upcoming expansion!
Also you can't buy the green quality book on the preview shard! The GFX bug appear on Live server as well.
That's it for now!
Always glad to help!
I'm looking forward to try the dungeon again when you patch it up a bit and maybe add some loot in there :P
Both the TR in the group and the GWF are probably doing more damage than the CW... they literally drop Valindra, every time she spawns, almost instantly.
Well, for whatever reason, one hit of Slam from GWF takes Valindra out.
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