ambisinisterr wrote: » I know that it sucks to no longer get gear to sell from the Dungeon Delve chest but it was truly overpowered.
healhamsta wrote: » Pens? How vulgar!< We shall have none of that. Here we use quills.
minxybum wrote: » took me a while.. but i just got why pens is banned :')
devocut wrote: » Why is it banned? Do tell.
How vulgar!
We shall have none of that. Here we use quills.
I think the profanity filter is set to take into account, the generally bad spelling of the players
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Why is it banned? Do tell.
Yes, I know not the topic of the thread, but it's something congruent with it.
They should just ban any words containing numbers on general principle.
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Well, maybe the last one.