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Castle Never Dracolich Fail-Patched?

par4nauticpar4nautic Member Posts: 41
edited August 2013 in PvE Discussion
We received dmg out of the blue, weren't even in the red..
Especially Draco's breath seems to one-hit almost everything randomly.

Either serious server side latency issues or they just bug-patched the whole thing imo.

Anyone had similar experience in CN?
Post edited by par4nautic on


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    insomniacgluttoninsomniacglutton Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    par4nautic wrote: »
    We received dmg out of the blue, weren't even in the red..
    Especially Draco's breath seems to one-hit almost everything randomly.

    Either serious server side latency issues or they just bug-patched the whole thing imo.

    Anyone had similar experience in CN?

    yeah getting wing flapped,etc. way outside of the red area.
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    selaralselaral Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Onyxia seems to be doing deep breath more.


    Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
    "Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
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    usernumber999usernumber999 Member Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    i'm sure its all intended.... they are hell bent on nerfing hardcore endgame players

    impossible to catch rogue skill no longer work for wing flap... stealth nerf
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    degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Pointless now anyway. Sharandar weapons do more damage. Just farm the first three bosses.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
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    freshourfreshour Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Wing Flap also hits GF's.. It took our one ability to make us worth going to CN lol. It's is lame enough I have to go straight DPS on a tank, but now I can't even block?!

    But anyway, now that I got that out... The wing flap is hitting people way outside, and sometimes not hitting people in it. I have blocked it straight up, I have partially blocked it, but 95% of the time I get zero block and take full damage.

    The breath wiped my entire party when the red was DIRECTLY on me lol. Seems to be a bit of a bug. None of us were lagging, we were rolling through it and poof, wipe. It is bugged..
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    deads6667deads6667 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 112 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Karrundax dragon is screwed also, same thing just happened to me getting 1 shotted when not in any red
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    cyris21cyris21 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Same issues, now with shield giving 10% AP we have to run 3 CW's just to keep singularity's up. Once again ****ting on the GF's and GWF's that already have a hard enough time getting into CN.
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    xmousepadxxmousepadx Member Posts: 381 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    his wingattack hits u all over the place so unlimited range but it's still a pretty easy fight when u know it cuz u can still dodge it.
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    cyris21cyris21 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    As a CW that has to keep adds from the middle our focus isnt on draco, even playing with my fov at 95 i still cant see when draco is going to do his wing attack, i dont mind the radius just give us some red to know its coming
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    par4nauticpar4nautic Member Posts: 41
    edited August 2013
    Pointless now anyway. Sharandar weapons do more damage. Just farm the first three bosses.

    ye but those weapons have no set bonus ;/
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    ugarthugarth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    par4nautic wrote: »
    ye but those weapons have no set bonus ;/

    The Formorian weapons do have a set bonus now, and better stats than the CN weapons. It was a late addition to the test server. I believe the main hands are crafted with the 2 new trade skills (with mats from Malabog) and the offhands drop in the dungeon.
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    keltz0rkeltz0r Member Posts: 85
    edited August 2013
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    aaronjfaaronjf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yup, same issue the breath hitting w/o any warning as to where. Took him down still by running like mad everywhere which is fun while doing the cc :) Posted this in the bug forum too. Why make a preview/test server if you are going to keep breaking the stuff on the main server. Shield ap nerf was a touch worse than I expected also. I guess they don't want anyone other than 3 cw, a cleric and rogue doing cn.. I guess lucky for me, my main is cw :/ sucks to be a gf/gwf once again...
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    pestilence149pestilence149 Member Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Absolute joke, as a CW I dont feel this as hard as some of the other classes, but Invisible beams, wing flaps that hit the entire radius of the arena? How in the heck do you expect any class but 3/5 even attempting dracholich now when you ABSOLUTELY need 3 cws or 2 PRO cws. I bet now GF or GWFs will never get back into CN, not to mention the above poster who says go farm your own weapons. Let me guess, you need 4 million dollar assets just to craft the weapons? What a joke, just make them drop off the main bosses of Malabog Castle and give us a new place to farm -.- Cryptic FAIL, losing more and more faith in this game as each new content drop comes out. ( Will also say, I have 4 mains, TR,DC,CW,GWF and I will not be farming this junk for boons and every single one of my characters ) -.- Waste of my life, plain and simple.

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    kobrakai2kobrakai2 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    When will they learn ...CW needs major buffs to AP gain so that you don't need to take 2-3 of them. Perhaps then we can finally take a GWF/GF instead.
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    macinaossamacinaossa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 43
    edited August 2013
    Absolute joke, as a CW I dont feel this as hard as some of the other classes, but Invisible beams, wing flaps that hit the entire radius of the arena? How in the heck do you expect any class but 3/5 even attempting dracholich now when you ABSOLUTELY need 3 cws or 2 PRO cws. I bet now GF or GWFs will never get back into CN, not to mention the above poster who says go farm your own weapons. Let me guess, you need 4 million dollar assets just to craft the weapons? What a joke, just make them drop off the main bosses of Malabog Castle and give us a new place to farm -.- Cryptic FAIL, losing more and more faith in this game as each new content drop comes out. ( Will also say, I have 4 mains, TR,DC,CW,GWF and I will not be farming this junk for boons and every single one of my characters ) -.- Waste of my life, plain and simple.


    Right now there aren't info about materials and assets needed to craft the Fomorian main hand but prolly you are right guessing that some epic assets are involved in that craft
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    healhamstahealhamsta Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 572 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Wait...you don't dodge roll for the wing flap?

    Dodge roll for wing flap, walk slightly to the left for nearly everything else.
    Have gotten to the point where I usually don't even bother taking ItC.
    Impact shot, lashing, wicked reminder.
    Delve loot murdered my TR, DC, & GWF. Nerf Plox:
    I know that it sucks to no longer get gear to sell from the Dungeon Delve chest but it was truly overpowered.
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    wraithynwraithyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 53
    edited August 2013
    i'm sure its all intended.... they are hell bent on nerfing hardcore endgame players

    impossible to catch rogue skill no longer work for wing flap... stealth nerf

    ITC no longer immune to knockbacks... Ninja Nerf.
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    freedumb4evafreedumb4eva Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 342
    edited August 2013
    Honestly, that fight is so bugged that it needs a complete rework.
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    rishzothrishzoth Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I don't know what you're talking about, but I just ran it on my TR and ITC was working fine. In fact, we finished it and the group ran another one.

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    revocainerevocaine Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 58
    edited August 2013
    Good change, imo. Whether intentional or not, this will keep the skill ceiling high... mainly for CWs.
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    jacksoonjacksoon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    this is what happen when people ask for nerf, nerf, nerf, nerf, nerf, nerf, nerf, nerf, nerf for pvp. the pve is totally crashed, now you need 2 or maybe 3 Cw for kill the last boss in CN, so for sure there no space for GWF or GF. another nice move ^^
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    par4nauticpar4nautic Member Posts: 41
    edited August 2013
    espacially gfs totally useless now for last cn boss.
    cant block wing flap, and it doesnt make sense to hold aggro
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    ugarthugarth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Last boss of Malabog has similar issues, fyi. Way outside of red circles still taking dmg. Once while standing very far from boss near hind legs got hit with his breath weapon....very odd.
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    shadowstriker29shadowstriker29 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The only solution is to leave the game..and leave them alone to fcked up the game more and more as they want!I have GWF..they fcked up the unstopable..now unstopable grants u only 10% more fake hp and nothing else..i can be one hitted like CW in any dungeon...and im melee..when the devs trying to improve the game..they destroying it more and more..now i just want to leave this game..its pointless..they nerfed all characters and empovered all adds...in Karru i could solo 3 mobs with my GWF..now i cant solo even 1..one hit and unstopable is down..its not even exist..tab is useless..and i have 2.5k def in GWF lol!Dunno who is still enjoying this game..i not anymore!
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    macabrivsmacabrivs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 417 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Pointless now anyway. Sharandar weapons do more damage. Just farm the first three bosses.

    2nd boss of MC drop same dmg weapon as CN but without set bonus and its BoP so it doesnt rly worth to do the dungeon to sell the drops, the blue dragon drops weapons fragments which will allow u to craft the new set weapons which for DC's are worst than CN weapons.. yes it gives more dmg but it now gives u armor penetration... for DC's ... RLY ??

    Also u will need to have epic asset to build the new weapons and i dont think i will spend +2m AD to grab assets or buy a Profession pack for 10€ to have a chance to drop one.

    Im not againts the best weapon come from professions but at least give non-crafters a chance to buy them in AH.

    About CN, i think it should be harder but do it the right way... not the buggy way
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    fallout1111fallout1111 Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2013
    ITC does not provide protection from wingflap knockback anymore, same for Fulminorax in Malabog's. Stealth nerf it is.
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