Just saw some ranting thread about PVP and the guy also mentioned the beautiful unicorn model

The thread got of course moved/ locked before I managed to reply. But it made me to bring this up.
Do you like the new unicorn model?
I am personally speechless

, My opinion? It is so **** ugly and it so much do not fit the game.
How are those things getting approved to the game ?

What Class Are You?
It's not like I don't like unicorns, but unicorns are magical creatures not hulk like ponies with curly hairs
It's just too much
Hahahahaha Pleaseeeee be even more specific! I cant stop laugh LMAO xD
"... hulk like ponies..."
But, not to worry. No doubt more manly man mounts are just around the corner.
Yop it has a beard, yop it's more muscular (but not on steroids as the one in NWO) but no curly hairs sorry
No offense to My Little Pony fans, but you should leave it home and not bring it to your job
Worst mount ever seen ... and bought -__-"
This. Some people just need to ***** about everything.
- JailBreak (in development)
I will just leave this here.
Once you see you can never unsee ...
I can still move.
I can still fight.
I will never give up!
What bothers me about the Neverwinter rendition of it: the sparklies are tolerable, the butterflies are gag-inducers, and it needs to have some armor plopped onto it. Other than that I think it looks pretty good, definitely better than I had imagined it would look (like a "standard" horse with a goatee and horn glued on).
Overall I think it fits very well within the immersion factor of the game - unless I see a Drow/Orc/Teifling Guardian Fighter/Great Weapon Fighter sitting on one. That's when visions of Kobolds with Clown make-up start dancing in my head.
Elf, Human, Halfling... sure. Trickster Rogue, Wizard, Cleric... sure. Doable and believable (immersion-wise). But other than that it's a laughable entertainment for me to see it..
Ok back to your elf " my unicorn is more macho then me thread "
Agreed. It looks exactly like the photo from Forgotten Realms wiki
Just look to my signature lol.
Oh nice white horse you have ^^
OMG she is so gorgeous! I want to hug and pet her !
Ditto *This*.
Too true, we need a new folder , "Things I hate about the game I love to play." and another titled, "I don't play anymore but I enjoy posting here, yes I have no life."
The one on the Wiki's is a simple goatee. The one in the game has hair under the whole jawline that sorta connects to the mane, and covers part of the chest, as well as the goatee aspect. It's a little much for my tastes. One issue is that light often shines between the top of the goatee hair and the bottom of the jaw, which makes the jaw look really odd, like it has a double mouth/jaw or something. Outside of that, the rest looks fine.
Edit: forgot to add, I voted "don't care." I don't dislike the Unicorn, but I also don't like it enough to personally want one.
It's lame, I will never care to have this mount.
No you're not. It's not the best model ever, but for me there are scores of more important problems with this game.
"Young people....." - Erik Lehnsherr