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Couple of newbie feat questions

nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited September 2013 in The Library
1. What's the difference between Wizard's Wrath and Focussed Wizardry? Both seem to buff the damage of AoE powers by a %. Do they really do the exact same thing with only a % difference?

2. In the Thamaturge and Opressor trees, there are feats which state that you gain a bonus if you kill an enemy. Do you have to deal the killing blow or does kill mean having dealt at least 35% damage to the target before it dies (as per executioner kill counter)?

3. Reading through the paragon trees, to me it sounds like Renegade has the most utility in a team game, but most of the threads here are all about Thaumaturge. Is there something I am missing? The way I read the Thamaturge tree, 60% of the feats seem rather useless to me, and 20% have limited utility with very short duration buffs that are situational. And 20% that are actually useful.

On the heroic feats (and projected paragon feats), is this setup any good?
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    crystal892fcrystal892f Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    nwnghost wrote: »
    1. What's the difference between Wizard's Wrath and Focussed Wizardry? Both seem to buff the damage of AoE powers by a %. Do they really do the exact same thing with only a % difference?
    There was a difference once, but it's gone. So both feats should increase the damage of your AoE spells.
    nwnghost wrote: »
    2. In the Thamaturge and Opressor trees, there are feats which state that you gain a bonus if you kill an enemy. Do you have to deal the killing blow or does kill mean having dealt at least 35% damage to the target before it dies (as per executioner kill counter)?
    Here I can't help you - I don't know myself.
    nwnghost wrote: »
    3. Reading through the paragon trees, to me it sounds like Renegade has the most utility in a team game, but most of the threads here are all about Thaumaturge. Is there something I am missing? The way I read the Thamaturge tree, 60% of the feats seem rather useless to me, and 20% have limited utility with very short duration buffs that are situational. And 20% that are actually useful.
    Thaumaturge is mostly debuffing enemies and buffing yourself. Especially the last feat (-15% mitigation with Conduit of Ice) is great for solo- and team-play. Most of the feats have good uses - depending on the powers you wanna use. If you check out the guides, you should find explanations why somebody took which feat. The only really bad feat here in my opinion is Far Spell.
    Renegade has good feats, too, but Unrestrained Chaos and Energy Recovery are quite useless at the moment. Chilling Advantage isn't so good, either, because you have to slot a specific passive for it and the crit chance isn't much higher and also affects only cold spells. Too many restrictions. And I never used Chaos Magic, but as I read (if I remember correctly), you have a 33% chance with every hit of Magic Missile to activate one of the effects. BUT the effects overwrite each other and don't stack. That's why I don't find it very good.

    By the way, Oppressor is also a viable path - you can find builds and reasoning behind it here, too.
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    devilinitydevilinity Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 11
    edited September 2013
    1. from the description one increases a % of damage to aoe in general usage and the other adds % of damage increase but only if its one target that gets hit.
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    crystal892fcrystal892f Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    devilinity wrote: »
    1. from the description one increases a % of damage to aoe in general usage and the other adds % of damage increase but only if its one target that gets hit.
    The calculator descriptions still read like that, but they are wrong. The ingame descriptions are correct. There has been testing. Both feats improve AoE spells - no matter how many targets you hit.
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    nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Thanks fo the thorough answers, I'm thinking that since most players are Thaumaturges, it would make sense to roll another paragon path given that most dungons are played with 2+ CWs so you can stack debuffs?

    In terms of the feat build I posted, does that seem worthwhile or would the feats be better off elsewhere?
    You said that Chilling Advance is too restrictive and forces me to use that passive (which I am guessing is not a very good one?). I suppose in that build I could move those 5 points elsewhere.
    Maybe max Nightmare Wizardry, or put it up to 4 and then put the rest in a different tree?

    Could also max Reaper's touch, but I don't know if in dungeons the CW is normally within 20 feet or not though. I'm guessing usually closer to 30-35 feet, but I tend to play up close and personal as DC too.
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    fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    On-kill feats require the killing blow.

    Also, your feats are a bit of a mess.

    Reaper's Touch - last time it was tested it was 15ft in reality which is basically melee range. You are highly unlikely to be in such a range most of the time, especially on a boss. If you don't believe me, open your map and use the coordinates at the bottom to see how far 15ft is.

    Nightmare Wizardy - a great feat that even Thaum CW's often pick up. It makes little sense to give up full points into it to pick up Reaper's Touch, unless you have a very specific playstyle. This is because this feat has no positioning requirements.

    Chilling Advantage - a strange feat that should be in Thaum tree. With endgame gear and correct CHA attributes, you will crit very often already. On top of that, Eye of the Storm gives you blanket crits across all your spells. This is particularly important because Renegade has otherwise little to benefit Cold spells so naturally favors Arcane spells.

    The reason why Thaum is talked about so often is it has large debuffing potential and a main strength of most Thaum builds is Chilling Cloud At-Will spam synergy with other Cold spells, debuffs and control.

    But with the Feywild major patch, Thaum pure Cold builds are not as ridiculously superior as they once were due to general improvement in previously poor Arcane spells, like Sudden Storm, Storm Pillar and Shard. This naturally allows other Paragons to be more viable.
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    nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I see, so I should pick up Arcane Mastery instead of Blighting Power?

    I can move the points from Reaper's Touch into Nightmare Wizardry, but where would you pu the 5 points that are freed up by not picking Chilling Advantage?

    My guess is Tempest Magic ?
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    kerrovitarrakerrovitarra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 559 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    fondlez wrote: »
    Nightmare Wizardy - a great feat that even Thaum CW's often pick up. It makes little sense to give up full points into it to pick up Reaper's Touch, unless you have a very specific playstyle. This is because this feat has no positioning requirements.

    Worst feat ever for thau and transitional for rene. Uptime lower, than 50% on static fights with 2 rene, using EotS (tested on Fulminorax). Thau can take something better.
    fondlez wrote: »
    But with the Feywild major patch, Thaum pure Cold builds are not as ridiculously superior as they once were due to general improvement in previously poor Arcane spells, like Sudden Storm, Storm Pillar and Shard. This naturally allows other Paragons to be more viable.
    Lightning spells are not arcane.
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