All right, I'm going to preface this by saying that I haven't played a TON of PvP in this game, so I don't know if this has been brought up before/this is beating a dead horse. I checked the first two pages of topics and didn't see it mentioned, so...
I was just playing some PvP, and my team did really well! We held all three points for 99% of the game! Oh boy, I bet we get a ton of glory and stuff!

No rewards given at all.
Someone on the team, toward the end, said "let them have one".
I was very confused and asked why, and they said that we would get nothing if they didn't have a control point.
What the actual ****.
They had all their team members, and they were all active. No one sitting at spawn, no one DC'd, nothing. It was a fair fight in that respect, we just did better, flat out. Better organized and such.
So why did we get punished for being better players?
I guess I can see what they were trying to do: when one team AFKs, the other shouldn't be able to get tons of reward for no work, but...
couldn't they just fix the AFK/DC problem, instead of punishing legit good players?
Rather disheartening...
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
From #1 Guild Pve/Pvp [ Lemonade Stand ]
This. /10char
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
If you are going to not play the game to deny your opponent points you might as well just uninstall now. How about you just play the match because you enjoy it and not worry about what the other team gets for killing you?
and there is no practice value for us to just sit it out to the end 0vs5.
But yeah the rewards are terrible/non-existant anyway. PvP is just in a bad state, Cryptic doesnt understand that you have to please the pve AND pvp players to have a successful MMO.
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
what glory is there fighting a weak enemy? or winning an easy fight.
so makes sense lose or wina gainst weak team = low glory.
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never lose"
I was with my premade the whole time and there was not a single team not leaving because they all had no chance.
I worry about that because it's not fair for stronger opponent to be rewarded for mopping the floor with a weaker one. Sadly, there is no Elo system in Neverwinter so strongest would fight against strongest, their is not even a gear-based matchmaking. Leaving the matches and AFKing is not an answer, but the fact that the weaker team still have a control over the course of the match is refreshing. Aww, you didn't get your glory for pwning the PUG? But it's not very glorious, after all. I wish it wouldn't count toward daily, too, because being rewarded for killing people who can't possibly retaliate is just as bad as freely leaving PvP match without a deserters buff.
Players are rewarded for a having more challenging match.
In fact, you can say they are rewarded for facing higher skilled teams.
Yep happens to me every day, my team gets ahead by a mere 50 points and only from 2-cap and enemy team decides "this won't be a super easy victory" and 3 leave. That's why we need something to deter leavers...
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.