I am
sooooo frustrated!
The post-Feywild-patch Teleporter bug created a show-stopper in
Danger in the Sky (it's impossible to enter the Mayor's cellar, because the "invisible sphere" teleporter spawns below the ground). We were told not to change anything and wait for a fix. So I did. The problem persisted.
Then the word came that we need to republish in order for the fix to work with our quests. No problem. I even went into the Foundry editor, manually adjusted the teleporter, and played the map in the editor to make sure everything was working well. Yup. No problem.
So I publish the quest. Wait until I receive notice that publication was successful, and then I ran it again. Same bug. In fact, it looked like the adventure had not changed at all.
Going on a hunch, I made another change to the quest -- just the removal of a sparkly path at one point in the story right where the teleporter bug was happening, and a change in the description notice. I re-published, and then checked to see if at least something had changed. IF the publishing worked, I'd notice the different text and the absence of the sparkly path.
BUT... Despite receiving notice that the quest published successfully, the old text and sparkly path are still there. So is the bug.
Apparently, "Publish" is not actually publishing the quest correctly.
Did I mention that I was
sooooo frustrated? I've spent a lot of hours trying to get a perfectly working quest back to working again. I'm baffled why the patch broke it in the first place. And I'm baffled about what I'm supposed to do now.
It's working in the Foundry. I'm publishing the working version. But the old bugged version remains in-game.
Seems something is still strange.
Upstairs not Downstairs... ( English - Quick Daily Foundry Quest - 16 mins)
Mercenary School ( English - Quick Arena - 18 mins )
Der Schrei ( German - Story Quest - 20 mins )
Etwas Zeit? ( German - Story Quest - 25 mins )
Determined to get this thing working again, I deleted aspects of the quest and re-built them. Same elements, same locations... but I didn't know what else to do. Then I re-published the quest.
AND... (insert drum roll here...) it seems to be working. And this time I see the change in text and sparkly path (my test to see if the publishing worked). I'll get a couple of buddies to run it on their accounts as well just to be sure, but I was able to successfully get back into the Mayor's cellar now.
Let's hope nothing like this ever happens again with future patches.
Hey, I gotta say, it would be a really cool gesture for Cryptic to give a token to Foundry Authors whose quests were borked like this, and who have put in time fixing 'em rather than enjoying all the new Feywild goodies, to keep the Neverwinter content flowing. Not another "Caturday" cloak, mind you; we can't transfer our visuals to our neck items anyways. (Which is why a lot of us have our Foundry cloaks sitting in our banks rather than proudly on display.) But what about our own Foundry dye pack to commemorate the day the trees took over, and the teleports sunk low, and a few folks got pelted with unhappy reviews before reviewing stopped altogether, etc.? I'm thinking purple, personally. Ya know, like a "bruised" color. Ha ha ha! :P
The editor seems to be saying stuff is published before it is. I published one earlier. Left a bit. Came back and checked the editor. Editor said it was published. Had today's date and all. Checked out the quest in game and it was still the old version.
A while later I was playing and got the in game notice that my quest had been published. So for some reason the editor is listing maps as published before they actually are.
2 of my quests were auto re-published yesterday, 28th, today, the 29th, the 3rd one
Ooty Has Disappeared NW-D028GTQBG was listed in the editor as published but was not
listed in my subscribed or found in the search list. Waited a few hours and went and
re-published, waited said it was published, 8 hours later still not listed in game
I am a very sad little Vegemite and would appreciate any response from the Devs as to
the ETA on a fix for this. I am hoping it will get fixed in patch tonite. Waited 6 days for
my quest to come back online.
Oh and 'Known Issue's' seems to be a bit out of date
Ootyfast Tearaway
I have removed it from live again and will republish tomorrow after the reset and see what version it publishes this time....Very Frustrating!
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Well in case you have a STO account, check your ingame mail there. The did not fix the mail issue, for me all Neverwinter foundry mails, like ingame information about publish, failed etc. is ONLY visible in Star Trek Online.
Publishing was slow yesterday. It would not surprise me one bit if you ended up with a few failed publishing mails there......
Part 1: NW-DMFKR9RPL http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?427711-Brunnen-des-Lichts-Teil-1
Part 2: NW-DLBTN8W28 http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?444281-Brunnen-des-Lichts-Teil-2
Icewind Dale campaign Osthafen sehen & sterben (German)
NW-DMC3IOWAE http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?477201-Osthafen-sehen-amp-sterben
No, it didn't work. I have never played STO or any other Cryptic game so if they are sending it there I will never see it. I submitted another bug report, this time I added extra at the bottom, which says that if they send me an automated response I will delete all my content, uninstall the game and never touch a cryptic or PWE game again.
What's the betting I get an automated response. I am simply pissed right off with this company. They suck! Every thing they release is just bugged ****.
I look across where the grass may be green and see that FFIV is getting a lot of praise. I think to myself, is Neverwinter really worth it because you take the foundry away and what are you left with?
Edit: The fact that people keep coming here to tell us we have it lucky because STO is even worse just makes me think wtf! Is this company just a joke? I miss Blizzard, I really do.
Oh I don't know. IMHO STO is a much better game in every aspect, except one the foundry. The STO foundry is still in "beta", one reason is, the foundry devs now working on the NWO part. So STO has only a "skeleton crew" for the foundry updates.
I know your frustration, all of my quest are over the 1500 limit. I could fix one, but 2 other quest give me a headache. Not to mention a few other problems but I guess after playing Cryptic games since 2004 (City of Heroes) I grow a thick skin.
Part 1: NW-DMFKR9RPL http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?427711-Brunnen-des-Lichts-Teil-1
Part 2: NW-DLBTN8W28 http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?444281-Brunnen-des-Lichts-Teil-2
Icewind Dale campaign Osthafen sehen & sterben (German)
NW-DMC3IOWAE http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?477201-Osthafen-sehen-amp-sterben
Edit: Hell, you can't even have a duel!
When the editor says it is "Published" it is. This means it is now assembled/coded/reinvidorated/gassed-up and ready to play - AND copied over to the LIVE SERVERS.
However, the LIVE SERVERS *STILL* need to do the "live publish" - which is to catalog whatever it catalogs, insert the meta tags, descriptions, artwork, whatever the hell it does to "finalize" publishing and actually list the quest into the directory/library/catalogue whatever you want to call it.
When the EDITOR says it's "published" - that only means it hasn't found any errors and it is now on the live server. There is still a LOT of processing that needs to happen.
NOW, with all that said, I'll ask you to remember this: over the last week *EVERY SINGLE FOUNDRY QUEST* is being republished. Think of the mountains upon mountains of code the servers are dealing with to get all this stuff republished. Also note that the "previous version" of a previously published quest will remain in the system until the new version overwrites it.
Editor says your quest is published, but you are not seeing your updates. - it could be your republish is still in the queue on the LIVE servers and therefore still seeing the old versions of your quests.
NOTE: I am not saying this IS what is happening, I am saying it is a possibility that this is what is happening, based on what I know of how the system works (which Robobo described in detail to us during the closed beta period in March).
Your best bet: make your changes/fixes, publish. Then check your quest the next day. The best way to "test" your publish: change something in your quest description (add a word, change a word, remove a word) - then when you see that change in your quest description IN-GAME - you will KNOW the publishing process has finished - THEN go in and see if the changes took place or not.
I think you were spot on with this. Odd because I withdrew them then published again and they were still messed up. They are fine now.
Please let us know if you're still having trouble?
Sominator I NEED HELP !!!! My quest ooty has disappeared NW-D028GTQBG was finally showing as
published on the 28th, but no quest could be found on live, after reading the forums I re-published.
24hrs later still no quest on live, so yesterday morning I re-published again and this morning I see
your post and was hoping my quest would be back, but it is not.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE big Dev Sominator, find why my quest is not showing on public, or let me
know if I need to do anything to get it live again. I bug reported it but the bug report just disappeared
with no response. Very frustrated this quest will not show up on live.
Some people are reporting that which tab you have selected makes a difference. Like for new quests, you have to search for your code under the review tab. It won't show up in the New tab until it has its 5 plays.
Answer The Raven's Call : Featured Quest NW-DJCDSG3R9 Daily Eligible
Thanks Trishani, I had searched under all the tabs but no quest. Also it was listed in my
subscribed, as are my other 2. The other 2 showed up just fine, took 5 days, the 6th day
the 3rd one said published in the editor, but won't, isn't, showing up on live.
Hehe yeah ooty is supposed to have disappeared, not the whole quest LOL
Trishani, thank you thank you thank you, went back into live, actually pressed
the ok button for the review section and there was ooty's quest when I searched
Still has a bug tho, said straight up it was subscribed to but does not show up in the subed
list. Deleted one, unsubed ooty one, re-subed, still no show in subs list.
I'm off to have a playthru, an ETA from the big Devs on reviews comin online would be nice :rolleyes:
I think I might can help with this. First the 0 is not the number 0. Its the letter O.
Second, they changed the way we search for quests. If you search with the shortcode you have to do it from the new advanced section now.
Finally, you have to search in the right category now. Two of your quests are in the New section. The one you were looking for is only find-able in the for review section.