Before i start i want to say that i know theres diferent type of players in all MMO's but as an end game player i want to point out some rly ridiculous game design flaws at end game.
Ok, as soon we got lvl 60 we have a good amount of epic dungeons to run, maybe most than any MMO arround mosly when the game only release 2 months ago.
Like i said ealier im an end game players, so i leved to 60, did a good amount of T1 dungeons to grab gear and went to T2 runs and CN, so far so good, the combat is a lot of fun and i actually think this game harder than most MMO's i have ever played. I think, as an example of WoW, have a easier combat system but i never got all the end game gear in 3 years of play... In Neverwinter i grab it in 1 month or so, including ench (not max rank). I understand is much easier to grab items in neverwinter duo the fact that u can farm the best gear in game with no time restriction between runs, unlike WoW. In Neverwinter u can also trade the end game items which in my opinion is a good thing but it became a problem because items are so easy to grab, actually i think DD was one of the causes for easy items farming. (thats why i agree with the new DD system but not with the "item chosse" option)
The problem with this game is when u start to grab all the gear u want theres nothing much left to do and one of the consequence is the non sense loot drops. Its easier to grab the jewlery with higher stats in game than T2 ones, hell its even easier to grab the weapons/OffHand with higher stats of the game than T2 weapons lol it doesnt make any sense at least to me. I believe i never saw that happen in any MMO.
Im in this foruns for 2 years or so and i was able to participate in forum discussions about how the game should be and by then i 100% agree with people who said theres shouldnt be raids in here.... Today im not so sure about that, i still think raids is not part of D&D world but some new system MUST be implemented or the game live time for end game players will be 2-3 months and then they will quit.
CN bosses shouldnt always drop a piece of jewlery., actually i think it should be the same drop rate as T1/T2 drops.
Fix Dracolich fight so it wont be so easy to grab the weapons/offhands.
No 100& droop rate on CN weapons....
Remove DD and increase the boss drop rate. (Insted of DD put an event to double bosses drop rates)
Chance to drop T1/T2 jewlery on T1/T2 bosses (not only end boss)
Change the T2 set bonus so u have a hard time to chosse which one u will use. (T2 DC set bonus are a joke... 45 secs... rly ?)
Fix all dungeon exploits and when new exploits shows up it should be the top priority project for cryptic to work.
Add a new reward system in all dungeons when u finish it, so people dont cry if bosses dont drop loot. (coudle be AD, rank 5 ench, shards, etc...)
I belive with some changes gear will be hard to get which will make the end game longevity higher for end game players.
Thoughts, sugestions ?
Post edited by macabrivs on
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited August 2013
Have you checked out the new campaign system? That should be interesting none-the-less.
And supposedly the Feywild Content is hard than the current content. I haven't tried it out personally but if that's true, yay!
Additionally with the changes to Dungeon Delves Chests I also feel the loot drops will increase in value. This will either allow me to shoot for higher gear (I am staring down at huge amounts of AD's to increase my enchantments now) or allow me to more freely spend on getting cosmetics and such.
I agree with you...
But I think we'll see improvements with Fury of the Feywild and hopefully Module 2 will be another huge step into increasing end game options.
To be frank, I know you have been on these forums forever. I am sure you remember all the debates about
'I don't want to grind! Please don't add grinds!'
Well they listened. They didn't add the grind...and players burnt through the content. The time gating on Module 1 should at least slow us down regardless of how irritating it may be. The truth is that until they give the proper tools to UGC Authors which make foundry missions more rewarding the developers just won't generate enough content on their own to keep the majority of players occupied just like every other MMO Company.
The truth is that until they give the proper tools to UGC Authors which allows foundry missions more appealing with rewards the developers just won't generate enough content on their own to keep the majority of players occupied like any other MMO Company.
Exactly, although I would also say that most contemporary MMOs don't have that content, either, at least not shortly after launch. WoW is outlier, RIFT is WoW clone and GW2 is B2P.
Yes i have tried the preview server and to be honest i dont think it will change much for end gamers, yes we will be able to spend 10-15m doing some daily quests so we can get boons and theres new delve to do but beside that its all the same
I didnt unlock all the areas so i cant be 100% sure of what i said but thats how i fell about the new expansion.
And yes Ambisinisterr, Neverwinter have a great tool... The foundry, theres tons of great stuff but its not rewarding at all, hopefully cryptic will do something about it When that happen i wont have any doubt that the game longevity will be endless for any type of MMO player, end gammer or casual gammer.
And supposedly the Feywild Content is hard than the current content. I haven't tried it out personally but if that's true, yay!
You mean the group stuff, or the solo? Because the last 5 or so levels of solo (the end of the fire zone, and the drow/mindflayer area) kicked my *** constantly doing the questing/solo instances. And that was with the "op" TR. Saying it's supposedly "harder", at the same time the nerfs are coming in, reduces my desire to check it out, honestly.
You mean the group stuff, or the solo? Because the last 5 or so levels of solo (the end of the fire zone, and the drow/mindflayer area) kicked my *** constantly doing the questing/solo instances. And that was with the "op" TR. Saying it's supposedly "harder", at the same time the nerfs are coming in, reduces my desire to check it out, honestly.
The last 2 zones were sort of anti-TR really. Both had large groups of hard hitting enemy that were able to close rapidly. Pre-nerf braindogs for example would jump 100 yards to hit you for 10k each in groups of 5... not much a TR can do about that, though one blitz would kill them IF you could avoid the leap attack. Mt. Hot was the same, the teleport on top of you and other mechanics of the mobs made it annoying at the least, difficult if your gear was weak or your chosen feats/powers were not right for the fights. All the OP TR whines are about pvp, not cheezy mob design.
These zones have been nerfed though, less mobs in the groups and weaker, and on top of that, if your gear is decent (over 8500 score roughly, which is either good blues or weak purples) and your skills are decent they should be easy, with only a tiny chance of death. If you break 10k GS, you should never die in these areas at all, should be boring and easy.
The new content should pose a challenge to 10k+ GS, since by the time you get there you should have about that.... and the new instances should be harder than CN, hopefully with something besides hordes of trash to make it so.
If you can't do the new area solo, find a buddy. The worst of the worst fights solo in the leveling zones are trivial with 2, and not even worth doing with 3+. I have done the zones both ways and with just a single friend questing with you, its amazing how much easier it is, more than twice as easy as not only are 2 people twice as powerful, but if you work together, its more like 2.25 or more times the power of a soloer.
And supposedly the Feywild Content is hard than the current content. I haven't tried it out personally but if that's true, yay!
And now I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight, because all I'm going to be imagining is something more difficult/frustrating than Rimewolf in my future.
Thanks a lot.
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
And now I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight, because all I'm going to be imagining is something more difficult/frustrating than Rimewolf in my future.
Thanks a lot.
Rimewolf isn't too challenging for most classes. Draw him into the previous room and push him off the ledge.
And now I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight, because all I'm going to be imagining is something more difficult/frustrating than Rimewolf in my future.
Thanks a lot.
Count on it. Though there are 5 or 6 solo bosses that mess with people depending on class or playstyle. The magma giant in hotnow was one of the worst for me, that and the poison the mindflayer tadpoles quest (not even in an instance!). Others cite the wolf or pirate woman or scalefather as being super hard. There will be, very likely, something that gives most people trouble, unless you are top geared which means the leetzor people will all come around to cry that it was too easy and they finished it in one day and are "bored" again.
Rimewolf isn't too challenging for most classes. Draw him into the previous room and push him off the ledge.
I don't find shoving things off ledges particularly interesting, and I was running it mostly as a TR (and instead relied primarily on kiting to get things done).
It's sounding like I may just have to bench my TR for most stuff and stick with my CW, though. Shame.
The TR was the hardest of the 3 later levels due to their lack of survival and many large packs.
GWF was fastest due to sprint & unstoppable.
GF is super easy mode due to block and amazing AoE skills.
Now at 60 with godly gear/enchants existing 60 content is very easy and I can solo T1 dungeons & bosses. I've played the PTR and the existing content is tuned for fresh 60's and so if you are geared it's very easy. Sorry but there is little challenge with new content.
fathomfulMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 207Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013
I dont treat this game as one of those where the ultimate goal is attaining gear. I think anybody that treats it as such will always be a disappointed.
It is the game play and social interaction i enjoy, the new gear is just a by-product of that.
I know not everyone thinks this way, but there it is.
I don't find shoving things off ledges particularly interesting, and I was running it mostly as a TR (and instead relied primarily on kiting to get things done).
It's sounding like I may just have to bench my TR for most stuff and stick with my CW, though. Shame.
TR can do anything that is meant to be soloed. Just remember the things you learned as you leveled up.... bait & switch is critical in some areas, blitz thins out the weak trash, dodge and weave out of attacks, stun and more. Most of my classes (the fighters, less so) swap out 1 or 2 encounters and sometimes class features or even a daily to handle a particular zone or type of enemy better. That is why builds have excessive points, so you can swap around some to change your strategy when it is not working.
That said, yes CW is easier. Lower damage, slower kills, but far less risk of death. Fighters are easier still ... my gwf is nearly immortal with high dps and high lifesteal, but he kills stuff slower than the wizard or rogue.
I'm sure you can do this. One thing that works is to level up doing something else entirely, like a few foundry quests (great for leveling solo), and getting more powerful, better gear, and then going back to beat the bosses ***.
im doing mt hotenow Currently on my TR, I chose the commonly lurved powers, as well as evation powers for soling. so when I saw all the groups I slotted blade path AND blitz then I swap between I2C, stealth strike, and the giant blade depending on if im trying to be evasive, stealthy, or critty .
long story short im blitzing through the content really nicely, The tiefling(upstart) Cleric seems a bit more fire resistant than the normal one. I got her via website promotion. im even taking down the unstable guys that drop Memphits. and rushing to the aid of anyoe I see with a huge group following them. though if more then 2 groups hit me at once I am kinda dead. and im often needing to team for major dungeons. but its over all rather pleasant.
my general plan was different characters for different zones and my rogue is taking most the demony zones, Helms/chasm/hotenow
my mage will be focusing on a lot of the undead/wolfy zones, ebon dows/Velosk/ice peaks, my drows (GF) going for swash buckly and drowy zones pirate/rothe/whispering, the other two I team with family on.
of course im really not much of an end gamer, im a rper this os probably fastest ive ever capped in any game and that's cause I leveled past 20 levels with invocation.
These zones have been nerfed though, less mobs in the groups and weaker, and on top of that, if your gear is decent (over 8500 score roughly, which is either good blues or weak purples) and your skills are decent they should be easy, with only a tiny chance of death. If you break 10k GS, you should never die in these areas at all, should be boring and easy.
The new content should pose a challenge to 10k+ GS, since by the time you get there you should have about that.... and the new instances should be harder than CN, hopefully with something besides hordes of trash to make it so.
I guess that was the problem.... just loaded up NW to check my TR's character sheet, and with a handful of purples I bought on the auction when I hit 60 (to try to improve my performance in those pre-nerf final zones), my GS is 7k. Handful of cheap purples, and greens. Key is that this character hasn't done an instance since getting repeatedly slaughtered at lv32 in Mad Dragon. That's one reason I've been looking forward to Feywild - I've no interest in running 5-mans, so there was little to do at 60. /shrug
TR can do anything that is meant to be soloed. Just remember the things you learned as you leveled up.... bait & switch is critical in some areas, blitz thins out the weak trash, dodge and weave out of attacks, stun and more.
Hmm. Never used bait & switch or blitz while leveling. Dazing Strike/Lashing Blade/Deft Strike, Sly Flourish/Cloud of Blades, and Lurker's/Whirlwind of Blades; was my loadout for almost the whole time questing. Ah, well.
Hmm. Never used bait & switch or blitz while leveling. Dazing Strike/Lashing Blade/Deft Strike, Sly Flourish/Cloud of Blades, and Lurker's/Whirlwind of Blades; was my loadout for almost the whole time questing. Ah, well.
For soloing, especially in 'Story' stuff (non-Foundry content), the big thing that's a problem as a TR is add management. Most bosses (not all - The Chasm was by far my absolute favorite area to go through, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat) tend to summon up adds in some variety, with some of them being worse then others (90% of my problem with Rimewolf was having the frustration/tedium of fighting Winter Wolves magnified by having to fight 1-4 of them at a time, constantly - I can pull it off, it just frustrates and annoys me; Some of the Vellosk and Mount Hotenow bosses are just as obnoxious). Having some way to manage that helps, significantly.
When I'm grouping with my friends, or queueing up for stuff, my main setup front-loads damage (Lashing/Dazing/anything, Lurker/Execution, Sly Flourish/Duelist). When I'm doing solo, I suddenly have other considerations I need to take into account and I have to switch things up to compensate (Lashing/Blitz/Path or Bait, Lurker/Whirlwind, Flourish/Cloud), because I can't rely on my single target damage to save me. Give me a few seconds of uninterrupted DPS time, and I make pretty much anything disappear. The second adds enter the equation, however, and it gets dicey fast.
I get that's how the rogue is designed, but that doesn't exactly mean I like it all the time. Some stuff is just tedious/obnoxious where it could have really been designed a little better, imo.
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited August 2013
Personally, I find my add/aggro issues w/ my TR to be handled by bait & switch - it's just a matter of allowing it to recharge between groups. I also switch between the man at arms (or other tanky pet) when fighting, and cleric to decrease down time between groups.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
And supposedly the Feywild Content is hard than the current content. I haven't tried it out personally but if that's true, yay!
Additionally with the changes to Dungeon Delves Chests I also feel the loot drops will increase in value. This will either allow me to shoot for higher gear (I am staring down at huge amounts of AD's to increase my enchantments now) or allow me to more freely spend on getting cosmetics and such.
I agree with you...
But I think we'll see improvements with Fury of the Feywild and hopefully Module 2 will be another huge step into increasing end game options.
To be frank, I know you have been on these forums forever. I am sure you remember all the debates about
'I don't want to grind! Please don't add grinds!'
Well they listened. They didn't add the grind...and players burnt through the content. The time gating on Module 1 should at least slow us down regardless of how irritating it may be. The truth is that until they give the proper tools to UGC Authors which make foundry missions more rewarding the developers just won't generate enough content on their own to keep the majority of players occupied just like every other MMO Company.
Exactly, although I would also say that most contemporary MMOs don't have that content, either, at least not shortly after launch. WoW is outlier, RIFT is WoW clone and GW2 is B2P.
I didnt unlock all the areas so i cant be 100% sure of what i said but thats how i fell about the new expansion.
And yes Ambisinisterr, Neverwinter have a great tool... The foundry, theres tons of great stuff but its not rewarding at all, hopefully cryptic will do something about it
You mean the group stuff, or the solo? Because the last 5 or so levels of solo (the end of the fire zone, and the drow/mindflayer area) kicked my *** constantly doing the questing/solo instances. And that was with the "op" TR. Saying it's supposedly "harder", at the same time the nerfs are coming in, reduces my desire to check it out, honestly.
The last 2 zones were sort of anti-TR really. Both had large groups of hard hitting enemy that were able to close rapidly. Pre-nerf braindogs for example would jump 100 yards to hit you for 10k each in groups of 5... not much a TR can do about that, though one blitz would kill them IF you could avoid the leap attack. Mt. Hot was the same, the teleport on top of you and other mechanics of the mobs made it annoying at the least, difficult if your gear was weak or your chosen feats/powers were not right for the fights. All the OP TR whines are about pvp, not cheezy mob design.
These zones have been nerfed though, less mobs in the groups and weaker, and on top of that, if your gear is decent (over 8500 score roughly, which is either good blues or weak purples) and your skills are decent they should be easy, with only a tiny chance of death. If you break 10k GS, you should never die in these areas at all, should be boring and easy.
The new content should pose a challenge to 10k+ GS, since by the time you get there you should have about that.... and the new instances should be harder than CN, hopefully with something besides hordes of trash to make it so.
If you can't do the new area solo, find a buddy. The worst of the worst fights solo in the leveling zones are trivial with 2, and not even worth doing with 3+. I have done the zones both ways and with just a single friend questing with you, its amazing how much easier it is, more than twice as easy as not only are 2 people twice as powerful, but if you work together, its more like 2.25 or more times the power of a soloer.
And now I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight, because all I'm going to be imagining is something more difficult/frustrating than Rimewolf in my future.
Thanks a lot.
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
Rimewolf isn't too challenging for most classes. Draw him into the previous room and push him off the ledge.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Count on it. Though there are 5 or 6 solo bosses that mess with people depending on class or playstyle. The magma giant in hotnow was one of the worst for me, that and the poison the mindflayer tadpoles quest (not even in an instance!). Others cite the wolf or pirate woman or scalefather as being super hard. There will be, very likely, something that gives most people trouble, unless you are top geared which means the leetzor people will all come around to cry that it was too easy and they finished it in one day and are "bored" again.
I don't find shoving things off ledges particularly interesting, and I was running it mostly as a TR (and instead relied primarily on kiting to get things done).
It's sounding like I may just have to bench my TR for most stuff and stick with my CW, though. Shame.
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
The TR was the hardest of the 3 later levels due to their lack of survival and many large packs.
GWF was fastest due to sprint & unstoppable.
GF is super easy mode due to block and amazing AoE skills.
Now at 60 with godly gear/enchants existing 60 content is very easy and I can solo T1 dungeons & bosses. I've played the PTR and the existing content is tuned for fresh 60's and so if you are geared it's very easy. Sorry but there is little challenge with new content.
It is the game play and social interaction i enjoy, the new gear is just a by-product of that.
I know not everyone thinks this way, but there it is.
TR can do anything that is meant to be soloed. Just remember the things you learned as you leveled up.... bait & switch is critical in some areas, blitz thins out the weak trash, dodge and weave out of attacks, stun and more. Most of my classes (the fighters, less so) swap out 1 or 2 encounters and sometimes class features or even a daily to handle a particular zone or type of enemy better. That is why builds have excessive points, so you can swap around some to change your strategy when it is not working.
That said, yes CW is easier. Lower damage, slower kills, but far less risk of death. Fighters are easier still ... my gwf is nearly immortal with high dps and high lifesteal, but he kills stuff slower than the wizard or rogue.
long story short im blitzing through the content really nicely, The tiefling(upstart) Cleric seems a bit more fire resistant than the normal one. I got her via website promotion. im even taking down the unstable guys that drop Memphits. and rushing to the aid of anyoe I see with a huge group following them. though if more then 2 groups hit me at once I am kinda dead. and im often needing to team for major dungeons. but its over all rather pleasant.
my general plan was different characters for different zones and my rogue is taking most the demony zones, Helms/chasm/hotenow
my mage will be focusing on a lot of the undead/wolfy zones, ebon dows/Velosk/ice peaks, my drows (GF) going for swash buckly and drowy zones pirate/rothe/whispering, the other two I team with family on.
of course im really not much of an end gamer, im a rper this os probably fastest ive ever capped in any game and that's cause I leveled past 20 levels with invocation.
I guess that was the problem.... just loaded up NW to check my TR's character sheet, and with a handful of purples I bought on the auction when I hit 60 (to try to improve my performance in those pre-nerf final zones), my GS is 7k. Handful of cheap purples, and greens. Key is that this character hasn't done an instance since getting repeatedly slaughtered at lv32 in Mad Dragon. That's one reason I've been looking forward to Feywild - I've no interest in running 5-mans, so there was little to do at 60. /shrug
Hmm. Never used bait & switch or blitz while leveling. Dazing Strike/Lashing Blade/Deft Strike, Sly Flourish/Cloud of Blades, and Lurker's/Whirlwind of Blades; was my loadout for almost the whole time questing. Ah, well.
For soloing, especially in 'Story' stuff (non-Foundry content), the big thing that's a problem as a TR is add management. Most bosses (not all - The Chasm was by far my absolute favorite area to go through, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat) tend to summon up adds in some variety, with some of them being worse then others (90% of my problem with Rimewolf was having the frustration/tedium of fighting Winter Wolves magnified by having to fight 1-4 of them at a time, constantly - I can pull it off, it just frustrates and annoys me; Some of the Vellosk and Mount Hotenow bosses are just as obnoxious). Having some way to manage that helps, significantly.
When I'm grouping with my friends, or queueing up for stuff, my main setup front-loads damage (Lashing/Dazing/anything, Lurker/Execution, Sly Flourish/Duelist). When I'm doing solo, I suddenly have other considerations I need to take into account and I have to switch things up to compensate (Lashing/Blitz/Path or Bait, Lurker/Whirlwind, Flourish/Cloud), because I can't rely on my single target damage to save me. Give me a few seconds of uninterrupted DPS time, and I make pretty much anything disappear. The second adds enter the equation, however, and it gets dicey fast.
I get that's how the rogue is designed, but that doesn't exactly mean I like it all the time. Some stuff is just tedious/obnoxious where it could have really been designed a little better, imo.
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums