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Future of Epic Temple of the Spider

zardoz007zardoz007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
edited August 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I know that preclears and shortcuts in dungeons are part of the game design but I can't believe that the shortcuts in this one are.

Falling of the edge of map wait 15 seconds then type /stuck to spawn a campfire much deeper in the dungeon has to be a glitch and the glitching of the end boss by forcing the high priestess to suicide herself just so you can get the drops. That you need to suicide just to ick up seems like it needs to be fixed.

One of the other main issues with this dungeon is the last boss fight itself. It is far too difficult. The high priestess self heals like crazy through her spider minions and she has so many extra adds around her wizards don't have the time to kill spiders as they pop. I don't see how any team of one of each class has a chance against this boss. Everytime I do spider I try to convince my group to fight the boss and not do the suicide glitch. Then after we wipe when she is over 75% health they suicide her anyways.

I have beaten this boss only once with a Party of 3 clerics and 2 rogues. Now that Astral shield is being nerfed and rogues can no longer stack bleeds with other rogues I believe this battle to be unbeatable with any group of characters who actually need gear from the boss.


Does this dungeons glitches need to be fixed

Does the boss fight need to be made easier? Ie less adds, less healing or even less HP/Damage on adds or boss.
Post edited by zardoz007 on


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    serpentttserpenttt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 77
    edited June 2013
    The adds heal far too much on that last boss fight I agree. Probably why people started looking for exploits in the first place.
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    dreamhuntressxdreamhuntressx Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Some of the bosses were toned down. This one is just another which needs to be toned as well.
    Leanan Sidhe (not "The Dresde Files" fairy!) - NW Legit Channel Moderator
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    yultyult Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 181 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    This dungeon and everything involved in it is actually a perfect microcosm of the entire game. Everything that is wrong with PvE in this game is exemplified by the Spider Temple.
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    knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Everything in this game depends on your CW not being bad.

    That even extends to Spider boss, 1 decent CW that knows what he's doing and it's not so bad.
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    serpentttserpenttt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 77
    edited June 2013
    knoteskad wrote: »
    Everything in this game depends on your CW not being bad.

    That even extends to Spider boss, 1 decent CW that knows what he's doing and it's not so bad.

    One cw isn't going to be able to stop ALL of the adds that spawn and heal the spider bish. If they can somehow, I wanna know how.
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    kevinf08kevinf08 Member Posts: 432 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    serpenttt wrote: »
    One cw isn't going to be able to stop ALL of the adds that spawn and heal the spider bish. If they can somehow, I wanna know how.

    CW stops the adds, one of the 4 other members of the party stops twiddling his thumbs and kills the baby spiders? I mean I've even done this on my cleric before they dont have much hp... Even if the other 4 members are above and beyond killing the spiders, I have done this on my CW, as the only CW and managed to kill 80% of the spiders.

    That being said, in regards to the OP, I have downed the spider queen several times on the first attempt. IF your pugs are forced to exploit to kill here either you are unlucky with the pugs you've grouped with (quite likely) or you aren't pulling your weight in the group.

    The fight probably does have to be toned down a bit after the changes to astral shield are implemented though. I have solo healed this fight and I think after the changes solo healing this fight will have a high chance of failure just due to the fact that if you catch an unlucky blademaster CC or dodge into a root or something not having astral shield up at all will probably guarantee your death. However, if GF or GWF is able to gain threat on the blademasters after the changes and not die under heavy healing I don't think it will need to be changed.

    Either way I"m fine with the fight being toned down, it would be a shame though as challenging content that requires skill and careful thought is fun for me.
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    ifthirifthir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 281 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    we beat her straight up with a 2 TR, 1 gf, 1dc, 1cw, fwiw
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    cichardcichard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    serpenttt wrote: »
    One cw isn't going to be able to stop ALL of the adds that spawn and heal the spider bish. If they can somehow, I wanna know how.

    sure they can if the whole group goes up were the chest is the adds will all run up top then all the CW has to do is knock back or stun or arcane sigulairty the adds when she starts to heal... and they wont heal her anymore. they dont need to die just be cc'ed
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    pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This boss is a nightmare for my CW. I control adds nicely, stay in the cleric circle, knock them when needed... then some blademasters aggro me and after a few dodges (if I'm lucky) I get CC and die in 2 secs. Yeah I'm not very geared, but at 9500 GS there's some space between 8300 and me, so I'm not at minimum either (which should still be enough). Dunno if it's my fault, but the melees just can't taunt the adds of me or another CW for that matter, I've yet to see one survive the blademasters CC+instakill.
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    wraithynwraithyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 53
    edited August 2013
    zardoz007 wrote: »
    I know that preclears and shortcuts in dungeons are part of the game design but I can't believe that the shortcuts in this one are.

    Falling of the edge of map wait 15 seconds then type /stuck to spawn a campfire much deeper in the dungeon has to be a glitch and the glitching of the end boss by forcing the high priestess to suicide herself just so you can get the drops. That you need to suicide just to ick up seems like it needs to be fixed.

    One of the other main issues with this dungeon is the last boss fight itself. It is far too difficult. The high priestess self heals like crazy through her spider minions and she has so many extra adds around her wizards don't have the time to kill spiders as they pop. I don't see how any team of one of each class has a chance against this boss. Everytime I do spider I try to convince my group to fight the boss and not do the suicide glitch. Then after we wipe when she is over 75% health they suicide her anyways.

    I have beaten this boss only once with a Party of 3 clerics and 2 rogues. Now that Astral shield is being nerfed and rogues can no longer stack bleeds with other rogues I believe this battle to be unbeatable with any group of characters who actually need gear from the boss.


    Does this dungeons glitches need to be fixed

    Does the boss fight need to be made easier? Ie less adds, less healing or even less HP/Damage on adds or boss.

    Nope, you are completely correct. The funny thing is, you are supposed to do this with T1 gear, moderately enhanced so you can acquire T2 gear. Same in Castle Never, it's nigh impossible for a fully outfitted T2 group with insane enchantments to beat the boss without glitching the Red Wizards. Now with all the nerfs I don't see folks running much of this stuff anymore.
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    spicenspicen Member Posts: 248 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I don't get why people have so much trouble with this boss, it's the easiest t2 end boss ingame. Just pure tank and spank. Best tactic is that the whole teams focus boss, and only boss. Well cw can kill some of those small spiders to make healers job easier but the easiest way is to let the boss heal with adds. She will go down eventually. And adds die off when she heals so you don't even have to worry about adds too much. I suggest everyone to try this. Few things to remember, even if you're cw, stay near boss and inside astral shield. Don't dodge red aoes, they only root you for a while and do minor dmg.
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    wraithynwraithyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 53
    edited August 2013
    knoteskad wrote: »
    Everything in this game depends on your CW not being bad.

    That even extends to Spider boss, 1 decent CW that knows what he's doing and it's not so bad.

    You mean 1 decent CW that has his recovery maxed and nice enchantments in his T2 gear so he can accomplish this monster feat you expect him to do.
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    j0shi82j0shi82 Member Posts: 622 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Nobody touches the adds, GF intercepts with KV and holds aggro. Survive until she starts draining them away for you, then it's a DPS race against her heal. Either you got enough or you don't. The CW should help the GF only occasionally to avoid too much attention. When they spawn they'll pick the nearest target so additionally the GF (and GWF) should position him/herself between the boss and the chest.

    I agree though that this dungeon is very challenging and probably far too challenging for the min gs.
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    ceryndrionceryndrion Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thread Necromancy is never a good thing, you never know what evils you may awaken..
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