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Ok so my first time tanking as a GF

hikariinuhikariinu Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2013 in The Militia Barracks
in a level 60 dungeon*

now, i dont know if its the class or me, but i had a much easier time with GWF tanking bosses, and this is not simply because of the pre-nerf Unstoppable. I feel like the free 50% defense increase from Unstoppable gave GWF such an immense boost to tanking, and they did it in a way that felt more pro-active. If they fix that bug where unstoppable goes away after temp HP goes, im totally picking my GWF back up.


How do you people tank with GF in the higher dungeons. Guarding is nearly useless on bosses because 1 or 2 hits completely melts your meter (even with Shield talent on). Granted im not fully specced into the protector tree for the different feats for defense overall, but even on Epic Cragmire crypts the bosses were frying my HP (which is 27.7k) and im using 3/4 parts of Stalwart Bulwark (the new set). I have a Decent Sheild (using the new heal when struck enchant)

When the adds were around i basically kited the boss and let my team get the adds while I Tried not to die, doing some damage here and there to try to do SOMETHING. Now i know doing PUG's sort of means i should have expected this, but why are the bosses doing 10k+ damage non crits to me? 43% damage reduction and im not standing in the red (and even then i still get hit somehow?)

am i doing something wrong? I would love to see some videos of people tanking epic dungeons so i can get a clear idea of how i should approach situations.
Post edited by hikariinu on


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    tang56tang56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Enforced Threat + Enhanced Mark + hit things + don't guard anything if you can move out of the way. You don't tank bosses. You tank the adds, the TR typically tanks the boss(sometimes with a GWF) while you grab the adds for the CW to deal with.
    RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
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    veramisveramis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I created my own tactician buffbot laser beam build, it revolves around t1 pvp/t2 pvp armor that gives bonus to shield meter. Into The Fray for AP gain, Iron Warrior for stronger shield and shield meter recovery, and enhanced threat for taunting and shield meter recovery. I just did Malabog Castle which is the most shield meter gobbling dungeon I've ever done, I took over 2.5x more dmg than next highest dmg taker, and kept my shield up for a good amount of the time. Having high recovery and spamming iron warrior and enforced threat is a very good way to keep your shield up.

    If your shield meter keeps vanishing, avoid using the shield when devoted cleric's astral shield is up, use when it is down. And don't use shield except to block knockdown or control effects if you are at 100% hp. GF defense is about managing damage absorption by juggling HP, shield, power cooldown, and kiting.
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    sirjestosirjesto Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 176 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I almost always tank bosses and VERY rarely have my guard break. You are likely focusing too much on offense. You should throw in a Shield Bash and Tide of Iron once in a while to recover some of the lost meter. Honestly if I respecced to the Protector path I am very confident that my Guard would NEVER break.
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    dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013

    Is my guide and I've tanked all content and downed Malabog several times this weekend. The trick to tanking is not to spam block but learn boss mechanic's and avoid attacks while only blocking when necessary to build AP or block big attacks.

    Also with my KC build I'm #1 or #2 DPS.
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    kobrakai2kobrakai2 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    As soon as guardian fighters realize that they are needed to tank the adds, NOT the boss, then they will find themselves more in demand for high levels dungeons.
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    adreanisadreanis Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I think some of us that came from other MMO's where the tank held the boss aggro have to adjust to that as I did and still struggle with every once in awhile. However, once in awhile you may need to tank the boss depending on the group makeup imho and peel the adds. Everyone's play-style is different, keep running the dungeons and you will get used to it.
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    dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    kobrakai2 wrote: »
    As soon as guardian fighters realize that they are needed to tank the adds, NOT the boss, then they will find themselves more in demand for high levels dungeons.

    lol... CW's does a better job controlling boss add's than a GF.

    GF controls single target (boss) while party burns add's makes boss fights ez mode.
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    adreanisadreanis Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    dkcandy, you would expect that to be the way as it is done in every other MMO besides this one that I've played. I just adjust to the group since I'm new to this game, unfortunately I'm stuck in the queue PUGs until I find the right guild to play with here.
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    dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    adreanis wrote: »
    dkcandy, you would expect that to be the way as it is done in every other MMO besides this one that I've played. I just adjust to the group since I'm new to this game, unfortunately I'm stuck in the queue PUGs until I find the right guild to play with here.

    I understand your frustration as I see bad CW's playing the game like they are a WoW Mage and turreting damage not using their skills to help the group progress or control add's.

    What happens is then GF's have to gimp their damage and run these uber tank builds that do no damage but can hold aggro of 10+ mobs beaten them trying to survival long enough for their team to kill everything. When the game is actually designed differently and around the GF holding aggro on the big hitters while letting the CW's cc all the small stuff while the team burns everything down quickly. If you are lucky the DC is also putting out good damage to help burn stuff down. :D
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    adreanisadreanis Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I don't let it frustrate me :) I'm a pretty easy going guy during PvE so I just roll with it and try to get everyone their desired outcome (Gear, etc..)
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    dirkafishdirkafish Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    My advice would be to keep moving instead of relying on your blocking. I went a DPS spec with DPS gear and can tank most things decent. I always keep moving from the red. I block when I need to get all adds lined up. Let them hit my block then use my knockdowns/aoe's to grab aggro. While running just keep hitting tab on people to grab the aggro. Unless you're full tank spec and geared the fights will be a movement/mobile game rather than a mitigate damage one.
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    dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    dirkafish - Exactly! We can pump out as much Damage as other classes and still holding aggro on the big elites to keep team alive.

    The small fry's die to fast to worry about, it's the big Elite's that 1-2 shot team mates and the ones that can't be controlled by CW's. So GF's should be the focusing on the Elites and burning them down while CW's cast single on top of elites so the whole party can AoE burn everything.
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