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Should I stick with my Trickster Rogue?

breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 1,756 Arc User
edited August 2013 in The Thieves' Den
So, I played about for awhile during Beta with a Trickster Rogue and a Control Wizard. I enjoyed what each had to offer, but took a break for awhile. Now, I was mulling over dusting off my Trickster Rogue and figured I'd do a bit of research on what things currently looked like in Neverwinter.

What I tripped across was that apparently the Trickster Rogue has been nerfed a couple times... and likewise apparently a nerf to stealth combat is coming up soon as well. Since I pretty much played my Trickster Rogue "stealthy", and am not heavily invested in him at this stage, would I be better off just starting anew with a different character class? Or, would I be better off starting a new Trickster Rogue built less around stealth?

Looking for honest advice and interpretation, please. Thanks everyone.
meimeitoo wrote: »
I do not like Geko ether.
So I know exactly why we're not being asked to pay to hear the voices.
Post edited by breadandcircuses on


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    creolegamercreolegamer Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    So, I played about for awhile during Beta with a Trickster Rogue and a Control Wizard. I enjoyed what each had to offer, but took a break for awhile. Now, I was mulling over dusting off my Trickster Rogue and figured I'd do a bit of research on what things currently looked like in Neverwinter.

    What I tripped across was that apparently the Trickster Rogue has been nerfed a couple times... and likewise apparently a nerf to stealth combat is coming up soon as well. Since I pretty much played my Trickster Rogue "stealthy", and am not heavily invested in him at this stage, would I be better off just starting anew with a different character class? Or, would I be better off starting a new Trickster Rogue built less around stealth?

    Looking for honest advice and interpretation, please. Thanks everyone.

    The stealth nerf was a horrible idea that was revised and changed. Stealth builds are still and will be viable for the feywild expansion. There will be a huge nerf to damage however but this should not change how we function in a dungeon in much ways other than a delay in killing speed. I play bout TR and CW, TR being my main and i intend to use him even after the balance/nerf hits

    hope this helps, cheers :)
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    dantteidanttei Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 34
    edited August 2013
    PVP wise TR's will be useless, PVE wise we take a fair hit damage wise but were still needed in some dungeons.
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    chieftain8489chieftain8489 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    danttei wrote: »
    PVP wise TR's will be useless, PVE wise we take a fair hit damage wise but were still needed in some dungeons.

    Only need for TRs will be to stealth past the trash mobs so everyone else that is usefull can kill the boss lol.
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    borgued3borgued3 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 150 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    danttei wrote: »
    PVP wise TR's will be useless, PVE wise we take a fair hit damage wise but were still needed in some dungeons.

    sorry but i hardly think the upcoming nerfs will make TRs useless on pvp. The only blow we took is on pve for damage but thats pretty much it.

    If you think it through, the heaviest nerf in damage we took was on LA, so unless you were heavily deppendant on LA for pvp you dont have much to worry.

    In fact, now that LA cant be dispelled by controls and teleports you to target unit, i would say it got buffed for pvp despite the 35% less damage.

    We will still hit like trucks on dps exec builds, and we still have permastealth as a viable build (the buff to gloaming cut probably will buff the PS build as a replacement for sly flourish at will).

    so nope, we are far from useless on pvp, and the same way i bash on abom and other users for coming here to spill misinformation on how they think the rogue is OP, i will bash the ubber crybabies who think the class is dead when it is far from it.
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    breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 1,756 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ok, thank you folks for your feedback. It is good to hear that the stealth nerf was revised a bit, as that was a big concern, though the reduction in killing speed thing does give me a bit of pause. Definitely going to have to stick with stealth, since if we don't kill things as fast they tend to have longer to hit back.

    I'll definitely have to look into Gloaming Cut, especially if the charge count on the ranged abilities got cut... though again I've been away and that could be out of date info as well.

    Anyway, thanks for the food for thought :)
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    So I know exactly why we're not being asked to pay to hear the voices.
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    usernumber999usernumber999 Member Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    i would hesitate to play the tr unless you dont mind future nerfs. They fully intend to nerf TR's again when they find a "solution" that satisfies them.
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    breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 1,756 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    i would hesitate to play the tr unless you dont mind future nerfs. They fully intend to nerf TR's again when they find a "solution" that satisfies them.

    Well, hopefully this is done intelligently. The day a Great Weapon Fighter can match a Trickster Rogue in single target DPS is the day they seriously need to re-evaluate their approach. Each was meant for a different role, so it would be silly to nerf the TR to the point that a GWF can keep up in the same role. Though I admit that some of the current changes make me leery...

    But, as I mentioned earlier, I'm checking back into the game. If it doesn't suit me I can always go try another out, no harm done. Neverwinter does have a great deal of potential, with the Foundry especially, and I do hope it can get there. :)
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    So I know exactly why we're not being asked to pay to hear the voices.
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    averisharynaverisharyn Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Don't play it,
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    wondraswondras Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    TRs and DCs were actually nerfed the least, so TR will be even stronger in PvP.
    GF lost their +13,000 power set(stacks go away with one hit).
    GWF lost thier unstoppable(doesnt ressit that much and for a lot shorter duration) and slam(60% less damage).
    CW lost thier shield(no longer refill AP) and EoS(3s instead of 8s).
    Only key mechanic TR lost was momentum while jumping.
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    maniacmarianomaniacmariano Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I wish the people who don't know what the heck they are talking about, would keep their mouths' shut. There's too many of you running rampant. TRs useless.....LOL!
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    wraithynwraithyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 53
    edited August 2013
    No more nerfs are needed now, they're pretty much dead with this last batch. I'm going to play mine this weekend and see what I may but I was so thoroughly disgusted last night I just logged. I no longer have the desire to play the game.

    Well Cryptic you fell for it, you listened to the PvP whiners and destroyed the game. Typical of every MMO I've ever played, rebalance and then turn the lights off because all the real players leave.

    g'day folks, hope to see you all in ESO or EN.
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    breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 1,756 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Don't play it,
    I wish the people who don't know what the heck they are talking about, would keep their mouths' shut. There's too many of you running rampant. TRs useless.....LOL!

    Ok, there's a comma there so I assume the post cut you off for some reason. Maybe the ever amusing ampersand, which makes me chuckle when it crops up in a forum discussing D"ampersand"D... or have they fixed that?

    Anyway, why not play a TR, or by contrast why aren't they "useless"... or at least rendered less effective in their role (single-target DPS) than another class? Mostly what I was looking for when I posted was the reasoning, rather than a straight-up yes/no/LOL. For example:

    If I invested heavily in Speed Swindle and it is now considered a Control for purposes of proc and resistance... that is not so helpful to it actually applying. Does that change mean it doesn't debuff a Control resistant target, but I still get the buff; or is it completely ineffective against that target?
    Losing 1/3 of the charges for Cloud of Steel means that it should now be far less effective, as damage increases based on how long you are throwing daggers... and we just lost the last 1/3 of the ability where this increase is most pronounced. Does this make it better to start anew and spend my points elsewhere? Or at least slot a different At-Will? Personal issues with an "At-Will" having a charge limit... and therefore not being "At-Will"... aside, of course.
    If the TR keeps losing damage potential without receiving buffs to survivability, would it be smarter to just play a GF or GWF for melee fun? Are they consistently nerfed just as badly and I should stick with my CW for range... or make a DC?

    So, thoughts, etc?
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    So I know exactly why we're not being asked to pay to hear the voices.
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    creolegamercreolegamer Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    wondras wrote: »
    TRs and DCs were actually nerfed the least, so TR will be even stronger in PvP.
    GF lost their +13,000 power set(stacks go away with one hit).
    GWF lost thier unstoppable(doesnt ressit that much and for a lot shorter duration) and slam(60% less damage).
    CW lost thier shield(no longer refill AP) and EoS(3s instead of 8s).
    Only key mechanic TR lost was momentum while jumping.

    TR's had the biggest damage nerf this time around. This nerf made Code Breaker and Gloaming Cut useful abilities(lol). i feel like i'm wasting a daily when i use lurkers now.
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    louwrinalouwrina Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Dear people,

    I had so much fun with Neverwinter until now.

    1th I cannot defeat the Pirate Captain with my 47lvl TR.
    I don't care about PVP and what they change balance there.
    I only play PVE and for me now it's like in FIFA when they patch Messi with a broken leg.
    I stop playing with this character, it just isn't fun anymore

    2nd I also have a 60 lvl full epic GWP.
    Yesterday I played a few quests in the new area.
    Then it was so shocking to hear that I have to come back for more tomorrow?!?!
    My wife is happy, because I have more time shopping with her.
    It just isn't fun anymore.

    3th Especially my 60 lvl GWF looked very shiny and cool with his epic armorset.
    Now it looks greyish and dull. I'm ashamed for his looks now.

    4th Older issue.
    I bought 60 (!) enchanted keys for 50 Euro.
    It gives me nightmares, but nothe horse.
    How much do they want me to spend?

    I hope this message comes to the right persons and that they deal with this isues.
    If not I stop playing Neverwinter and wait for The Elder Scrolls On Line.
    And I'm 100% sure that I will not be the only one.

    Nevertheless I wish them all the best and really hope that they will turn back from this deathend path.

    Btw until now I transferred 200 Euro for this game.
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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I hardly play mine now. While it still has a niche for boss kill dps, the lower damage output has made soloing the daily new stuff a chore. My TR has the most diamonds invested; everything is epic quality including my enchantments and the gear on my ioun stone and all. The only thing weaker than my TR since the expansion is my cleric which has far lower quality gear and was built for healing (so it has low armor pen to allow high recovery and high power for healing).

    The problems I am having could be just needing to adjust but the new area has been something like the followng...

    1) 6 weak powries attack and blits takes off 3/4 their health. I start throwing knives, but thanks to the nerf, I run out of ammo too fast and have to engage hand to hand one at a time. This sucks -- I should not run out of ammo on a handful of trash.

    2) 3 tier 3 enemy attack me (say, giantsoul, thorn, war troll, that sort of thing). These hit too hard and constantly use special attacks. Here again unable to pick one off with daggers, unable to thin out one of them with lurker's (it does not last and does not add much damage now), I have to face them down one at a time while dodging the aoe special attacks of ALL THREE at once and hoping not to get a patrol or dodge into a hard to see second group while trying to fight them. This sucks -- I should not have to fight 3 tough mobs at once using single target attacks and with the enhanced dps of the mobs, the BS dummy does not hold them off me for long. Unlike all the other classes, I cannot throw them into the pits either, I have to actually kill them. I can do it because my gear overpowers them, but its tough.

    3) either of 1 or 2 followed by an insta-respawn followed by yet another insta-respawn until I either run and escape or die from slow attrition.

    and 4) all of the above scenarios but unable to use my daily powers as, being a one at a time fighter, I cannot stop all the AP drains before one of them gets me, it seems to have infinite range so I can't seem to get out of the beams either. Being unable to use my daily powers sucks.

    All in all the rogue has lost its charm for me for now. I am having to brute force my way, and that is only possible because I am well geared. I feel like there is no point --- as soon as they raise the level cap and my gear becomes sub-par for the content, she will be unplayable entirely. As it stands, she is playable but only barely and its not roguish and its not fun. Its like playing a fighter that left his armor at home, is what it feels like.

    Compare this to my GWF, my best character in the new content. Except for a AH bought epic weapon (dragon jaw thing), his gear is all blue quality. He has the same lifesteal as my TR (just over 10%). He can simply at-will aoe the trash pulls and walk out at near full health, and the tough mob pulls give little trouble. His stuns and knockdowns put a stop to AP drain. His armor and general toughness survive the hits far better than the TR, and unstoppable is amazing (even after nerf), making him much tougher with temporary hit points, rapid attacks, and so on. The new area is not even slightly challenging to him, and if he had epic gear, it would be like playing blacklake at 60.
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    knightang3lknightang3l Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I wish the people who don't know what the heck they are talking about, would keep their mouths' shut. There's too many of you running rampant. TRs useless.....LOL!

    TR's are not useless! yesterday I went with a group hunting, and they ALL must have run into the traps that were set, because when I disabled them, they were on the side of doors and at the beginning of stair cases, infact my TR found in all 14 different traps, but when I stayed behind to disarm the traps the group didnt wait, which meant I had to fight the bad guys myself!!!! when they appeared!! and believe me no other class would have survived at my level doing the same thing, 2 women returned to guide me to fight the boss, I left and abandoned there cause it's not team playing when your running solo! I dont even have to use the stealth button, im virtually on top of them before they are aware im there, the trick is and excuse the pun is to take your time, not run here there and everywhere looking for things to kill that will happen in it's own time whats the rush?? it's dungeons and dragons not dungeons and splatter everything moving, use your brain and learn how your character works, I'm a moon elf and I have a fairy the two together, is a sizable force to reckon with when she is trained, but do not knock characters esp if you dnt play them, it's a pointless arguemen i love my elf and wouldnt change it for the world!!.
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