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[suggestion] Let crafters choos gear attributes

jackassassinjackassassin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
With the crazy drop rate of green items in this game, it's almost impossible to actually make an item for yourself using the professions. when it comes to green items especially, you mostly make them and vendor them. How about an option to choose the stats on the gear? There's always a preset number of stat points a specific piece of gear gets... just... lets us pick them out. That way, we could make a variety of different items for different tasks. Crafting might be more fun if my great weapon fighter could make a DPS set of gear as well as a offtank set. Sure... they're just green, but if I got to choose those stats, it'd be much more useful. Would be interesting to have a ton of recovery on each piece. Heck... having the same option for blues and purples... now THAT would be nice! items would sell for more because they'd be unique! Custom made! Hey... we're crafters. We should be able to make what we want to!


  • sturmwaffel2sturmwaffel2 Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 219 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    ... New tool for crafting, only 5000 ZEN from the Zen store!

    Get yours before the limited time offer ends!
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