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CW issues

astariadodfastariadodf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Cryptic, I am sure your are seeing the posts that this game is fast spinning out of control with your lack of answer to balance and exploit issues.

Sorry, but I have to say, that since the last balance release CW are even more over the top. Sharandar Maybe?

Anyway, everyone kept harping about TR one shotting, and I was puzzled, because CW Ice knife has always done the same thing, just maybe not so frequently probably due to stack. Well, my TR is 25k HP and last couple weeks is getting one shotted by Ice Knife very often. Occasionally it has a sliver of health left, but no matter cuz the aoe will kill (whatever flavor).

I play CW, TR, and GWF, so I know what I am talking about. CW has been far and above the most potent and killing capable in the Quest line. Ones shots all trash mobs from level 25~ on. Only boss mob that was a smidge tricky was the ice resistantant one... go figure. Oh, and guess what, she never died once on her way to sixty using the quest line. GWF, all the time, TR, a couple of times, especially on the pirate boss had to be 5 levels plus to beat that guy.

I havnt finished out her sixty gear all the way to get an accurate read on damage, but it boggled my mind when a fellow guildie touted an acheivment on his CW of a 50k crit hit on a boss mob in Malabog.

Really... stop the insanity please.
Post edited by astariadodf on


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    alderonthedracoalderonthedraco Member Posts: 82
    edited August 2013
    Basically you're complaining about the two classes more unbalanced in the game so they are OP in the same grade and quality ... all right.
    The only viable solution I see to this problem is perhaps the nerf burst damage and add more damage over time to give an logic DPS in PvP and PvE.
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    wmtrexlerwmtrexler Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Why Nerf? Why not buff the other classes? Raise up. Don't tear down.
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    kantazo1kantazo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It is easy to tear down but very hard to build up.
    Seek and ye shall find. Yeshua
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    silverfox1313silverfox1313 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ah yes, let the nerf escalation begin. Now that my TR, GF, and GWF got hit in recent updates why not hit the CW. In fact lets make all characters elderly and use walkers. Maximum damage for any attack is 1 period! Speed of attacks should all be the same also and of course single target, that way there is no unfairness EVER! Oh, let's not forget to take out Crowd Control and Movement enhancing abilities to because those could allow people to do more than 1 damage per second. So now we have damage streamlined across the board. Oh wait, now DCs are too powerful because they can heal???? WTF?
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    degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ice Knife can be dodged.

    Ice Knife no longer works with Snap Freeze.

    Ice Knife does not have a guaranteed critical chance.

    Ice Knife is a Daily, where TR's Lashing Blade 1-shots are an encounter.

    Thank you, drive through.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
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    s3ven0fmines3ven0fmine Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Lemme get this straight....... The OP is a TR crying about being one shotted by a CW? LOL glad to hear this happened.
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    melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    oh to have been bested in battle by an ice mage...

    it's not possible that you could have also been blasted from another source at the same time... or maybe the mage is simply a better pvp'er than you are.
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    parp12parp12 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    What I'm seeing on these forums is:

    Trickster Rogue - "CWs are OP! Nerf please!!!"

    Control Wizard - "TRs are OP! Nerf please!!!"

    Well that doesn't make sense, they can't both be OP versus each other.

    This is what's really happening:

    Trickster Rogue - "A CW with better gear than me just killed me! Nerf please!!!"

    Control Wizard - "A TR with better gear than me just killed me! Nerf please!!!"
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    revocainerevocaine Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 58
    edited August 2013
    Ice Knife can be dodged.

    Ice Knife no longer works with Snap Freeze.

    Ice Knife does not have a guaranteed critical chance.

    Ice Knife is a Daily, where TR's Lashing Blade 1-shots are an encounter.

    Thank you, drive through.

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