this is what would like to see Come and Get It look like:Come and Get It / Dreadful Roar1)
30'-60' range
18s cooldown???-???2)physical damageCome and Get It: Hold the button to prepare a powerful sweep that grows in strength and range the longer you charge it up. You can move at reduced speed while charging this attack and after releasing it deals damage and pulls enemies from wide area allowing you cast Dreadful Roar within next 2 seconds.Dreadful Roar: Your voice briefly Paralyze3) nearby enemies generating additional Threat equal to damage dealt with Come and Get It.
tl;dr Simply press the button for "old" CaGI with minor damage added OR charge for double range and more damage + option to press again for taunt.
1) the name can be anything, just had to name it. The sencond skill is allowed within few second after first and its not nessesary to be cast.
2) damage with non-chargd should be somewhere near Not So Fast and range 30' , whith fully charged it should do a bit less damage then IBS and range 60'.
3) 100% slow decaying to 0% over duration.
More explanation for this change:
[*]This skill is aimed to be both wide damaging encounter and taunt, depending on players choice
[*]Slowing character moment while charging is for not-to be abused in PvP - can be clearly seen from distance and 2-3 seconds charge time to do full damage gives enemy chance to dodge it
[*]The second cast is soft taunt and its optional, allowing DPS GWFs not-to draw unwanted aggro
[*]Intimidation feat from Sentinel tree should be changed to give 3-15% damage ressistance and
hard taunt at 5/5, allowing Sentinels to be full-time tanks
This should should fix both lack of damaging AoE encounters and Taunt mechanic, patching both major flaws in GWF design
Make sure you post you idea about fixing GWF desing flaws here,
Why this shouldnt be made?
What else should be changed?
Why is fine Sentinel doesnt have Taunt?
Would this make GWF too OP?
....and answers to any related questions.
The more posts and views, the better chance to GWF be fixed! ...dont forget to post why you voted
1. Greater pull radius.
2. Longer time of buff.
3. CC immunity for at least until the draw is complete, if not during the entire buff.
Ever played Zerk in TERA? You basicly want to run as fast as you can when you see Zerk charging It can work if the damage reward is higher then autoattack DPS meanwhile... which is where this game failed - they are afraid of giving us damage in trade for lenghty charging.
I would personaly LOVE reaping strike, if the damage was serious and not another AoE joke - it should hit as hard as encounter.
I like the idea in the OP, minus the charging effect. It should similar to roar/daring shout in its animation, not longer.
Well this concept allows you simply press the button for old GaGI with minor damage added, you dont NEED to charge it.
1. Taunt/threat
2. larger radius.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".