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TR: From Predator to Scavenger

thorak257thorak257 Member Posts: 125 Arc User
edited August 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
The below changes suggests rogues will be relegated to scavengers in PvP, looking for almost dead people to finish off?Since Gloaming Cut will do more damage the closer the enemy is to death and Lurker's Assault damange bonus was nerfed.

Trickster Rogue

Cloud of Steel: This power now has 8 maximum charges, down from 12.
Cloud of Steel: Momentum is no longer maintained when jumping and throwing daggers.
Duelist's Flurry: This power no longer incorrectly gains slightly too much of a benefit from the Power stat.
Duelist's Flurry: When the bleed portion of this power is at 10 stacks, further applications now recalculate damage in addition to refreshing the duration.
Gloaming Cut: This power works best as an execute, but lacked the damage to fill that role. To help it better serve its function, it now deals up to 50% more damage (at max rank) based on the target's missing health. In addition, rank 3 of the power now provides more Stealth on kill, and rank 1 provides slightly less.
Lurker's Assault: This power now grants 15 / 20 / 25% bonus damage, down from 20 / 40 / 60%.
Lurker's Assault: This power now teleports the player to the targeted enemy, if an enemy is targeted.
Lurker's Assault: This power can no longer be canceled by Disable effects.
Shadow Strike: This power no longer incorrectly gains slightly too much of a benefit from the Power stat.
Sly Flourish: The benefit this power gains from the Power stat has been slightly reduced.
Wicked Reminder: This power no longer incorrectly gains slightly too much of a benefit from the Power stat.
Feat: Speed Swindle: This feat is now properly considered a Control effect for calculations and procs.
Post edited by thorak257 on


  • ozhozh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    thorak257 wrote: »
    The below changes suggests rogues will be relegated to scavengers in PvP, looking for almost dead people to finish off?Since Gloaming Cut will do more damage the closer the enemy is to death and Lurker's Assault damange bonus was nerfed.

    Trickster Rogue

    Cloud of Steel: This power now has 8 maximum charges, down from 12.
    Cloud of Steel: Momentum is no longer maintained when jumping and throwing daggers.
    Duelist's Flurry: This power no longer incorrectly gains slightly too much of a benefit from the Power stat.
    Duelist's Flurry: When the bleed portion of this power is at 10 stacks, further applications now recalculate damage in addition to refreshing the duration.
    Gloaming Cut: This power works best as an execute, but lacked the damage to fill that role. To help it better serve its function, it now deals up to 50% more damage (at max rank) based on the target's missing health. In addition, rank 3 of the power now provides more Stealth on kill, and rank 1 provides slightly less.
    Lurker's Assault: This power now grants 15 / 20 / 25% bonus damage, down from 20 / 40 / 60%.
    Lurker's Assault: This power now teleports the player to the targeted enemy, if an enemy is targeted.
    Lurker's Assault: This power can no longer be canceled by Disable effects.
    Shadow Strike: This power no longer incorrectly gains slightly too much of a benefit from the Power stat.
    Sly Flourish: The benefit this power gains from the Power stat has been slightly reduced.
    Wicked Reminder: This power no longer incorrectly gains slightly too much of a benefit from the Power stat.
    Feat: Speed Swindle: This feat is now properly considered a Control effect for calculations and procs.

    I hear you. I was anxiously waiting for this patch to fix the class and I am disappointed that all we received was mostly some nerfs and changes and no real buffs. Of course, one can say TR was very strong before and I can say that it was the weakest melee character. Now its damage output will be even weaker overall.

    So we are reduced to invisible weaklings wandering around scratching some itch while being hunted down by everybody else.
  • faeriestormfaeriestorm Member Posts: 460 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    honestly nothing here bothers me, people complain about this but not the nerfs DC are getting/ I think the nerfs DC are getting are much much worse as in game breaking.
  • ukatoenasniukatoenasni Member Posts: 224 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I don't see any problem with trying to make Gloaming Cut a more attractive option for what it was already being used for. I also don't technically disagree with Lurker's Assault getting nerfed (it was too good to stay that way), though I feel the values it will have when the patch goes Live may be a little low.

    I can guarantee I'll do just fine in PVE, though. Maybe a bit less well with the reduce in stacks to Cloud of Steel (which had been necessary for me to finish some encounters solo), but I'll manage. I'm not entirely sure the PVP damage is near as bad as it's being stated, however, and would like additional context to back the sentiment up. Right now, it reads as hyperbole.

    EDIT: While asking for PVP context, are we missing the free gap closer Lurker's Assault is going to provide? Or is that not going to be seen as too viable in the long term? It seems useful for PVP, but as I'm unsure, I would like clairification on that. Anything to better help me understand the situation for you guys.

    [SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
  • smurfjokerzsmurfjokerz Member Posts: 21
    edited August 2013
    i wish they would fix CC canceling Lurkers assualt. you pop it and then get hit with any kind of "control power" from any class and LA goes bye bye no matter when you activate it which imo is very very frustrating
  • bloodgirlbloodgirl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Cloud of Steel: This power now has 8 maximum charges, down from 12.

    Clound of Steel dmg was gathering since more ataks = more damage so just decreased this skill damage to half -> Fail

    Cloud of Steel: Momentum is no longer maintained when jumping and throwing daggers.
    Duelist's Flurry: This power no longer incorrectly gains slightly too much of a benefit from the Power stat.

    Decreased DMG to a skill that is the main atack skill ?? are u insane ? Go play and learn what u need to change -> Fail

    Duelist's Flurry: When the bleed portion of this power is at 10 stacks, further applications now recalculate damage in addition to refreshing the duration.

    Finaly something good

    Gloaming Cut: This power works best as an execute, but lacked the damage to fill that role. To help it better serve its function, it now deals up to 50% more damage (at max rank) based on the target's missing health. In addition, rank 3 of the power now provides more Stealth on kill, and rank 1 provides slightly less.

    So u added more damage to this skill ? So what now u espect everione to respec for this skill ? Nice decision you wanted to fix the perma stealth bug and u add a skill for everione that gives 25% (+ the bonus u added) -> Epic Fail

    Lurker's Assault: This power now grants 15 / 20 / 25% bonus damage, down from 20 / 40 / 60%.

    Decreased again main PVE skills since this skill was the only thing keeping the tr's strong in DD congratz now this is the most EPIC FAIL

    Lurker's Assault: This power now teleports the player to the targeted enemy, if an enemy is targeted.

    Nice addition

    Lurker's Assault: This power can no longer be canceled by Disable effects.

    Finaly a fix

    Shadow Strike: This power no longer incorrectly gains slightly too much of a benefit from the Power stat.

    If u realy wanted to fix the perma stealth look here u done it wrong decrease damage again -> Epic Fail

    Sly Flourish: The benefit this power gains from the Power stat has been slightly reduced.

    Awsome more damage decrease. Just small info for u guiz this skill says i do 100k dmg per hit OMFG so awsome but it counts as 10k -> EPIC FAIL

    Wicked Reminder: This power no longer incorrectly gains slightly too much of a benefit from the Power stat.

    Awsome this skill was doing way to much damage. Max hit from this skill was 2k decrease it more :)) -> Fail

    Feat: Speed Swindle: This feat is now properly considered a Control effect for calculations and procs.

    Nothing to comment here i never used this feat

    Overwall u will see plenty of players quiting this game coze of your stupid decizions Congratz on that. Should have listen to your comunity.

    Aww let's not forghet TR's main goal in any game is to be the best at damage dealers u just made them to be the worst.
  • badpanda69badpanda69 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Every class is getting looked at as far as I could see nothing really game breaking in it. Powers that where over performing are getting looked at its not just TR, GWF are also being looked at hard. And probably for the best might make PVP a bit more intresting for both my toons as it gets a bit boring if you can just rolfostomp people 24/7. PVE I dont see these having any major effect its just means you might need to tweak your play style.
  • arcyziomal1arcyziomal1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Next idiotic changes.
    Lets make striker into ***** coz he got too much single target output...(what he should have).
    All TR's should thx to pvp cry babes for that patch but dont worry I see even more nerfs coz of pathetic pvp ( yes pvp is pathetic in this game) for GWF's and next will be CW's and that's the way to make sheeeeet for all in PVE gg Cryptic.

    It's good i already preordered FF XIV, Neverwinter is just one big mess that is bigger after each patch.
  • derpaderpistderpaderpist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    TR's are already doing that , GC will simply give them more tools to KS tbh :D
    " We live in an age of the cheaply made, disposable, high priced junk. " - theunwarshed
  • horatio112358horatio112358 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This is total bull****. People complain cause they can't play their class properly and now my class gets seriously weakened. If a wizard gets beaten by a rouge; it is because they're a squishy and the rouges goal is to kill said squishies. The guardian is here to protect them. The rouge has less mobility than every other class, as the only decent at will it has, has a charge up. A wizard can out run a punisher class. So now if a wizard gets close to a rouge they can just outrun us with their infinite dodges. We have to stand still whilst we're attacking. Think about the updates. This is not a balance, this is a massacre. If you're going to take the only thing we have going for us (raw damage) at least work in the area we need most MOBILITY. Any class can outrun us. GG cryptic, you've made the rouge to from punisher to punching bag.
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